Page 78 of The Pain We Allow

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They made their way into the building, with their security tailing them, knowing that it was a stroke of luck they were able to get in to see the judge in a public setting at his office. Carmichael wouldn’t be so careless as to outright refuse a call from two of the wealthiest men in the area without looking suspicious. Making their way down the hallway to Carmichael’s office, they passed portrait after portrait of judges, flags, Latin sayings, and statues.

Jonathan reached an arm out and pulled Colin to a stop just before they got to the ornate wooden door.

“Hey,” he said quietly, his brow furrowed as he regarded his friend closely. Colin arched an eyebrow in return and gave a long-suffering sigh. “Don’t fucking do anything stupid. I know we have security, but we don’t need to antagonize the man any further than he already is. Even though he hasn’t gotten to our girls, there’s still other people dying.”

Colin gave him a short nod, always preferring to never verbalize promises he wasn’t sure he could keep. Without knocking, he entered the expansive office, striding through confidently, his eyes narrowing in on Carmichael sitting behind his desk. Two armed guards were stationed against the wall behind him, and they each put a hand on their guns at the sight of Colin, Jonathan, and their two security guards tailing them.

Carmichael stood up from his desk, holding a hand up to call off the security behind him.

“No need, I’ve been expecting them,” Judge Carmichael’s deep voice called out to the two guards behind them. “Gentlemen, to what do I owe the honor?” Carmichael gave a sly grin as Colin confidently walked to the wide desk separating the two of them.

“Cut the niceties, Carmichael,” Colin said sternly, narrowing his eyes at the man. “Killing children now, Judge? This is what your sick antics have come to?”

Carmichael’s gray eyes turned cold, and a half grin appeared on his face before he cleared his throat and pushed some papers aside. “I have no clue what you’re talking about, McDermont.”

Colin and Carmichael stared each other down for a heartbeat before Colin leaned forward.

“Sure,” he tilted his head, pinning Carmichael with a deathly cold stare. “You contact my wife again, and you’ll regret it. I don’t know what kind of crazy lies in that brain of yours, but trust me, you don’t want to meet my brand of crazy. Because see, the only reason you are alive right now is so the authorities can have enough time to build a case against you and those victims you killed that need justice. But I will absolutely not stand by and watch my wife be tortured for too much longer. You’d do well to watch your fucking back.” Colin arched an eyebrow at him.

Carmichael gave him a dismissive wave before leaning back in his seat. He steepled his hands together in front of him and regarded him for a couple seconds before he tilted his head, his gray eyes flashing almost manically. He licked his lips before speaking.

“Tell me, McDermont, is her pussy absolutely divine? What’s she like to fuck? Do you think she’s worth all the dead bodies? I bet she’s nice and tight, a dream to screw,” he smiled a bright, toothy grin at Colin. “The first time I fuck her I’m going to make her scream for you, may even take her in front of you, so you have the pleasure of personally watching me defile your wife.” Carmichael taunted boldly, pulling a paper from a stack and beginning to sign it, his eyes no longer on Colin’s.

Colin turned his head, looking over at Jonathan, who had walked a couple of steps closer to grab him if he needed to.

He smiled a purely evil smile before sliding his eyes back to Carmichael, who had now put the paper aside and trained his eyes back on him. Colin took a couple of steps towards him, ignoring his own security guards uncomfortably close. He leaned down over the desk and pinned him with a stare.

“The only reason, and I legit mean this with everything in my soul, that I’m not killing you right now, is because I have self-control and it wouldn’t be fair to end us all in a bloodbath and leave Olivia and her family alone. So, you feel free to imagine what her pussy sounds like, feels like, tastes like all you want to; just understand that whatever you fantasize will never compare to the real thing. But know this Carmichael. I’ll kill the woman myself first before I ever let you touch her,” Colin ignored Jonathan’s sharp intake of breath and continued as if he didn’t just say the most fucked up thing imaginable. “Understand that, and maybe spend your time wondering how you’re going to die. Because I plan on waiting just long enough for them to frame you for all these murders, and then I promise you, you won’t make it into a prison. That’s when I’ll come get you. Enjoy,” and with that, Colin turned on his heel and strode past his security and headed to the door.

