Page 107 of The Pain We Allow

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Colin screeched the car to a stop and got out, yanking the back door open and pulling Jonathan’s limp body out of the car quickly. He placed him gently on the ground, careful not to crack his head onto the asphalt.

“He’s been shot in the chest, unresponsive,” he yelled to the cops that came running. Vincent and their team followed close behind. “Vanessa, you need to go with Jonathan to the hospital. I’ll show the authorities the crime scene.” He turned to Olivia, who looked shocked. She turned towards Jonathan as the paramedics started swarming.

“I couldn’t do it. I’m so sorry, I had the gun in my hand and couldn’t do it. Jonathan wouldn’t be hurt if I had just shot him. Oh Jonathan, I’m so sorry. I’ve never killed anyone before! I’m so sorry,” she cried, fat tears falling down her face. She stumbled over to him and sank to her knees next to the injured man who was fighting to stay conscious.

Colin pulled her out of the way, hauling her up to his chest again.

“Baby,” he whispered, placing his forehead against hers. “You did so good. You did so good, mami. My beautiful fucking smart wife. You saved our lives.” He pressed his lips against hers, kissing her again and again, his hands cradling her face, feeling her tremble and whimper. She gripped his shirt hard, trembling. He continued to speak, keeping his eyes on hers.

“Honey, I need you to keep it together now. You have to go to Allison. She needs you,” he whispered, kissing her forehead. “I’ll be right back, ok?” he said as he nodded at Vincent, who pulled Olivia to him, quickly ushering her away to the authorities and his team. Colin watched as they carefully maneuvered her to safety before he turned and nodded at the police officer who was trying to get his attention.

As Colin got in an unmarked SUV, he was unaware that the lit-up lights and sirens hasn’t bothered him in the slightest as he gave them directions to where they all almost lost their lives that night.

Chapter twenty-five

There Are No Endings

Colin and Olivia walked hand in hand through the cemetery, with Zero as their only security lurking in the background, staying behind in the unmarked SUV, parked behind Colin's dusky blue vehicle. Olivia looked up at him with a slight smile and squeezed his arm as they made their way to the bench that Colin had erected in his parent's honor.

They approached his parents' gravesite and Colin took the blanket he had tucked under his arm and spread it out before the bench and the statues of his parents’ likeness.

"Careful," he said as he helped Olivia down onto the blanket, thankful for once she wasn't wearing the heels that liked to test his patience.

"Thanks love," she said, putting down the picnic basket she'd been carrying and opening it as Colin settled next to her. She carefully took out the heated bowl of paella she'd packed and the wine bottle and wine glasses, giving him a spoon. She kept the bundle she'd wrapped and hid amongst the basket carefully tucked away, replacing the lid and pushing it to the side.

She held up her wine glass. "Let's toast!" She stated, clinking their glasses together and blushing as Colin looked at her with an expression akin to reverence. They sipped their wine and she watched as he took a spoon and dug it into the seafood and rice.

"So, what's next for us, love? What grand adventure awaits you and me do you think?" Colin asked, looking across the bowl they were sharing. His eyebrow arched and he gave her a teasing grin as she took the shell of a seafood muscle and sucked on it.

"Well, school starts back up in another month. And other than that…I guess we just have to see where life takes us." She looked over at the faces of his parents, seeing they were wrapped around each other and staring at the sunset in the distance, getting ready to go down.

That's a beautiful sentiment. She thought, feeling her heart tug.

"Hmm-hmm….the house should be done within the next couple of years. That was a big project baby." Colin teased, leaning forward and lowering his voice, he motioned for her to come closer. Olivia leaned in on a giggle, realizing he didn't want his parents to hear.

Silly man, she thought, hiding a grin.

"The final cost ended up being about twenty-one million dollars, and you know what it did to me when I got the invoice, don't you?"

Olivia let out a hilarious giggle and put another bite of rice into her mouth, chewing slowly. Her eyes sparkled as she regarded him through her lashes. "Oh noo…tell me. I can only imagine, knowing you."

"Good think you've got a great imagination then, huh?"

Smirking at his words, she took out her phone and texted Zero.

Now. Just like we talked about. -Olivia

"Oh, it's time for another page three adventure sweetheart. As soon as we get home." Colin leaned in further and took her earlobe between his teeth on another growl.

"Ohhh sir. I don't know if tonight's going to work. I think we've got plans." Olivia said with a small pout on her face.

Colin pulled back with an arched eyebrow. "What? What plans?" He frowned, trying to remember if he missed something.

Olivia reached forward into the basket and pulled out the bundle she'd stowed away and handed it to him, trying to hurry.

Colin frowned again, putting down his spoon and taking it from her. His eyes flickered to hers as he began to tear the tissue paper open slowly.

Hurry up slow poke! Olivia silently urged him to go faster. Her eyes scanned the horizon for Zero.
