Page 105 of The Pain We Allow

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“She’s doing this to be a distraction. We are going to die if we don’t find a way out of this,” he whispered very low so as to not be overheard.

Colin started shaking as he heard Olivia pull her pants off, the shuffling noise barely able to be heard over the music. He saw Vanessa stand and take four steps backwards, her eyes wide, hand over her mouth.

“Lay down on your back and open your mouth, you filthy, disgusting, sick son of a bitch,” Colin heard Olivia hiss from behind him.

“She’s buying us some time. Look at me. Look at me, brother,” Jonathan whispered.

Vanessa suddenly turned pale, then gray. Both of the henchmen made a startled sound, backing up in surprise themselves, they were spread out in a crescent moon shape, flanking Olivia and Carmichael.

Colin’s ears strained. He could hear a trickling noise, then rough gurgling as if the man were choking on liquid.

Vanessa’s eyes rolled into the back of her head and she fainted, hitting the ground with a sick thud. But Jonathan kept his eyes on him. The man continued to gurgle and Colin swore he was going to die of a heart attack just like his mom. This night had taken several years off his life. But Jonathan was still talking, and Colin needed to pay attention.

“Swallow it,” Olivia hissed suddenly."Stop being disgusting, you're spilling it, fuck."

Colin blinked, not sure he could vomit past Jonathan’s grip on his neck, but they were all about to find out if this shit didn’t stop soon.

“I’m going to let you go in a minute, and I’m going to get the gun from the dead man next to us,” Jonathan said, peeking over Colin’s shoulder before turning his eyes back to Colin. “Then I’m going to give it to you. But we need to wait for her signal. She has one, I just haven’t seen it yet,” Carmichael let out a deep groan before chuckling. The sound moving through him like someone was shoving razor blades in Colin’s ears.

Colin nodded minutely, not bothering to tell Jonathan that he wasn’t waiting for a signal. After what he just heard, he figured he’d be happy for them all to die tonight.

Jonathan looked back behind his shoulder and Colin heard the unmistakable sound of her pulling her pants back on. He turned his head to look at the henchman, they were not even looking or caring about them at this point. Jonathan nodded at him and let him go, and he turned, his eyes flicking all over Olivia and the surrounding area. He stiffened, seeing the ground was wet beneath where Daniel was now raising himself up from. He looked dazed.

Holy fuck. No. She didn't. No way, there has to be some other explanation. Colin thought.

Olivia sniffed as she backed away a few steps, waiting for him to get back into position for her. She didn’t raise her eyes to Colins.

Moving behind Carmichael, she placed her feet on either side of the man’s legs in a wide stance. Slowly, almost erotically, she wrapped the belt around his neck, slipping the end through the buckle and pulling. She held the belt with one hand and fisted her hand in his silver hair, pulling his neck all the way back to look at her.

“Are you ready, dear?” she asked with a little giggle. “It’s going to hurt.”

Colin suddenly realized that Jonathan had disappeared, unnoticed. He’d slipped away quietly while everyone was distracted. Colin didn’t move, not wanting to call attention to their area lest the three other henchmen notice he left. He waited for a second before he felt Jonathan’s presence come back, slightly behind him and pressing the dead man’s rifle into his hand. He grasped it, his fingers feeling alongside it as he held it behind his back. Learning without sight the gun’s mechanism, he prayed the other henchmen didn’t realize anything suspicious was going on while their attention was diverted.

Colin moved fast, crouching down and swiveling, aiming at the henchman next to him and shooting him between his eyes. The man groaned, hitting the floor. Dead.

With a loud cry, Olivia slammed her foot into Carmichaels back, pushing him forward and tugging on the belt with a growl, choking the man hard. She’d bent down, with a harsh grunt, shocking everyone. Standing back up with the gun Carmichael had in the back of his pants, she pressed it to the back of his head.

Vanessa was sitting up, startled by the sudden commotion.

Colin swiveled fast, taking out the third henchman in a millisecond before he could pull the trigger. Hearing the thud of his body, he turned swiftly to train his weapon on the fourth man who he saw Jonathan was currently active with, with no weapon. He turned back to Olivia who was currently grappling on the ground with Carmichael, the gun she’d had was nowhere to be found.

The hair on the back of his neck stood up as he saw Jonathan fake a grab and then leap for the henchman.

Jonathan lunged at the henchman as his gun went off and he fell to his knees with a grunt, hand across his chest. The henchman turned with his gun, the red dot racing across the ground towards Olivia.

Colin’s heart swelled with pain, the panic almost choking him. He took aim at the henchman aiming for Olivia and shot him down fast. Then it was just them and Carmichael, who was straddling Olivia and had his hands around her throat. She was yanking on the belt hard, trying to find purchase.

As enraged as he was, Colin calmly stood up and walked to the man, who was so intent on hurting Olivia that he didn’t notice him at first. Colin came up to his side and put the barrel of the gun to his head, stilling the former judge’s actions. He heard Olivia wheeze for air.

“Look at me,” Colin said sharply, smiling evilly as the man turned. The second Carmichael’s eyes met his and widened, he pulled the trigger and heard a slight click, quickly realizing there were no more bullets. Carmichael laughed.

Unfazed, Colin turned the rifle quickly and knocked him hard across the face with it, hearing a crunch and a sickening scream come from the man. He fell to the side and Colin bent forward, grabbing the man's hair with a harsh grunt and dragging him several feet away from Olivia, who was scrambling trying to get up.

She ran towards Jonathan and her sister.

Colin dropped the weapon and pulled his fist back before snapping forward and sinking his fist into the man’s stunned face with a sharp crack, feeling bones crunch. He repeated the motion again and again, uncaring of the man’s screaming. He didn’t stop until he quieted, and he let him go, watching the man slump to the ground. He was moaning, twitching.

Colin stood up to go to one of the other henchmen to grab their gun but then there was a deadly silence.
