Page 145 of Mistaken Identity

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I wondered if she might be right, and although we ended our call, with Pat wishing me luck, I was still undecided about what to do. It wasn’t until this morning that I made up my mind… and that’s why I’m driving up to Falmouth.

Because it can’t hurt… can it?

I park outside Livia’s house, noting the Chevrolet Camaro on the driveway. In a way, I’m surprised by her parents’ choice of car. I’d expected them to have something a little more practical… but what do I know?

I’m feeling nervous now, but I’ve driven all the way up here, and I keep telling myself the worst that can happen is that Livia will tell me she’s still not ready… so I’ll be no worse off. In any event, unless I knock on the door, I’ll never know.

I only have to wait a few moments before her mom answers, surprise registering in her eyes, although she hides it well, with a smile. This looks promising.

“Mr. Bennett.”

“Call me Hunter, please.” She nods her head. “Is Livia here?”

“She is.” That’s even more promising. She didn’t even have to check this time. “Would you like to come in?”

I nod my head and step inside the house. “Thank you.”

“I’m sorry about what happened the last time you were here… if we were a little harsh. My husband just wanted to protect Livia.”

I turn to face her, noting that, with her hair worn loose like it is today, she looks even more like her daughter.

“I understand completely, and you have nothing to apologize for.”

She smiles and steps into the house. “Please… come this way.”

I’m actually being invited in? I can’t believe it. My nerves vanish in an instant, replaced by excitement and anticipation… the longing to see Livia about to be fulfilled. Her mom leads me into their living room, stepping aside, and as she does, my eyes are instantly drawn to Livia, who’s sitting on the couch… right beside Miles Hampton.

What. The. Fuck?

I glare at him as he turns, smiling up at me and raising the coffee cup he’s holding. “Hello, Hunter. I didn’t expect to see you here.”


I look over at Livia, who’s blushing, which doesn’t surprise me in the slightest, and I wonder if her mom did this on purpose. Did she invite me in to show me what I’ve already lost? I ignore the pain in my chest and glance back at Miles again. I’ve never been a violent man, but I’d happily punch that smug grin off of his face.

“Is that your Camaro outside?”

“Yeah.” He sits back now, looking right at home, and although I want to ask him why he’s here, the reason seems fairly obvious to me. She’s sitting beside him. I’m tempted to turn around and walk straight back out the door. Except I refuse to give him the satisfaction… or her, for that matter.

“Can I get you a coffee?” Livia’s mom asks.

“Um… no, thanks.” She frowns, presumably wondering why I’ve driven all the way here.

I’m wondering about that myself now.

Miles sits forward in his seat, putting his cup on the table in front of him. “Well… I guess I’d better be going.” He looks at Livia’s parents, her mom standing beside her father, who’s sitting in a chair opposite Livia. “It’s been so nice meeting you.”

He stands, and Livia copies him, although it’s her mom who steps forward.

“I’ll show you out,” she says, and he nods his head before turning back to Livia again.

“Thanks for today. It’s been lovely. I’ll see you again soon… hopefully.”

What the hell have they been doing?

She doesn’t reply, but just smiles, looking embarrassed, and as Mrs. Hopkins moves toward the door, he follows her, keeping his head down and refusing to make eye-contact with me.

I’m staring at Livia, and she’s looking at the space between us, her hands clasped in front of her.
