Page 95 of The Pain We Allow

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“We need to go,” she said shortly, turning away from him and addressing Zero who was hot on her heels. “Z, tell our security team to get ready to evacuate the Sinclair household and we are going to head to Gypsy’s compound.We need to take an additional two SUVs, and we all need to leave at the same time and head in different directions. We’ve been followed, that’s the only explanation.” She turned her head to Alexander, assessing him sharply. “Did you fucking tell anyone? We haven’t been anywhere. No one knows Ian was born early!”

Alexander shook his head. “No, Olivia, I wouldn’t have done that. I know what’s been going on, I wouldn’t betray you all like that.”

Olivia stared at the man for another second and nodded her head.

Colin screwed his brows together. “Olivia-”

“I’m going upstairs to pack,” she turned to Byson. “Let the Sinclair team know that we will be heading out.I’ve already contacted Gypsy for use of her panic house and pulled my favor with her and her client I offered a service to.”

“Olivia, slow the fuck down for a second. I don’t know these people! You don’t get to just-”

Olivia rounded on him with a wild look on her face. “Do not talk to me any kind of way in front of these people.”

Colin narrowed his eyes and regarded her tightly.

“You do not understand this man, Colin. We need to move. Someone call Vincent. Now.”

Colin was torn, having a moment of pride and fear that warred within him. He felt out of control, but at the same time, seeing Olivia so in control, so obviously in her element, let him know just what Zero meant when he said he didn’t understand how he was able to tame her. In that moment he felt calm, knowing that this woman would be the perfect mother. Seeing how effortlessly she took over when chaos ensued, solidified for him that this was the woman he was meant to be with.

He could tame her because she understood and submitted to the chaos that was within him. That’s why they worked.

He nodded his head.“I agree, let’s get the fuck out of here,” he turned to Alexander. “You coming with us?” Alexander threw him a wry look with an arched eyebrow. “Nah, I think I’ll be okay. Thanks though.” Alexander reached forward, clasping his forearm in a harsh grip. They shared a look before Alexander turned to give Olivia a brief hug before letting himself out the door.

Olivia turned on her heel, pulling out her phone. She dialed a number, snapping a finger at Zero. “Get to fucking moving!” she said harshly, flicking her hair behind her shoulder as she put the phone on speaker.

“Carmichael,” she spat out. All the air left the room as she addressed the man through the phone.

Colin felt his blood pressure skyrocket.

“Kat! It’s so good to hear-” the man stopped talking as Olivia hissed into the phone. A look unlike any other Colin had ever seen graced her face. She began to tap onto her phone during the call as she interrupted him easily.

“I have warned you. I have even graced you with my presence, and you have the fucking nerve to reach out to my husband. How fucking dare you. I told you to leave my family alone!”

“All you have to do is come to me. You know where I am.”

Colin hurriedly walked to Olivia, snatching the phone out of her hand to see the number she dialed, he waved over another security who came forward.

“Write this number down,” he snapped quietly, tilting the phone so the security could see. Colin felt an icy blanket over his heart as she continued to address the man.

“So this is how you want to play it? You just won’t let go, even though I am telling you no?” Olivia’s hands began to shake as she attempted to take a breath to ground herself. She began to walk towards the door swiftly, seeing the staff of the household rushing around, getting the families together.

“Well, you haven’t even given us a chance-”

“THERE IS NO US!” Olivia suddenly screamed into the phone, shocking them all.

Jonathan came around the corner and raced up the steps after Olivia and Colin. Olivia burst into their room and began to throw her clothes into a bag, mixing Colin’s clothes in.

“Baby,” Colin whispered, shaking her shoulder, trying to get her attention.

“You are fucking around with the wrong one, Carmichael! I will fucking-”

Jonathan snatched the phone from her and hung up on the man. “We’re almost ready to leave. Olivia, tell me. Can we trust this Gypsy woman?”

Olivia snapped her head up and narrowed her eyes at Colin and Jonathan. “I can trust this woman with my life,” her face was beat red, and her lips were tight against her face as she regarded them with her chest heaving. There was a crash from the bedroom door as the door banged into the wall.

Colin and Jonathan’s gazes were momentarily torn from Olivia as Zero burst into the room, commanding their attention.

“Sir, Gypsy just forwarded the safe house’s information,” Zero came up behind Colin, standing there stoically. “Apparently, a few members of royalty use the residence. It checks out, very obscure. We’re able to hunker down together in the same household. It is a massive compound.”
