Page 40 of The Pain We Allow

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What’s this duffel bag doing here? She thought to herself, holding up the strap and seeing it attached to a big black bag that was packed.

Her eyes narrowed, and she startled in fear as she saw movement across the room by her bed. Suddenly her bedside lamp clicked on. Terrified, she let out a blood curdling scream before the light fully illuminated the space. Falling into the dresser behind her, she gasped as her heart crawled into her throat and the figure came into focus. Her eyes widened in recognition.


Looking murderous in a plain white T-shirt, his tattoos dangerously standing out against his arms. Her eyes roamed, seeing Colin had broadened his sleeve on his right arm in her absence. Her heart pounded and she went slightly lightheaded at the look in his chocolate colored eyes.

Her eyes flickered, finding another figure. “J-Jonathan?” she sputtered, just as her sister’s fiancé came into view.

“I see you still can’t say hello to me, wife.” Colin growled with a thunderous look on his face.

Jonathan had a slight smirk on his face that quickly disappeared when Erick came crashing through the doorway with the bat she had stashed close to her room. Seeing the three of them, he went for Jonathan first as he was closer, swinging wildly. Colin kept his eyes on Olivia’s, and she couldn’t take her eyes away from him, even though they were both painfully aware that Jonathan was currently being attacked. There were a couple of grunts and a sharp blow, and Erick fell to the ground gasping in pain as Jonathan sank his fist so hard into his stomach he gagged, almost throwing up on her carpet.

She snapped out of her spell, turning her eyes to her friend and Jonathan.

“Jonathan, stop!” Olivia yelled, her heart racing for her friend.

Jonathan had wrestled the bat away easily, using some complicated kung fu moves, and snatched the man back up to his feet before letting him go. Erick stumbled a few feet before making his way over to Olivia. Her eyes flew to Colin’s once more and widened as she felt her heart fully stop. She gasped in fear and toppled back a few steps, placing a hand on her racing heart, seeing he’d pulled out a deadly looking gun and was currently training it on Erick with a look she’d never seen in his eyes. White hot, furious rage. Her loving husband was gone, replaced with someone she didn’t recognize. Someone who had a coldness and darkness about him.


“You fuck my wife?” Colin asked simply. There was no stress in his tone revealing his anger or displeasure, it was as if he could have been asking Erick to hand him a piece of paper. The calm of his tone terrified Olivia. Colin had obviously had weeks to come to terms and deal with her absence.

Her eyes flickered greedily, seeing how his white t-shirt stretched across his chest with his movements, his tattoos looking dangerous as he welded the gun rather expertly.But his eyes…. she couldn't meet them, and he wasn't yet trying to meet hers either.

Olivia noticed he put on several more pounds of muscle in her absence, no doubt working his body to the bone to deal with her leaving him. Olivia couldn’t help it, she bit her lip as she felt her panties flood with desire as his possessive claim sunk into her brain. She was sick, just as sick as him. Had to be. She shivered violently, feeling like she was in a fever dream.

Her breath hitched, feeling that spark suddenly ignite inside the cavern of her chest, bringing her back to life. Just then, his eyes slid to hers for a heartbeat length of time before he looked away dismissively once more.

Oh God baby please don’t kill him! Her teeth chattered.

Erick held his hands up and inched away from Olivia carefully.

“Nooo,” Erick said slowly, his eyes sliding slowly to Olivia, who was currently shaking so hard that the dresser was barely holding her up. She could mentally hear him yelling at her to say something, to explain this situation that looked so bad was completely innocent.

“C-Colin, this is Erick. He’s been w-watching out for me since I’ve been here,” she whispered, feeling like she was talking through a frog in her throat. She let out little panting gasps, feeling the edges of her vision start to go hazy as it hit her she was about to cause a man’s murder. A man who’d done nothing but help her since she got to Macau.

“Oliv-,” Erick started to speak, but was quickly interrupted.

“You say her fucking name again and I’ll blow your brains out all over this room. Motherfucker I dare you,” Colin said, his voice calm, resigned.

He stepped forward to them and cocked the gun against Erick’s head. That simple movement spiked the tension in the small space and Olivia whined as she finally collapsed, overcome. She gasped in shock as Colin shot out his free hand and wrapped it around her throat, preventing her from hitting the floor. He hauled her up and against his rock-hard form. Olivia’s eyes stared wildly into his as he finally turned his chocolate eyes onto hers. She pulled in a panicked breath at the absolute misery and depravity she found within the depths of his gaze.

He smirked coldly at her, tightening his hold slightly.Jonathan moved into her eyesight, making her eyes flicker to him.

“Ollie, Allison had her liver transplant. We made it through,” Jonathan said kindly. Somehow knowing what to say to soothe and ground her. His eyes bored into hers for a second before he turned to Erick, who was still standing there with his hands up.

“Go on, I’ll see you out,” Jonathan said softly to Erick, waiting for the man to turn and head to the door before walking two feet to them. He turned slightly to put a heavy hand on Colin’s shoulder, efficiently grabbing the gun from him and leaning forward to place his lips on Olivia’s temple.

“Welcome back, Ukhat,” Jonathan whispered to her, stepping away and turning to walk to the door.


“Don’t be too long because we’ve got a plane to catch. And don't hurt her either. I'll fuck you up.” He threw over his shoulder as he closed the bedroom door with a click.

There were a tense few moments as they regarded each other, greedily drinking in the others’ appearance. Olivia trembled, feeling her body flush hot with fear and desire as he regarded her silently. Her eyes widened at the pain expressed within his and her lips quivered, feeling his fingers tighten slightly around her throat in warning.

Olivia made a small sound, slapping her hands onto his shirt and gripping hard as they both moved at once, lunging and clutching at each other as their mouths met roughly. Olivia squealed as he picked her up and slammed her roughly down onto the dresser, shoving up her skirt and ripping her panties off, grunting as one edge of the elastic caught in between the heel of her right foot and her shoe.
