Page 99 of The Pain We Allow

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“No, you’ve lost your fucking mind asking me that.”

“COLIN,” Olivia bit out, her lips were tight as she spoke to him. “Colin he wont kill me, but I’ll never survive if something happens to you. I can take care of myself out there baby. I won’t like it but I will get away eventually. But if you die, I won’t survive that. If tonight doesn’t go well I need you to please, please listen to me.”

Colin watched as her tears dried up. They turned into a forestry area, the diminishing sun disappeared behind them and they were in sudden darkness.

“If you fucking love me, you’ll listen to me. Get the fuck out of here if things go bad. Don’t be a fucking hero.” Her eyes flew to the dash just as they were swallowed by trees. “Two minutes to go.”

She held her hand out and gave him a hard, lingering look as the car bumped over potholes in the darkness.

Colin scowled, his spider senses tingling, letting him know that they were being lured into a trap. Part of him wanted to call Jonathan and tell them to turn around, worried about him and Vanessa, but he knew he had a better chance of getting the man to eat pork before that would happen.

The hair on the back of his neck stood up as they slowly approached a clearing, seeing several cars with headlights casting everyone into a silhouette. His heart stopped, seeing five henchmen with rifles, and Allison in front of Carmichael. He was standing there patiently, his hand wrapped around Allison’s hair so hard she was on her tiptoes.

Holding onto her bunny for dear life.

Olivia felt her heart crack in such a way she wasn’t sure it would ever be repaired, seeing the little girl with blood and tear stained cheeks, snot running down her face. Her lips were trembling and her little eyes flickered back and forth, looking for someone to save her.

Her eyes narrowed and she let out a snarl, seeing a red dot trained on the little girl’s chest.

Colin glanced at her for a heartbeat and narrowed his eyes as she started talking.

“You will let me get out of the car first. If you get out first he will kill you with no hesitation. I need to get in front and start talking. Do not lean into me or kiss me, do not provoke this man. You let me get my baby out of here first and then I am okay with however tonight turns out. Are you hearing me baby?”

Colin narrowed his eyes and licked his lips, knowing all bets were off. Seeing Allison the way she was turned some switch on in Olivia that he wasn’t sure he’d be able to turn back off if they made it out alive.

Which he planned to.

“When we get the fuck out of here, I’m going to skin you alive for the way you’ve been ordering me around for the last two hours. Like I said, it’s you and me baby.” he repeated his words from earlier.

Olivia closed her eyes and tilted her head back, and for a second, time stood still as she breathed deeply, listening to her heartbeat and welcoming the hot loud rush of blood in her ears. Opening her eyes back up on a slow exhale, she turned her head to Colin.

“Comfortable chaos,” she breathed, turning her eyes back to her daughter. “I know you know what I’m talking about. You feel it every time we’re together. I’m getting my daughter out of here and then I’m going for the sweet spot. As soon as you feel it, you’re free to do whatever the fuck you need to.” She turned her eyes to him and they shared a mutual understanding that didn’t need to be verbalized.

With a nod, she opened the door and then walked around the car, holding her hand up to stall Zero, Vanessa, and Jonathan, who had opened the door. She turned her face to the side and pinned them with a stare.

Stay, let me go first, she implored with her eyes, making sure they got the memo before she began to walk forward, her gait confident.

Colin narrowed his eyes, feeling his entire soul wanting to reach out for his wife.

But all he could do right now was watch as her alter ego, Lilith, walked into the lion's den.

Chapter twenty-four

Lilith Reborn

Olivia lowered her arm and began to walk confidently towards the group, seemingly uncaring that four weapons were trained on her.

Ignoring Carmichael’s gray gaze on her, she locked eyes with Allison, narrowing her eyes at the little girl’s state, and her fear. She softened her gaze and took another step towards them, seeing three men turn their rifles to her family behind her.

However, one stayed on her and another on Allison. She refused to raise her hands, not showing any weakness at all. They didn’t deserve to see it.

Allison’s trembling became worse as she whimpered, slipping on her tiptoes as Carmichael hauled her up slightly higher by her hair. Her little fingers were clawed around the bunny.

“Mommy I’m scared, but Uncle Colin’s daddy is here with me,” she said in a little trembling voice.

Olivia fought back a wave of nausea, not knowing if that was a comforting thing or a bad omen. They couldn’t quite figure out this new found gift of hers yet.

“Hi, baby. I’m so sorry that one of the bad guys got you, but I’m here now. And we’re going to slay this dragon together, okay?” she said with a wink. She saw Allison’s trembling start to slow as she held her bunny to her mouth, seemingly unable to speak any longer.
