Page 21 of The Pain We Allow

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He turned and clicked a button on his laptop, putting his guitar down on a stand, the instrumental music resumed as normal through the speakers. He grabbed the mic and lowered it, picking it up and placing it next to her head on the side of the couch. She looked at him in alarm.

“Colin, what are you doing? I’m not singing!” Olivia looked at him in alarm. Her voice echoed around the room through the mic. She might be talented at dancing, but she could not sing to save her life.

“Incorrect, you’re about to sing me a special song,” Colin grated out in his rough voice, and Olivia noticed his face was pulled tight. He ripped off his shirt and she realized he was barely restraining himself. His movements betrayed the barely suppressed violence of his actions.

“No, I can’t!” Olivia gasped, suddenly trying to get up. She looked at him with wide eyes as he shot out a hand and pushed her back down with a big hand on her chest.

“Open your legs and bend your knees back. You’ve been too mouthy with me, and I don’t appreciate it. You’ve forgotten your place, huh?” he asked, cocking his head at her. That invisible string between them tightened, strengthening just a bit more.

She whimpered as she complied. His voice taunting her, echoing around her in the small space, pulling against her and hardening against her defenses.

“Bend your knees back further. Further. Arch your back harder. Don’t fucking test me, Olivia,” he growled down at her.

Olivia whimpered, hearing that through the mic as well as she quickly jerked her knees back, holding them tight with her hands. Her body quickened again at his veiled threat, her heart pounding hard. She reddened in embarrassment and started shaking her head, tears filling her eyes at the magnitude of the moment. Having kicked his pants off he laid his body on top of hers, placing a hand on the side of her head to still her movements.

She bit her lip as she smelled her arousal, she was dripping.

“If you even think that because we’re married that it voided our original agreement, you are sadly mistaken Olivia,” he said down to her, his authority scratched at the already overstretched and sensitive nerve endings of her mind and body. “You will do as you’re told.”

He moved, notching the thick crown into her slit.

“I’m going to bruise this pretty cunt,” Colin said, his dark eyes flashing at her. “This is going to hurt. And if you don’t give me what I want and try to close off those sexy screams of yours, I’m going to make it hurt worse.”

Olivia arched hard, pressing her chest into his as she clenched suddenly. His words too much, tipping her off into an orgasm that reached into the deepest recesses of her mind. And instinctively she knew that the next orgasm was going to blow her to so many pieces she wouldn’t be able to put herself back together again without any help.


Colin waited patiently until she lowered back down to the couch. He looked deep into her eyes before his abs tightened and he slammed himself home in one solid thrust so hard he’d shoved her up the couch on a growl. Her wild screams pierced the room, echoing through the help of the microphone stationed by her head as he proceeded to fuck her harder than he’d ever fucked her yet.

He was pissed and unleashing his frustration onto her willing helpless body.

The sharp slaps of their bodies meeting, mixed with her screams, broken moans, and cries filled the room. He growled, the sound echoing loudly around them. He persisted, not letting up on the pace, and his lungs burned for air as he tugged her hips off the edge of the couch and really put his back into it, shoving all of his body weight into her. Fresh cries pierced the air at this new angle.

The couch slammed hard against the wall, and he briefly thought about Jonathan and the check he had to write to cover the expense of the damage he and Vanessa did to his guest room that required him to contract work out to fix the drywall. He pounded into Olivia harder at the thought and silently reveled in her sharp scream.

Colin looked down into her shocked face, his brow furrowed and his face was tight with tension. He grunted, thrusting hard in between each sentence, their flesh colliding sharply. Olivia’s heart beat wildly at the sound of his voice, harsh and gruff as he spoke down into her face.

“You’ve been back talking me.”

Slap. Slap. Slap.

“Being fucking moody.”

Slap. Slap. Slap.

“Picking fights with me.”

Slap. Slap. Slap.

“Then had the nerve to hit me? It’s like you’re fucking itching for it. Keeping this greedy cunt satisfied is like having a full-time job. You better be glad I like work, baby,” Colin snarled on a vicious downstroke that had her arching her body off the couch. He pushed her down hard, stunning her.

“Colin.” Olivia shrieked; her cries falling on deaf ears. He blatantly ignored her. Her safe word was on the tip of her tongue.

“I don’t even care that you’re going to be sore, imagining the look on your face when you lower yourself into the seats at school because you’re going to be too tender to sit down right is what’s going to get me through the rest of the week. Yeaaah,” he groaned, the low sexually charged sound rumbling through his chest, the primal sound awakening something even more wild inside of her that she couldn’t explain.

Her safe word dissipated, and she snatched her one opportunity to get what she truly craved from him.

“You’re not fucking me hard enough,” she snarled up at him, her eyes flashing defiantly at him. Her fingers clawed into his back.
