Page 88 of The Pain We Allow

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“Onto your side and bend your legs back,” he ordered, grasping a rope and waiting for her to comply. He worked swiftly, ignoring her gasps of shock as he tied a rope around her lower thigh and her calf, bending her heel to her thigh and tying another rope around her ankle and her upper thigh. He did the other leg, and then began to loop a complicated tie around her torso, roping it around her shoulders and breasts.

Olivia lay patiently quiet as he worked, concentrating on his work. Her eyes landed on a wall that was nothing but mirrors and watched enraptured as he continued to efficiently tie her into several more complicated knots. Standing, he hauled her up and sat her on her knees on a padded raised table. Reaching over to grab a rope, he attached the fastener at the end to the back of the rope, one on each side of her legs, and then hit a button on a remote, causing her to suddenly lift a couple inches off the table.

Olivia’s mouth dropped at the feeling of her body weight settling into the ropes.

“How is it, are you ok? Anything hurt, or pulling?” Colin asked, standing before her with his arms folded, he assessed every rope and where they were attached to the suspension ropes hanging from the iron railing above them.

“No sir…” she said, biting her lip as he suddenly reached forward and pushed her hard, sending her flying through the air. She squealed, feeling her heart slam into her chest, stealing her breath. He caught her easily, making her motionless again.

“Just to get the blood pumping,” he said with a wicked grin. And with that he stepped back and walked to a side of the room where there was a cabinet, and out of it he grabbed a fire extinguisher.

Olivia’s eyes widened at the sight as she panted, still feeling shocked after swinging around. “Wait!” she whispered, clearing her throat of her nerves. “Coli-” she cut her words off at his sudden sharp, narrow eyed stare. “Sir,” she said quietly. “Please don’t set me on fire.”

“What if I want to set you on fire, amor?” he tilted his head at her. “Are you within your rights to tell me no?” he asked calmly, placing the extinguisher down with a clunk he stood back up and regarded her once again.

Olivia turned her eyes to the wall of mirrors again and paused, seeing herself for the first time. Oh my god…she said quietly in her head. She swallowed thickly. “No sir, I’m not.”

She was hanging from ropes in the middle of the room, her legs completely restrained and spread open, her pussy just there, for whatever he wanted; vulnerable, not able to call any shots. She began to pant as he walked around the room and grabbed more things, putting them on the table he’d sat her on before he hauled her into the air.

“You know, I wasn’t going to go this easy on you, but I think I’ll let you be able to clench your fingers and toes for this, so I won’t be binding them…this time,” Colin said nonchalantly as he fiddled with a machine. He put the machine down then turned and walked to her, bending down and hauling the device that was under her up a few feet, about five feet beneath her. He took the lid off the device and pushed a button, starting a flame under her.

Olivia gasped as the heat met her sensitive skin and wiggled hard, trying to move but only managing to make herself swing slightly. “Colin!” she screeched, feeling the warmth lick at her pussy.

Oh fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! she screamed inside of her head, feeling her body temperature begin to rise. She moaned miserably, not able to get away from the heat tormenting her. She jerked, feeling a sudden slap on her pussy.

“What’s my name?” Colin said calmly, his eyes staring up at her as she began to pant. He lowered his hand palm down just under her vagina, holding it there for several long seconds, making sure the heat wasn’t too hot. Despite what she thought, he didn’t want to burn her.

“It’s sir…I’m sorry sirrrr…” Olivia panted, knowing without looking that her face and chest were turning red.

“Are you ok Olivia, is it too hot? Tell me the truth,” he murmured, removing his hand from the source of the heat, and giving it back to her full force.

Olivia shook her head slowly, not wanting to lie to him. Not while she was currently in the state she was in.

“Good girl. Now that we’re getting that pussy warmed up, let’s give your nipples a little love, hmm? How does that sound, amor?” he waited till she raised her head and trained her green eyes on his before he gave her a devilish smile and turned back to his table. He pushed it closer, taking a clamp that was connected by a wire to the small machine and he slowly reached for her nipple, clamping it down. Olivia hissed and then moaned, the pain feeling so good. He waited a second, watching her reaction carefully before attaching the other clamp.

“Now, these are going to send little electrical currents through your nipples. I’m going to start off light, because in a minute, I’m going to place the thruster machine inside you and then I’m going to start working on your back. Are you listening to me, Amor?”

Olivia, who’d begun shaking at the knowledge of what she knew was about to be one hell of a sexual experience at the hands of her husband who didn’t just have a sadistic side, but a crazy, wildly imaginative one as well.

“Yes, I hear you,” she whispered. “You did NOT tell me you were like this. Who thinks like this, sir?” she chanced, not meaning to be offensive, but she couldn’t think straight with the fires of hell right at her pussy.

Colin’s eyes met hers, a flash of surprise crossing his features before he began to laugh. A truly dark chuckle that he couldn’t stop.

“Sweetheart, you signed the contract. You knew what was in there,” he said through his laughter. He reached over and turned the current on to the second to lowest setting, and his smile became brighter as she suddenly threw her head back on a harsh wail.

Olivia jerked in the ropes as the current ran through her nipples and exploded on her clit, which was currently burning up from the inside out. She heaved a harsh breath, feeling her skin shrink too small for her body.

“FFUUUCCCKKKK!” Olivia screamed, not able to stop wiggling as she hung there miserably. Inhaling hard, she screamed again, feeling Colins wet lips wrap around her clit and suckle her strongly into his mouth. Shocked at the unexpected contact, she came almost immediately. Her face flushed bright red when she heard her essence splash against the ground. She stared rather unseeingly at the mirrors behind him, her chest heaving as she struggled to right all the sensations rolling through her at once.

Pulling away, he looked down at the floor under them. Amused, his eyes raised back to hers, seeing her body had broken out into a sheen of sweat. He turned, leaving her to it and walked to another cabinet, grabbing a small package and what looked to be a small briefcase. Returning to the table by her again, he opened it, setting it up and pulling out the various attachments.

Taking a small plastic structure attached to some straps he turned to her and wrapped the straps around her hips, snapping it in place, then settling a fleshy soft silicone piece against her clit. He took a remote and clicked a button and it began to buzz on her clit. Olivia felt her temperature rise even higher and a sheen of sweat broke out on her body, making her feel slightly dizzy. He turned back to the briefcase dismissively.

Olivia looked miserably at him working, wanting to cry, feeling like she was strung so tight. She licked her lips on a soft whimper.

“Siiirrrrr,” she pleaded. “I don’t think…I don’t know…” she tried, not able to express herself.

Colin remained quiet. Listening, but not feeling the need to respond. He took out a medium-large dildo and attached it to the thruster machine.
