Page 53 of The Pain We Allow

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“What happened?” he said tightly, pausing in his movements, not putting the car into reverse yet.

“Nothing,” she whispered as she kept her eyes averted from his, not wanting to bother him especially so soon after returning home. It was her mess, and he couldn’t fix everything. There were some things she’d have to do damage control on herself.

“I don’t believe you, but I’m going to let it go for now,” Colin reassured her, aware that she was emotionally exposed, still trying to process their interaction on the plane. Their style of sex was raw, ripping them open and leaving them bleeding. He knew to only push so much.

He’d just got her back and wasn’t willing to rock the boat quite yet.

Pulling off onto the road, he turned on a relatively light playlist before placing his hand on her knee, and by the time they pulled up to the house they were laughing and singing along to the songs. Content to just be silly together for a minute after the seriousness of the last couple days.

Pulling the SUV by the fountain, he parked, tossing her the keys to open the door while he grabbed the bags.

“Why didn’t you pull into the garage?” Olivia asked, wincing as she realized it was probably still a mess from her destroying around half a million dollars worth of bikes and the back of her Porsche. Seeing his face she continued, “Never mind,” she said quickly, walking carefully up the stairs and ignoring her shaking legs.

He tossed her a wry glance as he headed through the door ahead of her, juggling the bags.

“Why so much food? There’s no way we can eat that much! Unless you plan on feeding me a burger in between sex-capades. What did you get?” she teased, closing the door behind her and pausing as she realized how much she missed this home. She threw him a goofy smile as she heard some playful fun music filter through the surround system.

Olivia hugged herself. He came for me. Viciously, with some punishments, and my legs feel like jello. But he came, and told me the truth.

Walking deeper into the house she rounded the kitchen, hearing more music blast through the open sliding doors that led to the terrace outside. Colin jerked his head that way.

“Look outside,” he said, starting to unpack the food and place it into the kitchen warming drawer. She tentatively walked out onto the terrace and her mouth opened in shock as she heard a huge splash.

Aliyah, Sara Banks from the studio, Vanessa, Allison, Jonathan, Stella, and Vincent were all in the pool, splashing each other. Vanessa and Stella were floating on some ridiculous unicorn and flamingo floatation device. There were little balloons everywhere and pitchers of premade drinks and a little ice cream vendor that had a three-tiered cake on ice in a frosted covering which Mary was in front of, accepting a chocolate ice cream cone from the vendor.

Olivia looked at Colin in confusion, too stunned to process what was going on.

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” they suddenly screamed from below, cheering and waving at the couple as they saw them on the balcony above. Olivia’s jaw dropped and she looked over at Colin with her brows furrowed before slapping her forehead.

“OH my God,” she whispered. “It’s your birthday!?” she hissed, blushing. “I didn’t get you anything!” she said, horrified. So much had happened in the last couple of days that she’d forgotten what the date was.

Of course I didn’t, dummy. I wasn’t supposed to be here. If he hadn’t come for me I’d still be in China, she thought to herself.

Colin arched a brow as a grin graced his face. He pulled her closer with a hand on her waist and leaned into her, his lips brushing her jaw.

“Yes, you did. I got my present the day before yesterday, on the plane, and multiple times at Jonathan and Vanessa’s. And I’m looking forward to tonight’s presents too,” he said darkly, pulling her flush against him and nipping at her earlobe. He pulled back and patted her on the ass.

“Let’s go get changed and join them. I’ve been waiting a very long time to show you the grotto. And I desperately want to see your ass in that purple bikini Vanessa brought you,” he growled, taking her hand and yanking her back into the house.

They changed quickly. Olivia had to smack his hands away several times, not even sure that she could endure another orgasm like the one she’d had earlier so soon. Her body was hungry for his still, and her nipples were sticking lewdly through the bikini top much to her horror and much to Colin’s amusement. She’d put on a sheer coverup and wrapped it around herself to try and help before they padded downstairs making their way to the pool. She’d put on a pair of sunglasses and Colin pulled her to a stop at a lounge before grabbing a bottle of sunblock.

“We’re not burning this beautiful skin,” he said, taking the time to slather her liberally before tossing her into the pool.

Colin spent time walking around and opening multiple umbrellas around the pool with Jonathan’s help, providing shade in various places around the perimeter of the water. His heart swelled in his chest when Stella and Aliyah pulled Olivia to them at the same time for a hug that left them all choking and sputtering as they were a flurry of girl limbs, red hair and braids. Mary leaned down to give her a motherly kiss on the cheek, which Olivia had to pull herself out of the pool for, her hair long enough to cover half of her ass, dark and heavy with the pool water.

The men got out of the pool and joined him at the little outdoor kitchen area to let the girls talk and catch up. Jonathan’s niece was currently playing with Allison in the deep end. Vanessa and Jonathan splurged on her having the best swim lessons shortly after her liver transplant and she was a natural. They all cracked open a beer and sat on the couches, relaxing.

“My man! Happy birthday dude. Your birthday present is with Stella somewhere, sorry I don’t do great with these things. I usually let her take care of that stuff,” Vincent said in his deep voice, leaning forward and clasping Colin’s hand hard.

He’d been a huge help with his security contacts, giving him the team that followed them to China for a week and found her bungalow. Colin appreciated the man. He and his wife held no ill will towards Olivia, only worrying and wanting to help find her too.

“Nah brother, you didn’t have to get me anything,” Colin admonished, leaning back and taking a deep drink of his beer. He was seriously relaxed for the first time in months, his gaze slid from Vincent’s to Olivia in the pool who was currently leaning against the little bar where several pitchers of mixed drinks were, pouring herself a healthy amount, and some for Aaliyah, Stella, Sara, and Vanessa who had their own pitchers of mocktails.

Man they are about to get trashed, Colin thought as he rubbed the back of his neck, feeling content.

“I’m surprised that you even allowed anyone here considering…. well, I would have thought you would have wanted to have some alone time with Olivia without a bunch of prying eyes,” Vincent said, sitting back and stretching his legs out. His dark skin glowed in the light of the sun. Jonathan chuckled.

“Oh, he’s managed to work it in. Trust me, I got to hear a lot of it,” Jonathan joked, sipping on his beer slowly. Vincent flashed him another white toothed smile that took up much of his face.
