Page 22 of The Pain We Allow

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Colin narrowed his eyes and reached forward and slapped her cheek, not a true slap but a stinging one. She gasped and narrowed her own eyes back at him. He slapped her again, his eyes wild on hers.

He wanted a reaction, so she unclasped her hands and tore at his hair, pulling hard and screamed again, this time in shock and fright as they fell to the floor with a crash. They tore at each other like animals, and suddenly Colin lowered and bit into the juncture of her shoulder and neck with his teeth, breaking the delicate skin of her neck.

She screamed, bucking under him, trying to tear him off her or pull him in closer, she wasn’t sure. “Slap me Goddamnit it!” she screeched, clawing at him again.

She rejoiced when she felt the hot stinging pain burst across her face and she arched violently, screaming so loud she lost her voice.

The mic stand fell to the floor with their actions, and she raked her nails down his back hard, overcome with lust. He roared with pain, reaching for her arms and slamming her hands into the floor above her. He lowered his head and took a straining nipple into his mouth in a harsh bite, tugging and pulling.

She felt the room spin as her orgasm hit her so hard that she screamed in a panic as her vision wavered, feeling her body completely blow apart, arching and bucking wildly underneath him.

Heaving screams left her body, tortured sounds that she’d never heard herself make before. Her orgasm felt like it broke her in half, and the only thing grounding her was Colin’s teeth on her nipple and his hard dick nailing her to the floor, holding her together, tethered to him.

It lasted forever, and he just waited patiently as he rubbed out her pleasure, making it last even longer.

She lay there underneath him, shivering, feeling like her body was caught on fire. He looked down at her, his own chest heaving as he paused in his brutal thrusts. He reached for her face suddenly and roughly scrubbed his palm across her jaw and mouth, wiping the spit from her chin. Her eyes closed, and she tried to turn her face, shame suddenly filling her.

“Don’t you dare look away from me,” he growled, forcing her face to him once again. “I fucking love making you lose control. We have nothing to be embarrassed about, do you understand me?”

Olivia gave him a nod, and blinked the sudden rush of tears away. She gave a pained whimper when he ground himself into her hard. His hand flexed hard on her wrists as he began to thrust again.

“I’m not done,” Colin said, leaning down to take her mouth, this time swallowing her cries. She moaned as he began to twine the extension cord from the mic around her neck, holding her in place for his brutal pounding.

He loved to punish her this way, and loved that she loved it as much as he did.

Chapter six

Difficult Conversations

The next day, Colin dropped her off on campus as she couldn’t drive comfortably, telling her he would meet her at the campus dining hall for lunch. He made sure she was ok before he drove off. In her first class, she lowered herself into her seat gingerly, hating she was a couple minutes late due to the need to walk slower than usual.

A classmate named Stella threw her a questioning glance and wiggled her phone at her, wanting her to check her phone. She really liked Stella, and she was fast becoming more than a study buddy.

Girl are you ok, why’re you walking like that? What happened? -Stella

Olivia bit her lip at the message, her face turning pink. She couldn’t tell her the truth.

My husband took me ice skating, =). -Olivia

Aw that’s sweet, my husband takes me to do fun stuff like that too. We should do a double date! -Stella

Olivia smiled, thinking she would like that. So far, they’d only hung out with Vanessa, Jonathan, and the occasional rich friend’s party over the holiday. She was dying to do something normal, something that didn’t require two-hundred-dollar bottles of wine and a rich friend’s mansion.

Okay, let me talk to Colin, and I’ll get back with you on planning something. He’s meeting me here for lunch, so I’ll talk about it with him then. -Olivia.

Both women put their phones away and paid attention to the instructor. Olivia turned on her recording cassette she used to review lessons to help her with her work. She had a natural talent for architecture but was finding herself caught up on the unnecessary academia.

She popped an extra strength pain pill and saw her phone light up with a text from Colin stating that he was waiting at a table by the window in the dining hall. Smiling, she gathered her belongings and walked to the dining hall with Stella, gossiping about a show before entering the enormous room.

She spotted Colin quickly, who was busy shooting off a text on his phone, sitting in front of the food he’d already thoughtfully ordered for her. Her grin spread at how delicious he looked in his suit, with his ankle propped on his knee as he typed away at his phone. He looked completely out of place however, and it wasn’t lost on her that most of the college students were unabashedly staring at him when they’d walked past.

“Hi there,” Olivia said softly as she approached him, bending down to give him a swift kiss on his lips before sitting. She squealed softly as he reached forward quickly and snatched her back down and took her mouth once more, too thoroughly for campus.

“Oh my God, baby! Are there pigs flying? I actually got a hello out of you?” he teased, leaning back and placing his phone on the table. His eyes flickered over her form intimately, throwing her off balance.

She blushed hard as she attempted to sit again, biting her lip and groaning as she lowered to a certain point and then suddenly plopped down, her legs giving out. She looked up at his low chuckle, seeing him staring at her with barely contained mirth.

“Stop laughing at me!” she whispered, tearing open a dressing packet and ignoring the curious looks at other campus students staring at them as they walked past, knowing their age gap was glaringly obvious here, especially as Colin stood out so handsomely in his expensive dark gray suit. She looked at her salad in appreciation; he’d made it exactly how she liked. Extra cranberries and strawberries on the side.
