Page 121 of Mistaken Identity

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“Because she and Hunter… they…” He falls silent, presumably unsure what to say next, but Ella fills the gap for him.

“I knew it! I knew there was something going on between you.”

“There wasn’t,” I say. “Not when I last talked to you.”

“So this is a really recent thing, then?”

“It’s been going on for a few weeks.” I sit back, closing my eyes and shaking my head. Is that all it’s been?

“Okay, so what happened?” Ella asks. “Clearly something did.”

“Yeah,” Drew says. “The thing was, Hunter was fairly sure he’d heard Livia’s name before, but he couldn’t think where, and this morning, Ken Bevan came into the office…”

“The man who embezzled all that money from Dad?”

Even Ella knows the story, and she was only tiny when it all happened.

“Yeah… and that was when Hunter remembered how he knew Livia’s name.”


“Because it’s the same as Ken Bevan’s daughter.”

“Right…” She’s waiting.

“So, he fired her.”

“Are you crazy, Hunter? You’ve fired someone for having the same name as the daughter of a man who stole some money from Dad?”

“No. I’ve fired her because she’s Ken Bevan’s daughter, and she came to work here deliberately… to cause some kind of trouble.”

“How do you know that?”

“Because Livia isn’t the most popular name in the English language. I mean… what are the chances of coming across two people who are called that?”

“I don’t know,” Ella says. “Zero, probably. But even if she is his daughter – which you don’t know for sure, by the way – what on earth makes you think there was anything deliberate about her coming to work for you? I mean… Doreen left quite suddenly, but how was Livia to know that would happen?”

Drew nods his head, raising his eyebrows. “Good point, Sis.” He glares at me. “Even you were taken by surprise when Doreen resigned, so how can you accuse Livia of planning this?”

“She was probably waiting for the right opportunity, and when Doreen left, she took it.”

Drew frowns at me, but I ignore him, and Ella clears her throat. “That sounds pretty damn implausible to me, but even if we accept your theory, why has she waited so long to act? She’s been there for quite a while now, and she hasn’t done anything, has she?”

“Well… no.”

“And what exactly was this revenge you’re accusing her of?” Drew asks, jumping on Ella’s bandwagon. “Has any money gone missing? Have you lost any clients? Had any adverse press?”


“And you said Ken Bevan didn’t realize Dad was dead.”

“No,” I say. “Neither did Livia when I interviewed her.”

“But you put her straight, surely?” he says.

“Of course.”

“Then why didn’t she tell him?”
