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“Dr. Stephens asked me to reach out and see if your Alphas would be willing to meet with him. I believe he would like to arrange some sort of monitoring system, for as long as you’d like, so you and they will be assured that he will not come near you. And he has stated that he will remain here, voluntarily and indefinitely, if that is the will of your pack.”

Trevor tensed but his purr never broke. He stayed as a wall of support and allowed me to work through everything I was feeling and that the doctor was saying.

“I don’t understand.”

She sighed.

“Off the record, not speaking as Clint’s doctor and because he has, once again, given me permission to be as candid with you as you ask—he doesn’t trust anyone. He’s not ill and it’s not paranoia in an unhealthy sense. His former assistant has visited him many times and they would like to continue their research in the way it was intended, to help people but?—”

“He doesn’t trust the Foundation or the government or whoever.”


I closed my eyes and tipped my head back to lean on Trevor’s shoulder. He kissed my neck gently and took the phone from my shaking hands, knowing instinctively that I needed him to take over.

“We will consult with our packmates and let you know what we decide.”

That call had been the beginning and now we were working toward a Drake House funded lab and clinic operated by Clint and Dayton under the supervision of the company and its protection. Clint had agreed to an implanted tracking device. Personally, I’d thought it a bit insane but the Alphas, Clint included, seemed to think even that was not far enough. I’d struggled with it at first, but therapy had helped me, and so had visits with Dayton and the Omega and Beta couple that Clint had told us about when we’d visited the institution that first time. I would never forget what he had done to me but I was on my way to forgiveness, at least as much as I was able. I’d even tracked down, Liam, the Omega they suspected he’d begun bonding with, and it seemed like they might find their way to each other.

The slide of the door between the house and the deck alerted me to the others coming outside before their voices and scents reached me. Trevor’s joyous and booming laugh immediately brought a smile to my face as I broke my stare-off with the ocean and turned to watch my mates. Theo’s smirk lifted the corner of his mouth as he made his way to where I sat. Trevor’s long hair was half tied up and his arms were slung around both Jade and Shae’s shoulders. The latter was laughing quietly with him, and the former rolled her eyes as she tried not to grin. Miles walked behind them, steady and fully healed, with a soft smile on his face. He shot me a wink that had butterflies taking off in my stomach just as Theo plopped onto the cushions next to me and pulled me to his side. Drinks were passed around as the rest of our pack settled into the U-shaped seating and stared across the waves as I had been moments before. Cuddling into Theo’s side, I reached a hand over to Shae, who entwined our fingers and sighed as they sank against Miles.

I soaked up the peaceful moment. Closing my eyes, I listened to the waves and allowed myself to sink into the sensations of our bonds. They’d all become stronger in the last three months, not nearly as strong as the ones that had existed between my mates before we’d met, but that would take time. Jade had explained to me how deeper and more complex all of their bonds had become since we’d all become linked through me. I’d been so afraid that my weaker bond with Shae would fade but it hadn’t. They’d still insisted we do something more, like we’d originally planned, just in case. That “what if” sent a pulse of anxiety through me and all five of my mates turned to me with various expressions of worry. My Omega instincts preened under their attention and my cheeks warmed. Jade moved from her spot between Miles and Trevor and crouched in front of me.

“What is it, love?”

I looked at my lap, unable to meet the concern in her brown eyes, and rubbed my hand, the one that wasn’t being held between Shae’s, along my thigh.

“It’s nothing really. Just a little anxious about the future, I guess. So much has happened and a thought just wormed its way in.” I felt worry coming from one of them but didn’t dig too much before I looked up and met her eyes, giving her a small smile. “I’m not doubting us. I would never.”

She reached out and cupped my cheek. I leaned into her touch as the others made sure to reach out both in the bonds and physically until the six of us were connected. It was Miles' deep voice that put all of our emotions into words.

“We can’t know what will happen in the future, Ethan. But this, our pack, our bonds, are forever. We will never leave. We will never hurt you. And… we will never stop loving you.”

I sent a smile to my stoic Alpha, and he returned it, bringing peace back to the moment. We all settled against the cushions and watched the sun sink into the water, painting the sky in oranges, reds, and purples and stealing my breath. Trevor was the first to speak.

“Think your parents would let us put a giant couch bed out here, Miles? I miss the nest.”

“I think they’d give us the house if Miles promised grandkids someday.”

My breath sucked in sharply at Shae’s joking words, and Theo and Jade nearly choked on the drinks they’d just taken. Shae laughed at all of us and Jade reached over to collar their neck with her hand, cutting off the sound and making Shae’s chest heave. I could tell Jade wasn’t squeezing enough to cut off their air. The change in their breaths was all from their Alpha, their Domme’s reaction. Just like that my shock melted away and heat roared through my veins. I hadn’t taken Jade, Shae, and Trevor up on their offer of watching them play to see if it was something I was into, yet. Little moments like the one I was witnessing made me want to remedy that and soon.

Before anything else could be said, the obnoxious ringtone that Aubrey had assigned herself on my phone blared over the sound of the ocean and the charged breaths of my mates. I heaved a sigh that was mostly exaggeration. I loved my sister more than almost anyone, but damn, her timing was shit, lately. Tapping the screen to answer, I brought the phone to my ear.

“Hey Aubs.”

“Hi, E. I’m sorry to interrupt your honeymoon?—”

I was about to remind her that it wasn’t a honeymoon when my mind registered that her voice was low, and the words were distorted—she was chewing on her thumbnail as she spoke. That was one of the tells that she was upset, and I sat up straighter.

“What’s wrong? Are you okay? Is it Mom?”

Once again, the attention of everyone was on me. The bond roiled with concern and a protective ferocity that sent a shudder down my spine.

“We’re both fine. Mom went to that spa with her friend for the weekend, remember? It’s Cat.”

My shoulders slumped, guilt worming under my skin as I looked at Shae.

“Going to put you on speaker, okay?”
