Page 68 of The Pain We Allow

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“We’re fine. I’ve been expecting them,” he said to her. “You can continue cleaning Charlotte,” he said, his eyes never leaving Olivia, who was currently breathing so hard she sounded like she could hyperventilate any minute. Carmichael began to walk down the stairs, and Colin reached forward to snatch her to him, backing her up a few steps as the older man approached.

Carmichael didn’t look the least bit scared of the four of them in his house. He pulled out a phone and tapped a button, the alarm system stopping. Colin’s chest relaxed a tiny amount, and he pulled Olivia back further. His eyes narrowed as she yanked out of his arms and marched up to the man, her head cranked back and she narrowed her own eyes at him.

“Guest house. Now,” she snarled up at him, turned on her heels and walked out the door, not waiting for anyone.

Colin gave Carmichael a filthy look as Colin swept his hand out, gesturing for the older man to go ahead of him. He wasn’t putting his back to him.

Jonathan gave him a “what the fuck” look as they all filed out of the house, following Olivia to his guest house at the back of the property. She let herself in, stepping through and turning on a light.

Soon, they were all standing in the lush foyer. Colin's eyebrow raised rather judgmentally as he spotted a huge oil painting of the man in his robes, his eyes looking sternly down at them all. Everyone was silent except for Olivia, who continued to pant, fueled with anger and adrenaline.

He tightened his lips, suddenly scared he might beat her to death when they got home because this was beyond a temper tantrum. But then he thought back to the information he’d shared with her and his lips tightened.

Can’t blame her, he thought. He stayed on high alert, trusting that Jonathan would know when to use his gun if he needed to.

“You wanted my attention? Well, you’ve got my full attention. START TALKING,” Olivia yelled, making Vanessa jump.

Carmichael smiled at her. And Colin’s eyes widened at the expression in his face. Holy fuck, he’s crazy. Colin thought to himself, sharing a look with Jonathan. Of course he’s crazy, he’s killing people to get to my wife.

“I just want you back, Kat,” Carmichael said softly to Olivia, his eyes softened, his demeanor softened, even his crossed arms relaxed.

Colin looked down further before his body tightened in anger. Not everything on him was soft, apparently.He rolled his eyes, he would let Olivia see what he had to say, then get their security team in place and let the man think that they were backing down after this little fiasco. Then he’d pay the man his own visit. He wanted Olivia to get hers first. Because he instinctively knew if he didn’t, then their home life was about to suffer in a major way.

She walked a couple steps towards him.“You will never have me,” she hissed at him. They stared at each other.


“You leave my fucking family alone. Do you hear me? You see that woman right there?” she pointed behind her back to Vanessa, who was currently half hiding behind Jonathan, rubbing her belly. Carmichael’s eyes shifted to Vanessa and Jonathan stepped the rest of the way in front of her, shielding her from his gaze.

“You get a good motherfucking look at her. I know you think what we had was love, and if you ever thought your love for me was real, then you will leave that woman right there alone. Kill every fucking redhead on the planet if you want to. But if you touch her, I’ll pay you another visit and this time I’ll eat your fucking flesh RAW motherfucker, WHILE you’re still alive. And you want to know the first cut I’d make?” she whispered, sounding deranged.

“Ew,” Vanessa whispered, scrunching her nose.

Carmichael shook his head, something flashing in his eyes.

“Your tongue. I’ll rip it out of your fucking mouth and eat it happily while you watch,” she said softly.

Colin winced, believing her. The weird shit and the weird way she ate convinced him she would actually do it. He frowned again.

Carmichael raised a haughty eyebrow at her, a slight grin on his face.

“I will become your worst nightmare. I wasn’t Gypsy’s head bitch because I was weak, Carmichael. I was the top dog in a ring of thousands of women. You’re stupid, trifling, disgusting, low down, tore back country bumpkin wanna be having ass doesn’t scare me,” Olivia said with pure disgust, like she just swallowed shit.

“If that’s the case,” Carmichael said, his eyes narrowing at her. “Then why did you struggle so badly?” he cocked his head at her.

“If I didn’t have responsibilities beyond my control, I’d be ruling that fucking ring right now. Don’t mistake Carmichael. We all have a weakness. I’m apparently yours. Don’t fuck with mine. It won’t be pretty. I promise you. Colin can’t save you from me, the law can’t save you from me, no one will be able to save you from me if you don’t stop. You should be truly careful which buttons you push. Because if you push the right one Carmichael, I will burn this whole world to the ground,” she whispered, staring him down with an expression he couldn’t place before turning and walking to the door. She stopped, giving his imposing oil painting a little stare as she hesitated in the doorway.

“Oh, I’ll have a tow truck come by momentarily to get my car. If you go to the police about ANY of what’s transpired today, I will leak the video of you assaulting me at the gala, and all the times I’ve recorded our sessions where I’ve made you tell me about trails that you’ve falsified and the illegal shit you’ve been doing in our government.”

Colin furrowed his brow deeper, he didn’t even think to ask her if she had any dirt on the man they could use.

Carmichael took a step forward, his hands splayed in a gesture of submission.

“Kat-I love you. Why would you do this to me? We’re supposed to be together, and yet you’re fucking HIM when I’ve been begging you for four years to be with me,” he half yelled.

Vanessa gagged.

“There’s a very thin line between love and hate, Carmichael. You’ve overplayed your hand way too soon, in my opinion. Gotta be better than that,” and with that she walked out without another word for any of them.
