Page 163 of Mistaken Identity

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“It felt like I had.”

I shake my head. “We love each other far too much to stay lost.”

He smiles, his eyes shining, as he bends his head and kisses me.



I was wrong about one thing.

Drew is not in a point-scoring mood. In fact, he can barely crack a smile.

Livia and I came downstairs about twenty minutes ago, having taken a shower together. We might have needed to freshen up, but that wasn’t the main reason for stripping out of our clothes and heading into the bathroom the moment I broke our kiss. I needed to hold her naked in my arms and look into her eyes when I joined us together.

We haven’t spent the last few weeks agonizing over what happened, but we haven’t been able to draw a line under it… until now. Hearing Livia say she wanted to put it behind us was perfect. It was everything I’d wanted to say myself, but didn’t feel I had the right. Whatever she says, the mistakes were mine. The absolution had to be hers.

Maybe it helped that we’re here in Newport. Not only is this where it all began, but we’re away from the city… and over the last couple of weeks, we’ve been too busy to even think straight, let alone talk.

Firing Miles Hampton was a necessary chore, and although it wasn’t pleasant, I was relieved to have some concrete evidence against him at last. He tried to argue his innocence, but then turned it around, saying Jenni Moore had been the one to approach him, and that he’d had to fight her off. I stuck to my guns, and he left my office, calling me all the names under the sun and threatening to sue me. I’m not worried… especially as I now know he tried the same trick with Livia.

His departure has left a hole I’ve been trying to fill, and I’ve got three potential candidates I’m seeing again next week. In between that, getting two new clients, and moving Livia’s things into my apartment, we’ve been rushed off our feet. Okay, so we could have made that easier by hiring someone to move the contents of her apartment into mine, but like I said to Livia when she suggested it, I was enjoying getting to know her.

Aside from Livia moving in with me, and the fact that we’re together all the time now, I’m also relieved we don’t have to keep our relationship a secret anymore. We decided on that quite quickly… which is to say, I told Livia I was done being careful, and she agreed. The next morning, we walked into the office holding hands. There were a few raised eyebrows, but no-one said a word, and people seem to have gotten used to it now, which is a relief, because I’m not sure I’ve got the energy for sneaking around.

We’re sitting outside on the terrace by the pool. I made the formal introductions when we got down here. Ella practically threw herself at Livia, which I think came as quite a shock, although she took it well. Drew was much quieter, but like I say, that sums up how he’s been all evening. He didn’t even want to commandeer the barbecue, like he usually does, and we left it to Pat to do the cooking. I’d have done it myself, but I knew how nervous Livia was, and didn’t want to leave her alone with Ella, who hasn’t stopped talking for more than a few seconds since we appeared in the doorway.

“When do you start work?” I ask, taking advantage of her pausing for breath.

“Not this Monday, but the one after, although I’m going back to the city early on Tuesday morning. Most of my furniture is being delivered in the afternoon… so I should probably be there.”

“I think that would be wise, but how are you getting there? Do you have a car yet?”

“Of course I have. I’ve got a Mercedes convertible.”

“Like mine?” Livia says, her eyes lighting up.

“I don’t know. Is yours bright red?”

“No, it’s gray.” Livia sounds confused and I can’t blame her.

“I think Livia was referring to the model, not the color,” I say and Ella shakes her head.

“Don’t ask me technical things like that. All I know is, it’s bright red and gets me from A to B.”

I laugh and glance at Drew, expecting him to make a remark of some kind… except he’s staring into space, like we’re not even here.

“What is it you’re going to be doing? For your new job, I mean?” Livia asks, to fill the silence.

Ella lets out a sigh. “I’m not allowed to say. The people I’m working for are being ludicrously secretive about the whole thing. Anyone would think we were spying for a government agency, or something.”

Pat brings over the steaks, putting them in the middle of the table, and giving Livia a smile, before she goes into the kitchen, returning with an enormous bowl of salad. She glances at the table, checking we’ve got everything we need.

“I’ll quickly clear up, and then I’m gonna head over to the apartment, if that’s okay?”

She looks at me, and I nod my head. “That’s fine… thanks, Pat.”

She smiles, glancing at Livia again, before she leaves. I know she’s pleased to see her here again. Not as pleased as I am, obviously, but pleased.
