Page 75 of The Pain We Allow

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Olivia leaned forward, placing her hands on the table, not even caring if her blouse gaped open for everyone to see.

“I’m a fucking survivor,” she yelled, baring her teeth at her sister before turning her eyes to Zero. “You have no fucking clue what I’m capable of. He hasn’t tamed me,” she whispered, jerking her head to Colin who sat there quietly, crossing his ankle over his knee and remaining silent. Zero stood up.

“Let’s go,” she said. “You think you can handle this? Let’s see what you got, since you know me so. Fucking. Well,” she hissed this last part.

“Okay Lilith, after you,” Zero said, his hands at attention behind his back.

“Let her go,” Vincent said quietly to Colin. “and observe what you’re paying for,” he turned his eyes to Zero. “No hitting her in the face.”

Colin sat back, nodding his head, accepting a drink from Jonathan, who had poured something for them to take the edge off.

Olivia turned and walked out of the room barefoot, hearing nothing behind her. She pushed through the other doors until she made her way out of the building into the storm outside. She turned on her heel, beginning to run, her red hair flying behind her as lightning cracked the sky around them.

She was quite literally going to give the security a run for their money.


Olivia laid back in the bathroom hours later, sitting back in a steaming hot tub with the window cracked, letting the sounds of the storm in. There were lit candles stationed in various spots in the spacious room and the recessed lights were dimmed. Grateful for the dark, moody atmosphere that matched her mood she turned back to her phone after taking a sip of wine. Her phone was on a holding receptacle that sat across the tub.

She was currently on a group facetime call with Vanessa, Stella, and Aaliyah and she moaned as she moved her aching muscles, closing her eyes on a wince.

“See that’s what you get for being such a hard headed bitch,” Stella said, angry with her.

Olivia winced, thinking she really showed out today. If she hadn’t been in so much pain, she’d be rather proud of herself. She took both Zero and Byson on a straight up manhunt, though she could tell they were all toying with each other. She came to the conclusion that whatever they were getting paid for their services, it probably wasn’t enough.

“Yo, you threw a brick at Zero?” Aaliyah gasped in shock. Stella had sent them the security footage of her episode today outside of the building and she was watching it on replay. “Girl, I didn’t know you had moves like this oh my God,”

“Yeah, and he caught that shit with his bare hands then threw dirt at her face, blinding her,” Stella said, a little eye roll breaking through.

“He fucked up my cream pantsuit,” Olivia moaned, sinking further into the water.

“Serves you right,” Vanessa said, annoyed.

“They were out there for over an hour fighting, running, being straight chaotic. One of our security cars has to be replaced,” Stella said, huffing as she threw herself into a comfy looking bean bag that swallowed her whole. “But the best was when Zero kept calling her ‘Lilith’, he was chanting it while they were out in the storm being children. Apparently, that was your girl’s nickname back in the day when she was head honcho of Esmerelda’s Ring,” Stella said, filling Aaliyah in on everything that came out in the boardroom today.

Aaliyah grunted and then was silent. She was still pissed and in disbelief that her oldest friend was involved to the extent that she was. “But you’re a badass. So that’s all that matters, eh Ollie?” Aaliyah finally spoke, breaking her silence.

All the women murmured their agreement, even Vanessa who didn’t even want to talk to her right now.

“Well, enough about that please. Let’s talk about Vanessa’s vacation we’re supposed to be going on in a week! We’re decided on Bora Bora right?” Olivia said, pulling up her browser and looking up resorts.

“Yes,” Vanessa said, a crash blared through the phone as she dropped something, followed by a rather unladylike grunt as bent down to pick it up. They saw her stoic looking security guard turn the corner and her irritated “I’m fine. Thank you,” before he walked away.

“Jesus fucking Christ. I can’t even have the pregnancy farts anymore,” Vanessa huffed, sitting down at her island, and pushing her hair out of the way. They all busted out laughing.

“Okay, well there’s a private Villa with a private beach near nice eateries, and it has a separate wing for the boys,” Olivia stated, sharing her screen with them. She took a slow minute scrolling through all the pictures for them to see.

“For the boys?” Aaliyah said in an irritated tone. “This is supposed to be a not-a-baby-shower-girls-trip! Why are they coming?”

Stella shook her head, her beautiful mouth pouting, as Vincent suddenly appeared on the screen as he gave her a rather raunchy kiss followed by a hard slap that no one could tell where it landed.

“Owww, Goddammit V!” Stella complained, her face scrunching up.

Suddenly Colin came into the bathroom, and Jonathan appeared on the screen with Vanessa. Olivia hurriedly scooted down in the water hiding with a horrified look on her face.

“You guys what the fuck,” Olivia hissed, her face now screwed up in annoyance. Her face was red on the screen. “Any one of us could be naked at any given time!” she said, pulling more bubbles to cover her chest.

“Well, then don’t facetime while you’re in the bathtub Ukhat!” Jonathan joked, giving her his toothiest smile yet. “Hey, I wanted to congratulate you on a job well done, huh? Vincent sent us all the security footage of you and Zero and man! Wow! Your ass should have been in the army, Lilith!”
