Page 97 of The Pain We Allow

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They went into the house and were shown around by other staff and Beth to their rooms. Allison and Ian slept in the room with Vanessa and Jonathan, they were taking no chances with their safety.


By the third day, they were all going stir crazy. Colin and Jonathan were holed up in an office of the mansion and were trying to run their businesses remotely. Neither one of them was happy about it.

Gypsy dropped by briefly to give them an update, letting them know her people were watching Carmichael’s house and so far there’s been no activity out of the ordinary.He went to work with his guards, then came back home. There was nothing that they could sus out.

Until the fourth day.

Olivia was reading a book in the library, trying to take her mind off things when the first text came through her phone. However, her phone was on silent on the table and she didn’t get it.

Kat, I just want you to know, I have tried to reach out to you. I have given you chance after chance to be amicable and to make the right decision. We can be so good together, and I hate that it has to come to this. A bloodbath shouldn’t be necessary for you to do what you should have done in the first place. I hope that we can come to some sort of understanding that will be mutual for the both of us. Maybe this way, we can both get what we want.But when you push my buttons, I will definitely push yours back.This game ends today.-Qui facit per alium facit per se


Olivia was turning the page in the afternoon, thoroughly lost in her book, when Vanessa barrelled around the corner.

“Olivia!” she screamed. She was clutching baby Ian to her and the nanny was on her heels, flapping around her trying to take him, but Vanessa was shaking too hard to give him up.

Olivia jumped up and with wide eyes she reached for baby Ian. “Oh my God is he okay?” Olivia said. Her fingers trembled as she moved his blanket aside.

“No-” Vanessa choked, “NO! It’s Allison, she was kidnapped from the school!” Vanessa yelled, finally giving up Ian who was being tugged out of her hands by the nanny.

Time stood still as the news processed and Olivia paled. She shook her head, “No, she has too much security, this doesn’t make sense-”

“A bomb! She was in the bathroom and they bombed the fucking-” Vanessa bent over choking on her tears.

Olivia’s heart ramped into overdrive and she dove for her phone, checking it just as Zero barreled around the corner. Suddenly their phones went off with the unmistakable blare of the amber alert sound. The high pitched noise triggering panic in her chest. Olivia paled further, her fingers trembling as she struggled with her phone.

“No, this can’t be right-” she paled, stumbling back a step as the text from that morning hit her phone. Her eyes widened, just as Colin and Jonathan tore into the room.

Colin stepped up to her and snatched her phone out of her hand, reading it quickly.

“FUCKING HEEEELLLLLLL!” Colin roared, grabbing at his neck he spun on his heel and faced Zero. “What do we know? Do we know anything yet?”

Zero narrowed his eyes. “From my intel right now all we’ve got is a “parent” of an enrolled child was in the bathroom during break with Allison at the time of the explosion, there are no child fatalities but there are several injuries, and three teachers are dead, including the “parent”. Whoever was on the other side of the bomb got her through the debris and chaos and she was able to get out before the security could get to her. Sir, we are sorry,” Zero faced Jonathan and gave him a discrete nod.

“For the love of GOD.” Jonathan breathed, his face was stricken with fear for his baby girl. “Do we know where she could have been taken?”

“No sir, she had a tracker in her backpack, but since she was in the bathroom she didn’t have the backpack with her.” Zero’s eyes slid to Olivia who looked to be vibrating she was so angry. She snatched her phone back from Colin with a rough sound and beat her hand into the phone. She held it up to her ear.

“Where the fuck are you?” she spoke into the phone, panting hard.

“Are you alone? Am I on speaker?”

“Yes, No,” Olivia replied. She held up her hand and jerked away as Colin went to grab the phone, flashing him a warning glance.

“So I’ve got your attention now?”

“Yes.” Keep cool. He’s got Allison. Keep calm.

“I want just you, that’s all. They can have her back, but you need to come to me. Alone.”

“That’s not possible. I can’t get out of here Carmichael. There’s too many people guarding me and you know it. Give me the coordinates, and I will exchange myself for her.”

“I have men stationed everywhere. I will pick them all off if you bring a swarm of security.”

“Only me and my security guy,” she whispered. Seeing Colin’s eyes flashing, she spoke quickly. “And Colin, and my sister, she will need to go back with my sister. That’s all.”
