Page 100 of Mistaken Identity

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“Let me think… I’m not married. I don’t have children. Neither does Livia. Do you want me to go on?”

“No. But she’s how old? Twenty?”

“She’s twenty-one. And why is that relevant?” He opens his mouth to speak, to raise more objections, but I hold up my hand and he closes it again. “It’s not fucking relevant at all, Drew.”

“Okay. Calm down.”

I fasten my shirt buttons. “Do you think I went into this lightly? You think I didn’t consider Livia’s age, and the fact that she works for me before I got into this? I even considered the similarities between my situation and Dad’s, and I dismissed them, because I’m not him. Regardless of what you might think, I’ve never taken advantage of my position. It isn’t like that. Livia loves me, and I love her.”

Drew’s mouth falls open. “Love?” he says, clearly shocked.

“Yes. Love. The kind of love where I can’t live without her. Hell… I can barely breathe without her.”

“I—I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…” He looks so lost, I have to take pity on him, and I smile, which seems to help him relax, just a little

“It’s okay. You weren’t to know.” I stare at him for a moment, both of us catching our breath. “Did you come over for anything in particular?”

“No… I was just wondering how late you’re gonna be here tonight?”

“Not very.”

“So you won’t be here for dinner?”

I feel a little guilty. It sounds like he’s looking for company. But I can’t provide that. Not with the early start I’ve got tomorrow. “No. I’m planning on heading back to the city around six, assuming we can get all this work finished.”

“You call that work, do you?” He grins, much more like his usual self now.

“We were… taking a break.” I’m not about to tell him what’s been going on this morning.

“Sure you were,” he says.

I shake my head. “I’d better go find Livia, to make sure she’s okay,” I say, stepping forward, but he nods down at the couch behind me.

“I think you forgot something.”

I look around and see her torn panties lying in the corner of the couch and snatch them up, screwing them into a ball and putting them in my pocket. Then I head for the door, but as I pass Drew, he grabs my arm and I turn to look at him. “I’m sorry I compared you to Dad.”

“It’s okay. I do it often enough myself.”

“Do you think that’s something you should stop?”

“Livia suggested I should try… so maybe I will.”

He smiles. “I’m really pleased you’ve found someone special.”

“Oh, she’s special.”

He lets me go, and I make for the stairs, taking them two at a time.

At the top, I wonder which way to go, but take a gamble and turn right, going to my room, and hoping for the best. Sure enough, Livia’s inside, standing over by the window. She’s straightened her clothes and her hair, and I sigh out my relief. This feels better than finding her in the guest room, even if she jumps out of her skin when I walk in.

“You okay?” I close the door behind me. She nods her head and comes over, putting her arms around my waist and clinging on. “I’m sorry about my brother.”

“I guess he knows we’re together now.”

I lean back, holding on to her. “Is that a problem?”

“No.” She pauses for a second. “But I’ve been thinking… I know we joked about locking your office door at work, and… and…”
