Page 71 of The Pain We Allow

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He moved up that visit he planned on paying to Carmichael.


Colin was downstairs in the kitchen, making scrambled eggs for egg sandwiches, waiting for Olivia to come down. She was taking her time this morning getting ready. He thought about what he said to her in the shower, hoping he didn’t scare her.He put the top on the pan of eggs to keep them hot as he snatched up his phone, leaning his hips against the counter. It was almost seven forty-five and he’d been waiting for Jonathan to text him about his meeting with Allison’s principal.

What’s going on brother? -C. Kent

And a message to Vincent, who was with Jonathan.

Hey Vincent, Are we’re still on to meet in an hour?-Colin

He put his phone down and looked out the window above the sink. The sky was not looking like it was going to turn that beautiful blue it normally does, however, there was supposed to be a bad storm later on in the morning. He then took a second to call Mary, asking her to please make sure that the lanterns and lighters were all out in one spot in the lounge so they could get to them easily if they needed to and then told her to go home early.

Colin had a generator but you just never know, could never be too careful. He took out four slices of bread and began to butter two pieces, and put mayonnaise on the two along with a slice of tomato. The butter was for him, mayonnaise was for Olivia. A lot of the time, he still thought the way she ate was revolting, but he’d come to love her for it. He knew she was going to not be happy with so many carbs early in the morning, but she’d get over it.

We’re finishing up at the school. They let us bring in our own security officers. You good?- J. Dawg

Yes, it’s just been a long morning already. Olivia’s nervous. The thought of having a security detail is fucking with her head. -C. Kent

Vanessa is thankfully not taking it too hard. I think yesterday scared the shit out of her, and she’s got the baby and all the hormones. And Allison. She’s on the other side of the pendulum. Your wife on the other hand, the way she crawled in that window, bruh. She once told me that I married the evil sister, and I’m telling you that I think you married the insane one. -J. Dawg

Colin snorted, finishing putting the sandwich together and wrapping it in a paper towel before putting it into the warming drawer. He pulled up his text thread to Olivia.

Come on baby we gotta eat so we can go. -C. Kent

Vincent responded.

Yes. We’ll be there in maybe under an hour. There’s a storm coming.-V

His ears pricked as he heard her bare feet hitting the wood floor as she padded down the hallway. He looked up from his phone as the juicer finished doing its thing with the oranges, filling the second glass.

His eyes tightened and his heart skipped a beat as she came around the corner, a cream suit jacket in between her teeth, her purse hanging from one hand, and her shoes dangling from the other. She tilted her head, draping the jacket across one of the stools on the island and plopping her purse down and bending to put her shoes on. Sky high heels, no doubt chosen specifically to test him.

Narrowing his eyes slightly, he reluctantly dragged his eyes up her body to land on hers.

“It’s going to storm today,” he said, fighting a rising desire that was settling inside of him, despite how viciously he’d just taken her. She was beautiful, dressed in a cream pantsuit with a soft pastel lavender purple silk top that her breasts did wonderful things to. The blouse was held up by delicate tiny straps on her shoulders.

“I know,” Olivia breathed, bending down again and disappearing momentarily behind the island with the other shoe. She hopped as she put it on and stood up in a huff, blowing her perfectly blow-dried hair out of the way. She was wearing her pearls and diamonds again.

“Where’s your diamond watch?” he asked inquisitively as he pulled their sandwiches out of the drawer and pushed hers towards her.Shortly after a crack of lightning, a boom of thunder made her jump.

He wished to God they could stay in today; he loved making love to her during a thunderstorm.

“It’s upstairs,” she replied, eyeing her sandwich and only picking up one half of it that he’d cut. Her nose crinkled as she picked the sandwich apart, smiling with joy as she saw all the mayonnaise he’d put on there for her. “Thank you baby,” she sighed, putting her elbows on the island, leaning in so she could eat over the counter without getting anything on her blouse.

He tilted his head and licked his lips as the action caused her to stick her butt out far, giving him a generous view of her ass in the tight cream pants she was wearing.

“You’re welcome. The watch?” he pressed, taking his own bite. They had breakfast together every day and he loved that.

“I’ve got too much money on today,” she mumbled around the food in her mouth, swallowing it down with fresh squeezed orange juice. He raised his eyebrow in amusement.

She’s so silly, it’s adorable, but not acceptable, he thought to himself.

“Not enough for me. Go back upstairs when you’re done eating and put it on, please,” he demanded softly, taking another bite and mentally calculating how much he figured she was worth today by her clothes. His mental tally came up close to twelve thousand by her outfit, shoes, jewelry, and lingerie alone. The watch would push her to fifty grand, his sweet spot.

Though, she truly was priceless to him. However, he loved their little game.

“Ok fine,” she grumbled, reaching around her purse and pulling out her back up pill case. She popped out several pills into her palm. Holding his sandwich aloof in the air, his eyes narrowed again as he fought the rising irritation, feeling it cancel out the desire that almost always ate at his soul when it came to Olivia.
