Page 94 of The Pain We Allow

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Vanessa suddenly gritted her teeth and bore down hard, straining silently.

“Ohhhh there’s the head. Just give us a few hard pushes dear.” The doula announced, plunging her hand in the water and feeling in between Vanessa’s legs who was now gasping. She looked up at them. “You’d be surprised how often this happens; kids have the ability to see a lot of stuff.They tend to lose that as they get older, though. Some don’t. Ah, okay daddy, ready to catch your son?” She stood back, wiping her hands on a towel as Jonathan positioned himself between Vanessa’s legs.

Olivia shuddered, knowing a bunch of other gunk was about to fly out along with the baby, and she locked eyes with Colin and gave him a weak smile. It was seriously something special they were sharing and despite how disgusted she felt, she knew she’d never forget this day. He gave her a smile back, reaching out a dry hand to touch her check as he held her gaze and she knew what he was thinking in that moment.

When was it going to be their turn?

Olivia wasn’t sure, but she was positive it wasn’t going to be in a tub where she could feel all the yucky stuff floating and sticking to her skin. She gasped, breaking her eye contact with Colin and smiled brightly, seeing the baby come out and into Jonathan’s arms. Vanessa sagged against her once more and she gave her a smacking kiss against her cheek.

“Thank you, sis.” Vanessa panted tiredly, smiling as Jonathan raised baby Ian out of the tub and laid him on her chest before the doula got to work on the baby, cleaning and suctioning. “I know you think it’s disgusting but I couldn’t have done this without you. I love you.”

“I love you too, Nessie, sisters forever.”

“Sisters forever.” Vanessa giggled as they both looked down at baby Ian, who was now crying.

Olivia ran a finger down his cheek and arm, remembering the day she had Allison. It was the happiest day of her life.She felt a tear fall down her face and she sniffled, closing her eyes briefly against the memory. She opened them again and found Allison, who was staring at her brother with such a look of adoration that she felt that place inside her heart shift. The place that held so much hurt, and made her cry almost daily. The pain suddenly lessened, its vicious grip easing away from her as Allison’s eyes filled with so much joy at the sight of her brother. She clutched her bunny to her chest hard and kept glancing at the water as if she wanted to get in.

“Ok, little one. Let’s do this,” Colin said in his deep confident voice. He suddenly reached forward and helped Allison out of her shoes and toed his own off before picking her up in his arms and stepping carefully into the bath.

Olivia’s mouth dropped, seeing him settle with Allison into the tub, and she swallowed back tears as Allison leaned forward and put her lips to the back of baby Ian’s head. Colin turned his eyes and caught her gaze, love pouring into her from his, and he reached a hand out and laid it heavily on the back of her head, squeezing tightly.

Overcome, Olivia placed her face against Vanessa’s shoulder and openly sobbed, beginning to heal.

And yes, healing is painful, too.

Chapter twenty-three

The Clock Is Ticking

Two weeks later, Colin was in Jonathan’s rec room with Jonathan and Alexander, sharing a drink and a laugh with the two men when a text from an unknown number came through on his phone. His blood ran cold as he opened his phone to read the message.

McDermont, How much is she worth to you? Is she worth your sanity? You may be able to keep it if you know she is alive, rather than dead.Do you want to keep wondering every night when it’ll be her turn? I know there’s more redheads in the family, another newest little one has been born. Congratulations.What can I offer you, to ease your suffering? Because trust me, you’re going to suffer. -Quid Pro Quo

Slamming his phone on the side table and standing up, Colin threw his glass across the room. Jonathan looked at him with a thunderous expression as the sounds of glass shattering echoed around them loudly.

“Let me see,” Jonathan said angrily, snagging up Colin’s phone to read the message. Jonathan glanced up with a murderous expression on his face. Alexander looked over, his blue eyes assessing the two men coolly.

Colin and Olivia had been staying at Jonathan’s house so they could be close to the new family. And because they’d been rigid with their schedule, not making any unnecessary trips and having staff handle home deliveries and groceries just in case of any assassination attempts, Alexander met them there for some guy time. Colin tensed as Alexander stood up quickly to face him.

Colin felt his blood run cold as his demeanor became fiercely agitated. His eyes met Alexander’s and narrowed. “I have no problem killing you if you don’t let me the fuck out of this room.” Colin’s chest heaved as he squared off with the psychiatrist.

Alexander slid his abnormally cold eyes to Jonathan before speaking. “Jonathan, go get your security, I can hold him off for a few minutes.” He pushed the sleeves of his shirt up.“Colin, remember what we talked about? You need to calm do-“

Jonathan hurried out the room to alert the security, staff, and their family. Alexander narrowed his eyes at Colin, opening his stance as he faced him head on.

“DO NOT TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK TO DO!” Colin roared at him, his face flushing dark as he squared up with the man. He got into Alexander's face, his lip curling and his features tight as he went toe to toe with the man who’d helped him get through Olivia’s disappearance.

He knew the psychiatrist was right, but he was done. He was going to get Carmichael.

“Colin, I’m not telling you what to do, but you need to get a hold of yourself!” Alexander hissed at him, reaching forward to place a cautious hand on his shoulder. “They need you to keep it together.”

“No, keeping it together is keeping these people dying” Colin’s chest heaved as he stared at the cold man. “If he was close before, then he’s right on our front step now. Tell me how the fuck he knows about baby Ian?None of us had announced his birth! How does he know!?”

Alexander’s face paled as he saw Colin’s true fear. They either had a spy in the home, or he had been following them, picking off the other redheads around town for fun. A true psychopath.

“We need to get the fuck out of here.They know where we are! He has to know!”

Just then, Olivia burst into the room.
