Page 102 of Mistaken Identity

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It might be tiring, and a little nerve-wracking having to keep our secret, but it’s also quite exciting. We have to snatch our moments together during the day, and while that might make them brief, it also makes them very intense.

Even my parents don’t know about us yet. Their ignorance isn’t my fault… if ‘fault’ is the right word. They’ve been busy over the last few weeks, and Mom’s been so full of how much better things are with Dad, I haven’t had the chance to tell her anything about Hunter.

When we spoke on Wednesday, I half expected her to ask if I’d be going there this weekend, but she didn’t. She told me Uncle David and Aunt Elizabeth will be visiting, and I’ll admit, I was surprised. It’s the first time they’ve been to stay since Dad’s stroke, and that feels like a big step.

Part of me feels guilty for not visiting them – even though I haven’t been able to – but a part of me is just grateful today is Friday, because that means Hunter and I will be going down to Newport again. This will be our fourth weekend there, and I can’t wait.

I’ll admit, the first time we went back, I was a little nervous. Hunter had explained that, although Drew had gone on another assignment and wouldn’t be there, Pat and Mick would. I was anxious about meeting the woman who’d raised Hunter since he was eleven… it was as close as I was ever going to come to meeting his parents.

I had no need to fear Pat’s reception, though. She was perhaps a little older than I’d expected, but she was dressed exactly how I’d imagined a housekeeper would be, in a simple skirt and blouse. I was struck by how tiny she was, and in my heels I towered over her, although she greeted me warmly, holding out her hand as she stood at the door, her green eyes sparkling and a smile on her lips.

“You must be Livia.”

Hunter had clearly told her about me.

“Yes, I am.”

“It’s good to meet you,” she said, nodding her head before turning her attention to Hunter. “Do you want to take the bags up? I’ll have dinner ready in twenty minutes.”

“Thanks, Pat.”

He took my hand, leading me into the house and straight up to his room. We’d been sleeping together all week, and made no pretense of me using the guest room. Once inside, he pulled me into his arms and looked down at me.

“Feeling better now that’s out of the way?”

I hadn’t mentioned my anxiety about meeting Pat, and I frowned up at him. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

He smiled. “Because you’ve been nervous as hell all day.” He leaned forward and kissed me. “But it’s okay.”

“I know it is. Pat’s really nice.”

He shook his head. “That’s not what I meant. I was about to say, it’s okay because I’m gonna feel the same when I get to meet your parents, so don’t worry about it.”

“You’re gonna be nervous about meeting my mom and dad?”

“I’m not sure nervous covers it.”

“Why?” That didn’t make sense to me.

“What if they don’t like me? What if I don’t measure up to their expectations?”

I rested my hand on his chest. “You make me happy. That’s all they’ll ever ask of you.”

“I make you happy?”

“Of course you do. How could you doubt that?”

“I don’t… I guess.” His eyes flickered with something I thought I recognized… something wild. “I was just wondering if there was anything I could do to make you even happier.”

“You know I’d never object to anything you wanted to do with me, but Pat said we only had twenty minutes… about five minutes ago.”

“I know.” He held the back of my head, leaning in so his lips were pressed to my ear. “I’ve forgotten what lesson we’re on now, but let me introduce you to the concept of the quickie…”

Before I could say a word, he pulled me over to his bed and spun me around, so my back was to his front. Then he quickly unbuttoned my jacket, throwing it onto the end of the mattress, and hoisted up my skirt, bunching it around my hips.

“Kneel on the edge of the bed, baby.” I loved the way he gave me instructions, and I obeyed. “Now bend forward on all fours.”

I did exactly as he said, and he ran his hands over my ass, through the thin material of my lace panties, before he tore through them, ripping them at the seams. I yelped, but felt a trembling heat build inside me as he used his legs to part mine. Then I heard his zipper and felt the tip of his arousal pressing against me.
