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How the fuck did they get past us?

I shouted for the guys, no longer worried about suspicious eyes. Something was seriously wrong, and we needed to act fast.

They stormed into the bathroom, adrenaline coursing through our bond.

“I’ve never wanted to hurt a female more than I do that blonde Alpha,” Valor said darkly.

“If anything happens to Brielle, you won’t hear any objections from me,” I replied.

My wolf wanted blood. He wanted to rip apart every being that dared to touch his mate.

They had made a mistake taking Brielle, and they would pay for it.

“Got her trail,” Valor announced after sniffing the air.

Feet scuffled on the linoleum behind us. We spun, and Korren—the closest to the door—widened his stance as three hulking figures emerged, blocking our path. The dim lighting cast ominous shadows on their faces, making it difficult to discern their features, but their intentions were clear. The air crackled as we realized we were in for a fight.

Korren shifted toward us. “I don’t suppose you guys know anything about what happened to our mate?”

One large male grunted.

“That’s unfortunate.” Korren clapped his hands. “Well, if you’ll excuse us, there’s someone we have to find. Oh, and just so you’re aware, the male bathroom is that way.” He pointed down the hall.

“You’re funny.” The man on the left stepped forward, revealing a long, jagged scar from the end of his eyebrow to the corner of his mouth. “But you’re not going anywhere.”

“I hoped we could do this like gentlemen.” Korren shifted to the side, creating enough space for what would come next.

I didn’t hesitate as I slammed into the males on the right, using my size and the element of surprise to my advantage. We stumbled into the hallway as Korren intercepted the third man, setting off a chaotic clash in the cramped space.

“Go find Brielle!” I shouted to Valor.

He looked torn between staying to help and tracking down our mate, but he finally shook his head and ran out the door.

The bathroom became a battleground, with fists flying and bodies colliding. The acrid scent of chloroform lingered, a sickening reminder of what they’d done to our mate.

The odds were against us, but determination fueled our every move. We fought tooth and nail, desperate to ensure we got Brielle back in one piece. My wolf rode my senses, lending me his strength as a meaty fist met my ribs. I ignored my cracked bones, turning the pain into motivation. Brielle’s safety hung in the balance, and the thought alone spurred us to fight harder.

A realization dawned on me: this was part of their plan. They had wanted to separate our unit from the moment we entered the diner. They’d executed a sinister plot and entangled us in its web.

A howl of agony erupted behind me, and I knew it was Korren’s doing. We rarely saw the darker side of his gift.

Korren’s abilities allowed him to heal on a molecular level, but he could also exasperate complications, shut down organs, and inflame pain receptors with a single touch.

He wasn’t a fighter, but his gift was a weapon when he chose to use it as such.

We managed to overpower our assailants and left their unconscious bodies tied and gagged in the bathroom. We headed to the front door, knowing Valor would have left a trail for us to follow.

“There,” Korren said, pointing to a jade-colored pebble.

I gave Korren a quick once-over. His breath was shallow, and he kept his eyes trained forward. “Are you good?”

“I’ll survive.”

It was never a good thing when Korren used his gift to attack. He hated it—it reminded him of a time when the old Alpha used to exploit his ability for violence.

“We’ll have Brielle back soon,” I said, trying to distract him.

Silence fell. Our breathing was labored as we jogged down the trail, hoping Valor had found our mate.
