Page 60 of Mistaken Identity

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I guess that makes sense, but I get the feeling she’s holding something back. I’m not sure what, though, and I can hardly make her tell me, can I?

I step to one side, so she can pass me, and she does, without looking up.

“Keira will be coming by at noon.”

“I know. I heard.”

I’d swear there’s a crack in her voice. “Livia? Are you sure you’re okay?”

“I’m fine… thank you.”

She’s not fine at all, but I guess I can’t blame her for that, and as she leaves, I stare after her, muttering, “Fuck it,” under my breath.

It’s just after noon, when I look up at the sound of knocking on my doorframe. I’m surprised to see Livia standing there. She hasn’t knocked for ages, and I frown at her.

“Is something wrong?”

“No, but your… um… friend is here.”

I notice her hesitation before she says the word ‘friend’, and for a moment, I wonder who she’s talking about, before I remember Keira.

“Oh, yes. Of course. Show her in.”

Livia turns, stepping aside and looks out into her own office. “This way please,” she says and I stand as Keira walks into the room.

She’s just as stunning as I remember her. Keira might be a PI, but she dresses like a catwalk model and has the looks to match. Today, she’s wearing a pale blue dress that’s practically glued to her slim figure, and heels that can’t possibly be practical in her line of work. She’s changed her hair, though. It’s shorter than I remember, and a shade blonder, perhaps, and I can’t help smiling as she walks over, holding out her hand for me to shake.

“That’s very formal.”

“This is business, Hunter.”

My smile becomes a grin, and I offer her a seat, just as Livia turns to leave.

“You should stay, Livia.”

She looks back, and I can’t fail to notice her despondent expression.

“You want me to?”

“Yes. I think it would help Keira if she heard the story from you, rather than me.”

Livia shrugs, like she couldn’t care less, but comes into the room, closing the door behind her, and sits on the other chair, next to Keira. She holds her hands in her lap, and stares at the back of my laptop, like she’d rather be anywhere than here. I guess that’s understandable, considering she doesn’t know Keira, but I wish she’d relax and accept we’re only trying to help.

“So, what can I do for you?” Keira asks, looking at me, but then turning to Livia. “Or should that be you?”

Livia looks up at me with a pleading expression in her eyes, and I smile at her. “Do you have your phone?” She goes to hand it to me, but I nod toward Keira and Livia gives it to her instead. “Livia’s being stalked,” I say, starting the explanation, because one of us needs to. “Someone sent her some photographs which were taken outside her apartment building and at the grocery store.”

Keira raises her eyebrows and looks down at the phone, before turning her gaze on Livia. “You’ll need to unlock this for me.” She hands the device to Livia, who unlocks it and gives it back. Keira swipes her finger across the screen a few times, and then takes a deep breath, looking up at Livia again. “There’s nothing intimate here, but I can see why it would have freaked you out. Whoever’s sending these pictures has been following you.”

Livia nods her head. “It happened before… before I came to work here. I had a different phone then, and…”

“Were the pictures the same?” Keira asks, interrupting her.

“Similar. Although none of them were taken at my apartment. They were all taken around my old office.”

“So whoever it is, they’re escalating things. They’re making it more personal.”

“It feels that way, yes.”
