Page 7 of The Pain We Allow

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“Yes, sir!” she yelled, moaning as she was assaulted from every angle. His voice, him in her face, them fucking on the tv, the music, the ball, sitting high and heavy inside of her spreading her out so deliciously. She throbbed deep around it, orgasming again at the heavy sensation. She gasped up at him, meeting his stern chocolate stare, feeling safe. Floating on the exquisite feeling.

“If not, I’m sure it’ll be crystal clear by tonight,” he growled, flipping her over on the table. “Head down, ass up,” he ordered.

Olivia hurriedly complied, gritting her teeth as she tightened her muscles painfully, trying to keep it inside of her. She heard his belt buckle before he whipped it out of his belt loops.

“This is going to hurt, and I don’t know when I’m stopping, so don’t bother to ask,” he said, stepping to the side.

Suddenly, she heard a whoosh and felt a sharp stinging pain against her ass. It was decidedly not an easy hit, he meant what he said. She cried out, trying to recoil.

“What the fuck are you supposed to say, when I give you pain?” he growled, his hand snapping forward, the belt hitting her burning flesh.

“Thank you, sir!” Olivia screamed, losing her mind.

She began crying tears of joy, of absolute bone-shattering relief. Looking behind her, she saw he had taken his belt off and had it folded it double, clasping it in his hand.

“See, I think we’ve forgotten the terms of the agreement and who’s in control here. I’ve been too lax with you. My fucking bad,” Colin snarled, gracing her with another stinging slap, making her ass jiggle with the force. She rolled her forehead on the fabric of the pool table and moaned, as she caught sight of her body going limp on the television screen, his beautiful body pistoning strongly, not tiring.

She nodded to herself in agreement, knowing he was right.

Colin went wild.

Yes! he roared in his head, seeing her flesh start to welt slightly, her creamy skin turning bright red. He noticed she pushed back, anticipating every new strike.

More stings as he slapped her over and over, her screams transforming to moans as the punishment did what it should do: service her greater need. He worked her over for long minutes, some hits stinging worse than others, other hits were gentle. Olivia never knew what the next one was going to be. She felt her walls flutter around the ball, and he paused in his slapping of her flesh, rubbing her ass gently, soothing her. She was calm, her mind slipping into a comfortable daze.

The pain felt so soothing that she would swear she was in heaven.

Olivia had no clue how long she floated there like that, her breasts and head pressed into the pool table completely relaxed. The pool ball had served to anchor her with its weight. Abruptly his voice penetrated her subconscious, easing her back up gently. She shuddered as she felt his big hand soothing across her abused flesh oh so gently.

“Push, push it out baby. Good girl. That’s my baby. I am so fucking proud of you,” Colin crooned as he caught the ball in his hand before placing it on a pool towel. He wrapped her up in his strong arms. Shutting off the electronics and carrying her upstairs, letting her come down easily. And when he was ready, he rocked her world in a different way, no less intensely.


A couple of hours later they were lying in bed, and Olivia was tossing and turning, not able to settle. Concerned, Colin sat up and reached over to his nightstand. As he flicked the light on he pulled himself up to rest his back against the headboard. He flicked his eyes down her restless form and decided to break his silence.

“Baby, come here,” he said softly, watching her push her hair behind her as she turned to regard him sleepily.

“I’m trying to sleep,” she said softly, sighing and closing her eyes, stretching out and unable to get comfortable. She groaned.

“Uh huh. You can’t rest because there’s something going on with you. I’ve been ignoring it, thinking it’s school stuff that you were struggling with, but this is deeper. Come get into my lap please,” Colin kept his tone purposefully calm and soothing, not wanting to alarm her.

Olivia sat up with a huff and held the silky green sheets to her breast and rolled to her knees, shuffling to him. Colin tsked and yanked the sheet out of her hand and just shook his head.

“No reason for that,” he said softly. He took her arm and pulled her onto him firmly. He took a deep breath and spread one hand on her back and another on the side of her face. His eyes searched hers, trying to see. Trying to understand, to relate to the hurt that was buried inside of her that she was too scared to share.

It wasn’t lost on him that the only time she’d safe worded was during an emotional conversation where she felt confronted. He’d have to tread carefully.

“We’re about to do the emotional version of page three so there’s no safe wording out of this one,” he whispered, knowing he was forfeiting a seriously sexy and potentially life changing experience that he only got to indulge in with her permission twice a year per the contractual agreement. His heart tugged but he felt it was worth it, she was worth it, this fucked up shit that was killing her on the inside was worth forfeiting anything and everything physically pleasurable.

Colin’s hand tightened on Olivia’s face when she recoiled slightly.

“No. We need to talk,” Colin took another deep breath. “This is hard for me too. The last time I pressed too hard, Allison got hurt. But I can’t continue to ignore that there’s something going on with you because I’m scared that something detrimental is going to happen. I’m not going to continue to walk around you, as if I don’t know you’re hurting. I see it, Olivia,” his eyes flickered between hers and he let her see his own hurt.

Olivia’s heart thudded painfully in her chest, and tears welled in her eyes.I can’t. I can’t…. I can’t. Even for you I can’t, she whispered in her head.

Misery pulled her features tight and, as if she was having an out-of-body experience, she heard a strangled sob escape her throat before she slapped a hand over her mouth. As if that could help keep the pain inside.

Colin’s hand left her cheek and rubbed her arm. His eyes stayed on hers, widening in concern at the sudden wave of emotions that graced her features. His heart broke. It was bad, whatever it was, was bad. And in that moment, he hated himself for not seeing just how bad it was.
