Page 33 of The Pain We Allow

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Gypsy hugged her goodbye at the security checkpoint and promised to send a slew of clients her way once she knew she’d landed safely. She would also send her the address to the small bungalow that she’d found for her, in Macau, China. A hot spot for their touristy clients.

Olivia looked over her itinerary. She’d have to fly to Los Angeles, then to Hong Kong, before hopping on another connecting flight to Macau. Gypsy let her know that she’d paid to have a taxi pick her up at the airport and take her straight to the bungalow.

She felt completely disconnected from her body as she checked her bags in and took her carry on to the plane, barely making it on time. She refused to think about Colin and what he was assuming right now, placing him into that box of hurt that she’d ignored for weeks now, nailing it shut. She sat in the window and listened to the air hostess go through all the security measures before they took off.

Olivia felt her heart break for the final time as she let go of Allison, Vanessa, and Colin.

Chapter nine






God, please help me.






"No quiero vivir más, no puedo soportarlo..."

I don't want to do this anymore…



In their closet, Colin leaned over his phone, watching the video of them kissing in front of their Christmas decorations. He'd tortured himself watching the onslaught of videos they'd taken together and his hand shook with anger. With narrowed eyes, he threw his phone across the room with a shout.

"You fucking bitch!" he yelled.

Sinking to the floor, Colin angrily kicked over Olivia's basket of used laundry that he'd ordered Beth not to touch. Crying big heaving breaths, he slowly gathered all of her clothes off the floor and into his arms, dumped them on their bed, crawled in between the sheets, wrapped himself around her clothes, and pressed his face into her pillow. He let himself cry for long minutes until he heard the master bedroom door open.

"Mijo?" He stilled, hearing Mary's voice. "Mijo, it's Mary."

He tensed and fisted his hands around the fabric he was gripping, hearing Mary come into the dark room. She'd moved into the guest bedroom down the hall temporarily, as no one had trusted him enough to be left alone after Olivia left.

Colin stayed silent, clenching his fingers harder around her clothes as he felt Mary's presence getting closer and closer, approaching his back. He winced as she clicked the bedside lamp on and leaned over him, putting her hand on his hair as she stroked it lightly. Groaning past the deep throbbing cavern that used to house his heart, he attempted to speak past the pain. "Madre…" He squeezed his eyes shut as he clutched her clothes impossibly closer.

"It's ok, mijo, I've got you." Mary crawled into bed next to him and propped herself up on the headboard and pulled his head into her lap, clothes and all. "El dolor no dura siempre, mi amor."

Pain does not always last, my love.

"Mary, was I such a bad husband? Why did she leave me? Am I really that easy to abandon?"

"No Mijo…she was hurt, baby. You both were. She'll be back."
