Page 93 of The Pain We Allow

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They arrived home and Olivia ran a bath, undressing Colin quietly and treating him to soft kisses all over his body. She murmured to him gently and held him while they sat in the hot water, and she pressed her ear against his chest, feeling his heartbeat steadily against her ear, thanking God for His strength and praying that He would keep them all safe.


A few days later, Olivia stood at the cherry wood casket with Colin, holding hands with him while he said his final goodbyes to his father before the ushers closed the casket and replaced the flowers on top. Through the lace on her black veil, she regarded his solemn face tightly and looked over at her sister, Jonathan, and Allison who were sitting on the front pew, dressed all in black when suddenly Vanessa let out a gasp and jerked, looking down.

Olivia’s jaw dropped, and Colin turned, looking over seeing something was going on. His hand tightened on hers as Jonathan suddenly stood up and glanced at him briefly before turning his attention back to Vanessa.

“My water just broke. Ohhh my God, I am so sorry Colin,” she whispered, struggling to stand up and then yelping slightly as Jonathan picked her up swiftly in his arms. Colin turned and spoke to the funeral director quietly before turning and grabbing Allison with his other hand. He pulled Olivia and Allison after him as he began to walk briskly to the entrance of the cathedral they were in.

“Let’s go!” he said sharply, jerking his head at their security. “Where there’s death, there’s life,” he said almost reverently as he led the way out the door, waiting for Zero to go first. He yanked open the door to their armored SUV and ushered them in.They drove off, headed to the Sinclair household, to watch baby Ian be born.

“Is my brother coming?” Allison said, looking over from her spot in her booster seat, she had a big smile on her face, showing she was missing two teeth.

Olivia looked over at her and grabbed her hand smiling.

“Yes baby, little Ian will be here anytime today! Are you as excited as I am?” she leaned in and whispered conspiratorially to her as Allison giggled and nodded her head. “You know, you’ll always be my little girl right, no one will ever take your place, especially some stinky little boy,” Olivia wrinkled her nose at the little girl, and they all shared a laugh until Allison spoke again.

“I know momma.”

The car went quiet, and Allison turned her head to look out the window at the trees whizzing by. Olivia turned shocked eyes to Colin who furrowed his brow and gave her a ‘what the hell look’.

“Allison, baby… did you just call me momma…” Olivia whispered, her face going pale.

Allison looked over at her. “Yes, a pretty angel came to me when I was in the pool and said my mommy was coming to get me, and she would keep me warm while we waited for you.” She turned her head back to the window. “But, I still want to live with mommy, and daddy, and baby Ian.I love my little brother,” she said simply.

Olivia leaned back in her seat with wide eyes and reached out a shaky hand to Allison, wrapping her fingers with hers, staying silent.Colin reached back in concern and placed a hand on her leg, seeing her stare rather blankly off in the distance with a shocked expression on her face. A tear fell from her eye and to her breast, soaking the fabric there. Making himself stay quiet, he gave her knee a squeeze and as soon as they got to the house he jumped out, ripped Olivia’s car door open and hauled her out and to him, hugging her to him hard.

He bent to her lips, kissing her softly. He rubbed his hands through her hair, trying to soothe her.

“Amor, are you okay?” he asked quietly, seeing her face still pale. She sniffled and nodded her head, bringing up a shaky hand to wipe a tear away. Her green eyes looked tortured as they met his chocolate colored ones.

“I am, but this isn’t about me right now. Please let’s just be here for Vanessa and Jonathan right now.”

Colin nodded, giving her another soft kiss, seeing Jonathan carry Vanessa out of the SUV and another vehicle pull up with their doula. They helped Allison out of the car, and they all went inside the big mansion to watch life enter the world.


“Push Nessie! Fucking PUSH!” Olivia gasped into Vanessa’s ear as she felt her squeeze her hand so hard that a knuckle cracked.She’d done exactly what she said she wouldn’t do and got in the birthing tub with her. And there was goo everywhere.

She wiggled her toes, feeling them brush Jonathan’s knee who was in there with them.The only ones who weren’t were Colin and Allison. Colin said he had to draw the line somewhere, and Allison turned her nose up at the nasty water as she sat there quietly with her hand in Colin's.

Vanessa let out a pained groan and a whimper. “Oh my God, I’m going to die!” she lamented loudly before letting out another scream. Her face turned bright red as she suddenly cut off her screams and pushed hard. Olivia winced, her eyes sliding over to Colin’s in sympathy. Vanessa collapsed, leaning back against Olivia weakly. Tears were trailing down her face.

“No you’re not mommy! That man that was at the church today said you were going to be fine.”

“Huh?” Olivia and Vanessa said the word at the same time, throwing Allison a confused glance.

“What man? Someone talked to you? When? How?” Vanessa gaped at Jonathan, who suddenly looked angry. “We had security everywhere! Who the hell could have talked-”

Olivia’s eyebrows raised as Vanessa let out a sharp scream and contorted her body in the tub and Olivia gagged as some goo got stuck to her arm. She blinked her watering eyes away and sniffed, swallowing the nausea that was threatening to spew forth.

“No, the man that was in the pretty shiny box, he’s right there. See?”Allison turned and pointed a few feet away from Colin. “He doesn’t look like that though, like how he was in the box. He looks kinda like Uncle Colin, except there was a pretty lady with him. She said she loves you, Uncle Colin. She’s reaallllyyy pretty.” Allison had a goofy smile on her face as she clutched her beyond destroyed pink bunny to her chest. Her eyes looked far away as she stared off into the corner of the room they were in.

Colin stiffened and turned to look behind him, the hair on the back of his neck standing up as he glanced over to where she was looking. As if he expected to suddenly be able to see spirits.

Everyone went quiet as they turned too, to look where she was pointing. There was nothing.

“Allah…” Jonathan breathed, looking between Vanessa and Colin.
