Page 44 of The Pain We Allow

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"The hell you are," Colin growled, shoving back through her sensitive tissues, making her keen and cry out for mercy. He settled himself on top of her and licked up her cheek before grasping her head and holding her still. "Now I know you're young and we have sixteen years between us, and though it turns me on so fucking much that I'm older than you, I still have so much to teach you," he punctuated his statement with a deep grinding thrust that had her eyes rolling into the back of her head. "What I'm not going to tolerate is temper tantrums, much less one that lasts thirteen fucking weeks. So, until I am fucking satisfied you've learned your lesson, you better be letting me know you are paying attention, baby. And God help your ass if you don't stay present. So if you pass out, I'm just going to wait until you come to and then fuck you a different way, until my ego is appeased. You feel me?"

Olivia gritted her teeth and groaned through this orgasm, feeling it work its way torturously from the inside out. She barely had the energy to flinch as he tilted his head down and latched onto her neck, biting her hard and sucking the vulnerable flesh into his mouth.

"You and your fucking ego can go straight to hell," she bit out, knowing she was goading him.

He let go of her neck and she screamed as he yanked her leg up and delivered ten harsh slaps to her ass, making her clench around him harder.

"If I'm going to hell, then you best believe I'm dragging you with me."


A few hours later, Colin disengaged from a barely conscious Olivia and yanked his clothes back on. He went into the little bathroom off the bedroom and washed his face and hands, not wanting to smell too much like sex when he went out front. He went back into the bedroom and pulled the covers higher over her now sleeping form, and pushed her now red hair away from her face. Earlier, he’d thrown her into the little shower and followed her in with the hair dye strip boxes, ignoring her protests for privacy. He’d be damned if she was going to miss any spots.

He just wanted the brown shit gone.

He’d also made her pee on all the pregnancy tests, his harsh look daring her to defy him as he held out a test one by one, crowding her in the bathroom to make sure she peed on all of them, not giving her any privacy. She saw some of the coldness leave his eyes as they all showed up negative. Not much, but some.

Colin closed the bedroom door and walked to the front where the seating area was, ignoring Jonathan who was on his laptop with his ear pods in. He went to the drinks cabinet and poured himself a healthy scotch. Turning and taking a seat perpendicular from Jonathan who’d taken out his ear pods and was giving him a rather assessing look.

“What?” Colin snapped. His eyes flashed as he returned the look, tilting his head back and ignoring the burn as the alcohol went down. He rubbed his aching chest.

Shit, he thought. He hurt everywhere, and his dick was still hard. Not to mention he was still incredibly pissed about Jonathan’s interruption earlier. He knew that he was responsible for that, having almost leapt off the deep end several times in the last few weeks but the man really couldn’t think he’d hurt Olivia. Not really. The woman held his soul in the palm of her hand.

“Vanessa said to leave something of Olivia for her to rip apart when we get home bro. Can you lay off for a little bit?” Jonathan said, his eyes turning back to his computer when Colin threw him a wry look.

“Fuck that. Vanessa can have what I let her have,” Colin said, flinching as he took a rather big gulp of the scotch. “How much longer until we land? I’m losing track of time,”

“Nineteen more hours. We’ve been in the sky for five,” Jonathan replied, his eyes boring into Colin’s. “You’re not even ashamed, are you?” he said, taking a drink of his own whiskey and leaned back in his seat, getting comfortable.

Colin’s lip curled. “Why should I be? She’s my wife,” he snarled across the seat at him.

“She’s not your property.” Jonathan raised an eyebrow.

Colin stiffened. They differed in opinions, and in Colin’s viewpoint, he damn near owned her, and she owned him. Jonathan knew that.

“All I’m saying is, you might want to actually talk to her about the reason why she left before you screw the poor girl to death.” Jonathan nudged. “Bro, we still have to get home and stop by my house. Vanessa wants to see her, and Allison needs to see her.” He held up a hand, halting Colin’s reply.

“No, I don’t want to hear it. I just spent a fucking week in China with you looking for her. I’ve lost millions and you have lost hundreds of millions in the last fourteen weeks. We’re stopping by my place first. Get your shit together and let’s get back on track!” Jonathan’s voice came out hard.

Colin narrowed his eyes at Jonathan. “We’ll go to your house, only because of Ally,” he bit back in a reply as he signaled for the stewardess. “Can I have something to eat please?” He requested of her rather rudely, suddenly starving. He’d barely eaten since they’d got to China. He had been so adamant to find Olivia.

“Yes, sir. I’ll have it to you shortly,” the brunette said, her eyes flickering down his form greedily, lingering on his tattoos before she turned to head to the front of the plane where the small kitchenette was.

Jonathan watched her walk away. “Whew, that woman wants you,” he teased, trying to lighten the mood. “She wanted to put you on a plate for herself. If only she was aware of your particular brand of kinky.” He chuckled, ignoring Colin’s filthy stare aimed his way, unimpressed. He poured himself some more to drink.“You ok bro?” Jonathan asked, closing his laptop and placing it to the side, giving Colin his undivided attention.

“No,” Colin snarled back. “I’m going to fucking tell her after she wakes up. Get it over with. Will you stay please?” he said, not wanting to show weakness but really seeing no other alternative. He didn’t want to risk her running again. And what was she going to do? Parachute off the plane? He knew she was talented, but he doubted she could pull that stunt off.

His chest ached and he felt like he’d aged ten years in just the three months she’d been gone.

“Of course, man. Whatever you need. Probably best to get it out the way because I can’t say what’s going to happen to Olivia when Vanessa gets her hands on her,” Jonathan said, his eyes softening towards him. The stewardess put a plate of roast beef carrots and potatoes in front of both Colin and Jonathan and disappeared. Colin ate and sat back, staring contemplatively out the window.

At some point he and Jonathan both fell asleep.


A couple hours later, Olivia woke up and moaned, just lying there, feeling like she’d been hit by a truck. She had no clue how long Colin had been fucking her, but it exceeded any other time they’d done it before. She shivered as she sat up, wincing at the pang in her vagina. The man was a machine and was single mindedly focused with all his fury on her, intent on nailing her to the plane.

She brushed her red hair out of her face, rather relieved to see her color was back to normal, she’d hated being brunette.
