Page 98 of The Pain We Allow

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“Hmmm….I like the thought of seeing your husband again. I promised him something delicious when he paid me a visit. Maybe I can make good on it. Okay, meet me here, and don’t fuck around. If you bring extra people, I will kill her. I’m sending you a photo from another number to show you just how serious I am. That’s why so many little ones had to perish, so you can see just what I’m capable of if you don’t cooperate. If you all are armed, you will die. Don’t take all night now. I’m giving you exactly two hours and five minutes to get here,” Carmicheal hung up.

Just then, multiple phones rang and they pulled them out, opening up the message.

“O-o-ohhh-ohhh my G-God,” Vanessa said, falling to her knees and staring hard at her phone in shock.

Olivia kept her eyes on Colin. “I am not looking, and neither are you. Whatever he sent, I believe him. Nessie, put the fucking phone away. Put it away, goddamn it, looking at it isn’t going to help and we need to move,” she opened up the coordinates and set the GPS. “We’re exactly two hours away. Get the fastest fucking car you can find and lets roll out. Two vehicles.”

“He fucking did that so we wouldn’t have time to set up a perimeter or scope out the place, god fucking damn it.” Jonathan said bitterly, taking a deep breath and trading a hot glance with Colin.

“The five minute grace was to get security out of the way.” Olivia dialed another number.

“Gypsy.” They all listened as she rattled off what Carmicheal said, after some back and forth, Zero put his hand to his ear listening to his earpiece.

“Gypsy’s men will open the gates and not pursue. But they will be on standby.”

Colin shook his head and looked to the heavens. He said a quick prayer.

“Let’s go,” he growled, they flew out of the house into the vehicles and their tires squealed as they took off, racing against the clock.


Olivia and Colin went in one car, and Vanessa, Jonathan, and Zero followed the location that Carmichael sent. However, about twenty minutes from their destination Carmichael called.

Olivia answered over the speaker phone.

“What,” she growled, steering the car efficiently through traffic, they’d been so lucky as to avoid cops so far.

“I am sending you another coordinate. Good girl, I see you’re finally following instructions. However, I wonder why you didn’t drive in one car?”

“Because, you dumbass-”

“Now be nice,” Carmichael drawled, “Allison, does your auntie always use bad language?”

Olivia’s eyes widened and her heart skipped a beat hearing Allison whimper in the background.

Colin clenched his fists and reached a hand over, grasping her thigh hard. Olivia’s chest heaved as she tried to calm down. “Don’t fucking touch her, Carmichael!”

“Nooo, I wouldn’t dream of it. She’s so sweet. We’re taking such good care of her. I heard she got a new liver?” Carmichael’s voice was sickeningly sweet.

Olivia’s lips trembled as a tear spilled over onto her cheek. “Why are you giving me a new coordinate?”

“Because I needed to make sure you weren’t going to sic anyone onto my location. It’s being sent to your phone. Bye now,” Carmichael hung up the phone and Colin snatched it up, hurriedly sending it to Zero and Jonathan.

“Baby-” Colin spoke, but Olivia was looking lost, far away, almost as if she was retreating into herself, going on autopilot. “Amor, listen to me, I love you. No matter what happens tonight, I fucking love you, baby. We’re getting out of this, okay? Come on, let's focus, take a deep breath. We need to be clear headed.” He squeezed her thigh, moving his hand up to the nape of her neck and squeezing hard.

“Colin, what if he kills her anyway? What do we do?” Olivia’s eyes flickered all over the road as she took a sharp turn, narrowly missing a truck.

Colin grabbed the grab bar hard and turned to face her. Looking at the dash, he saw they only had five more minutes to go.

“When we get there, let me go first with Zero, we will scope out the area and verify any weaknesses,” he spoke rapidly, trying to get as much out as he can. “Do not let him touch you Olivia, he might not let her go and could keep her to control you.”

Olivia’s blood raced in her veins as she took another sharp turn. Looking into the rearview mirror, she saw Zero was almost on her bumper.

“I have to get her out of there. That’s why I brought two cars. One for us, one for her. I’m getting her out of there, Colin,” she shot him a look full of pain and Colin winced. “Colin, we might not make it out of there, but she has to.” Her voice cracked.“Do you understand what I’m trying to say?” she sniffed, her fingers tightened on the steering wheel hard as she struggled to not let fear overwhelm her.

Colin stared hard at her before nodding once. “I’m not leaving you baby, you have to know that. I will never leave you. It’s you and me baby,” Olivia nodded, and a fresh tear fell down her check. Colin leaned over the middle and kissed the side of her mouth, breathing her in.

“B-but if I have a chance to get you out of there, Colin, I need you to take it-”
