Page 61 of Wicked Billionaire

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“Good girl, Hazel. Now tell me exactly what you want me to do.” Her pupils grew wider. She liked praise. My hand lightly caressed her core over her baby-blue shorts.

She pressed her hand harder against mine. My words seemed to give her courage. “I want you to touch me. To use your fingers and your mouth on my pussy.”

I wanted to stand up and applaud at how quickly we got to this point. “It’s fucking sexy when you ask for what you want. You want it now?”

“Yes, please,” she begged, her hips rising as though trying to prove her point. She yanked at the button of her shorts, getting frustrated when her trembling hands fumbled.

I laid her down on the bed. There was no way to hide my tortured groan at seeing her laid out before me. “Let me.” I slid my hand up and popped it free.

With a shimmy, she helped the light fabric down, exposing her lacy pink underwear. “Don’t tear them.” She bit her lip, her worry clearing some of the hazy lust from her eyes.

I grinned, pretending not to understand her. My fingertips lightly caressed the edge of her panties, teasing her. “Tear what?”

Her breath hitched, making me grin in satisfaction. “My underwear. I bought them at Ashlyn’s shop. I love the style and the message.”

“And you’re afraid I’d tear them off you?” Now that she mentioned it, I did see the pale aqua stitching, ‘You are enough’ along the side.

“In a bunch of the romance novels I read, the guys tear them off and keep them.” I loved how she felt like she had to explain that to me. I wondered what else she read about in her books.

“So no to the tearing, but yes to the keeping.” I liked the idea of taking this pair and having it as a souvenir from our time here in Bali.

She frowned, clearly not sure she should say yes.

“I’ll buy you a whole new set in any color with every saying your heart desires if you let me do what I want.”

Interest flared in her irises and a wicked grin tipped up the corners of her mouth. “Then have at them.”

I laughed at her exaggerated wink.

I’d never stopped an ongoing seduction to have a conversation with a woman I was hell-bent on showing how much I desired her. Yet, I quickly realized that this was Hazel and I. We were comfortable being who we were. There was no reason to pretend otherwise.

It created a different dynamic than I was used to and a whole new layer of intimacy to what was happening between us. My stomach clenched as I wondered if I would be able to walk away when it was time or if maybe someday I could be the man she needed.



Iran my fingertips along the groove on the side of his smiling lips. Seeing Jareth like this, sweet, attentive, and understanding was almost as good as the moment he agreed to give us a try. My heart wanted to burst with happiness.

I’d dated before and fooled around, but it wasn’t this easy going. As nervous as I was about finally having sex for the first time, I knew Jareth would make sure it was everything I hoped it would be.

“So about your promise… ” I was all for him buying me new underwear. My old fear of him ruining my pretty lingerie was now a thing of the past. A part of me I didn’t know existed wanted to know how it felt to have a man pushed to his breaking point, his desire so out of control, that he couldn’t wait to have me. His need so great he’d tear off my panties instead of waiting the few seconds it took to slide them off.

He nuzzled his face into my neck. The lower half of his body pinned my legs in place and pressed me into the mattress. This gentle feeling of rightness flowed over me at every place our bodies touched. I craved having his hands and mouth scorching a path down every inch of my skin.

“I’ll call Ashlyn and tell her you have no spending limit.” His hand cupped my cheek. “I only have one request.”

I pushed him back slightly to see his face. “You can’t set conditions.” I gave a playful pout.

The smirk that tilted up the corner of his mouth had me intrigued.

“Now I want to know. Okay, tell me.”

He trailed a finger up and down the front of my shirt, going slower in between my breasts and down to my stomach. Tingles erupted in the wake of his touch and the happiness at being here with him, like this, was like nothing I’d felt before.

I’d known from the second our eyes met that there was something between us. For three years I hoped he’d see me as Hazel, the woman, not his assistant and now that he had, I wanted to run outside and tell everyone that he was mine.

His finger circled closer to my breasts, capturing my attention away from the montage of us over the years that ran through my head. “If I don’t accompany you on this shopping trip, you are to send me pictures of you in each set.” His tongue dipped out to circle my exposed belly button. Energy jolted through me as he laid kiss after kiss on my stomach, pushing my shirt up inch-by-inch, tracing the imaginary line his hand had made, creating a restlessness I didn’t know what to do with.
