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We wouldn’t force her into anything, but time was an issue. Claiming her as soon as possible was the only way to keep her safe.

“You’re Brielle, right?” I asked, wanting to ease some of her apprehension.

“Yes,” she answered.

Her voice was a honeyed sweet on a misty summer morning. The smell of fresh flowers after a rainstorm. It made me want to ask an endless stream of questions just to hear her speak.

“I’m Valor.” I gestured to the others and said, “That’s Korren, and this is Ezra. We’re from the Hidden Creek pack.”

Holding her chin level, she looked us up and down. “I would say it’s nice to meet you, but I’m not sure that’s true.”

“I like your honesty,” Ezra said, tilting his head as he studied her. “It’s a valuable quality to have in a mate.”

“It’s the least I can do. You were honest with me, after all.” She shifted from one foot to the other and took a deep breath. “So, how do we do this?”

Brielle hadn’t looked down during our conversation, purposely avoiding our blatant arousals. She was unsure, vulnerable. Under any other circumstance, easing her fears would be our priority. But this wasn’t normal. We had no time to waste, so I used the one thing I knew would work: instinct.

I carefully closed the distance between us. “Is it okay if I touch you, pretty wolf?”

Her throat bobbed on a hard swallow, and her teeth dug into her bottom lip as she nodded.

Not good enough. I wanted—no, needed—her to realize she had control.

I heard her heart thundering in her chest as I slid behind her. A fragrant spike of need cut through the acrid scent of her fear, yet she made no move to step away.

Brave female.

I couldn’t make her trust me, but I would give her pleasure.

Gently, I ran the tips of my fingers along her shoulders. The first touch lit my body with possessive need, and a growl slipped past my lips. Instead of recoiling from the sound, Brielle shivered and leaned into my touch.

My body hummed with the urge to claim her, but I held back. This moment required tact.

“Is there anything you dislike?” I whispered as my hand slid along her spine. “Anything you don’t want us to do?”

Her breathing hitched. “I . . . I don’t know.”

I nodded at Korren and Ezra. They stepped forward, allowing Brielle to feel the warmth of their presence without crowding her.

“Have you ever touched yourself, Brielle?”

She shook her head.

“Words, Brielle. Use your words,” I murmured. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of.” My thumb moved in slow circles on her hip, and I pressed her back to my chest. “We will never mock your needs or curiosities.”

“I’m keen to do whatever you wish,” Korren said, his voice like smoke.

Ezra hooked a long finger beneath her chin and forced her to meet his gaze. “Do you touch yourself?”

“No,” she whispered.

“Do you know how to touch a male?” Ezra asked.


I nuzzled the skin behind her ear. “I’ll show you.”

Taking her hand in mine, I reached for Ezra and placed her palm on his chest. He let out a pleased rumble as I guided Brielle’s fingers over his taut, sculpted stomach. Her chest heaved, and her breasts pulled at the wet, translucent fabric of her tunic.
