Page 12 of The Pain We Allow

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“Do we?” she whispered; a look he didn’t recognize shifted across her face.


“I’m afraid so Ollie,” Vanessa spoke up from her spot on the floor still. The papers were in her hand, and she was flipping through them.

“The way this agreement was written, he made it seem like you had an out, but you don’t. You’re stuck, beyond the two and a half years plus whatever time you’ve accumulated according to this. You essentially signed your life away,” she said; the papers falling to the floor from her hands before they were snatched up rather roughly by Jonathan, who quickly scanned through papers before chuckling.

“It’s not funny but…. motherfucker you really had the audacity, didn’t you?” Jonathan said, leaning forward and pulling his phone out of his pocket. “This is the best contract I’ve ever seen. You took your time with this didn’t you?”

“I have all the audacity. I told her that in the very beginning. It took me two solid weeks to write that contract. I have no shame. None. I knew what I wanted,” he replied, staring into her eyes.

Olivia blinked silently at him, her eyes swimming in a plethora of emotion.

“So, you better get real comfortable because neither of us are going anywhere,” he said, putting a hand against the side of her face. “Do you need me as much as I need you, baby?” he asked softly.

Olivia bit her lip, feeling the onslaught of emotions that were assaulting her. Out of all the confusion, her hesitation about Allison, her fear of not being good enough, her disappointment and heartache, her love for him was the one thing that felt natural. And she gave herself permission to nurture what felt just as painful as it was glorious.

“I do,” she spoke softly, putting her own hand against Colin's face, giving him a small smile. He smiled and nodded at her.

“Jonathan, can you call our lawyer and go get the other file on my desk please?” Colin said, his voice rising slightly.

She half listened as Jonathan disappeared into Colin’s office as he scrolled through the numbers in his phone before reappearing rather quickly, speaking to someone on the phone.

“Yeah, can you get over here to Mr. McDermont’s home? We need that marriage license and your presence, sorry it’s such late notice but there’s been a slight change of plans. How much? I’ll pay for it, let’s call it a wedding present,” he handed the folder to Colin before sitting down on the chair again, facing Vanessa, who’s face now took on a rather alarming expression, shifting from happy to confused, then back again.

Vanessa looked at Colin and mouthed ‘tonight?’ at him. Colin nodded his head back. She broke out in a goofy smile, the same one that Olivia sported sometimes.

“I’ll send it your way shortly, should be deposited into your account by tomorrow. Motherfucker you don’t trust me or something? I’m worth five billion dollars... No, to be clear I AM offended, and I just might beat your ass before you make it in the house,” Jonathan turned his gaze, eyeing Vanessa. “Ok, Ok. Hey, you got another one of those marriage licenses? Ah…well, I’ll try next time. See you in a bit,” he hung up the phone, tilting his head curiously at Vanessa.

Vanessa’s half choked on her drink.

Olivia’s eyes widened as she looked from Jonathan to Colin, her eyes pinging back and forth between the two.

“What’s happening? Somebody please tell me what’s happening?” Olivia whispered, slowly scooching back up until her hips hit the armchair. She was breathing hard, not able to make sense of anything tonight. She briefly wondered about the state of her mind.

Colin didn’t answer her, he was busy flipping through the new document and double checking it.

“Ollie, I think you’re getting married,” Vanessa said, a stunned expression on her face. She slowly broke out into a smile and a giggle, turning and clicking glasses with Jonathan before leaning back and placing her head on his thigh. He put his hand on her head gently, grinning down at her before leaning in and giving the side of her mouth a soft kiss. Vanessa blushed furiously.

“Colin,” Olivia pressed. “Look at me,” he moved the document slightly, looking down at her still kneeling on the floor.

“What is it baby?” he said, a slight frown on his face.

“Did you hear what I said?”

“About what?” Colin’s frown deepened.

“I beat wealthy men for money. I did sick stuff for work; it was essentially prostitution.”

“Yes, I heard you the first time,” he said dismissively, looking back down at the document before finding what he wanted, squatting down and handing it to her. “Look here, this is the most important information, I think. The lawyer will go over the rest with you, but I want to make sure you are ok with this before we sign it.”

Olivia’s jaw dropped. He’d handed her a prenup.

The stipulation he wanted her to look at; ‘Olivia Alexandra Cameron will retain all property assets to any business created during the marriage in the case of dissolution of marriage to Colin Ian McDermont. In the event of infidelity, all parties shall put the accorded value of the home listed address 7790 Feathers Ln, the home shall be put in a trust for all children of either party to be collected upon the children’s twenty fifth birthday. Both parties shall lose rights to the home and all possessions within.’ Although dissolution is in place, the contract that was signed September 9th shall remain active and legally binding.

A tear trailed down her cheek.

“That’s our home. The one you sold me the blueprint rights to,” he said softly, wiping the tear away. “I don’t care what you did, if you killed someone I still wouldn’t care. I love you. Will you have me?” he asked, going down on one knee and pulling out Allison’s ring pop that he stole from her lunch bag. He’d ask for forgiveness later.