He paused as Carmichael’s voice rang out through the office.

“If I were you,” Carmichael called, repeating the last words Colin said to him in his guesthouse weeks ago. Colin turned back to face the judge head on. Carmichael’s eyes turned a stormy color, a sick look on his face as he assessed Colin, pure hatred in his face plain as day.

“I would fuck her good while you have the chance. Because once I have her, and I will, you’ll never get the chance to see her again. I’ll make her mine. And I’m going to damage her to the point you’ll never want her again if I ever did choose to discard her. You enjoy.”

Jonathan, who’d been silent for the entire interaction, looked at Colin, worry filling him anew for his friend’s sanity. He observed Colin’s eyes turn the coldest Jonathan had ever seen, and for the first time, Jonathan truly wondered if the man really was legitimately crazy, despite the psychological evaluations he’d made Colin go through stating he wasn’t. He watched the mask leave Colin’s face like a veil being lifted off a painting, showing what was underneath.

Colin’s eyes turned downright lifeless. There was no civility, no humanity, nothing of a person left within his depths.

Jonathan shuddered, feeling bile rise up his esophagus and he fought against dry heaving. He’d only seen that look one time upon the face of a truly evil captive when he was a torture specialist, and he worked extensively over the years to get that look out of his nightmares. He’d never expected to see it again on his closest friend’s face.

Colin slowly walked the few feet back to Carmichaels' desk. The two men flanking the judge put their finger on the trigger of the rifles they were holding. But Colin didn’t care as he stepped towards the judge’s desk and leaned down, putting his hands flat on the wood top. His fingers spread and his wedding band sparkled in the overhead lightning.

“I’m usually a man of many words,” Colin said, his voice taking on a hollow, dangerous cadence. “Truly, I love to hear myself speak.”

Colin saw an imperfection suddenly in the judge’s desk and his eyes narrowed.

They all watched, riveted, as he suddenly took his right hand and twisted it, the nail on his pinky finger digging sharply under the tiny, exposed piece of wood, nicking it further. He grasped it in his fingers and started pulling slowly. The tiny narrow tan line looked glaringly sharp against the dark wood of the varnished desk.

“However, much like this small little detail here,” he whispered, pulling steadily at the tiny strip. The men’s eyes were narrowed intently, watching the line become broader as he continued to pull. The tan line slashed a sharp divot into Carmichael’s desk, heading straight for him. “You too will make the smallest of mistakes. And when the time comes, I just want you to understand that I will absolutely relish killing you,” Colin whispered, twisting his hand and plucking the several inches worth of exposed wood he was picking at, effectively snapping it off from the rest of the desk.

“And, as much as it pains me to say this,” Colin said, his eyes now turning from the desk to meet Carmichael’s, who was thunderous with rage. His gray eyes stared back at Colin from his seat in the brown leather studded chair of his office. “Killing you is going to give me more pleasure than being inside my wife. Which is Nirvana. So, I hope that whatever you plan on doing, If I were you, I’d really commit to it and make it worth it, brother. Matter of fact, I praayyy you do.”

Jonathan felt sick.

“Because,” Colin continued. “As my wife’s body is my favorite destination on earth, and the thought of anything being better than that, well, it just doesn’t sit right in my spirit. If I were you, I would make it a point to go to church on Sunday. You need to repent before you slip up, because when you do, and you see my face when the time comes, you won’t have time to talk to God. And that’s a promise. I’ll be sure to say a prayer on your behalf as well. God and I have been tentatively acquainted as of late. If I were you, I’d make it right with Him, while you have the chance. And, just to show you how much I mean business,” Colin moved, pulling something out of his pocket.

Jonathan groaned as he recognized the object hanging from his friend’s hand, his eyes watered as they widened watching Colin toss it to the man. The object hit the judge’s desk with a hard thud.
