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Shae’s brows knit together as Aubrey’s voice projected for everyone to hear.

“We’d gone to the pizza shop on the corner, and everything was fine when we left. Bodhi didn’t see anyone waiting outside like sometimes happens. We thought it wouldn’t be a big deal. Cat just wanted a walk and a slice of pizza.”

“Is Cat hurt?”

Shae’s worry thrummed in the bond and Miles wrapped his arms around their middle as Jade squeezed their knee.

“No. Well, no one attacked us or anything, but there were a group of reporters and paparazzi outside the door when we came back. They yelled questions at her about a Pack Sutter and she just froze.” Shae’s breath hissed out and they stood up quickly, storming into the house with Miles on their heels as the rest of us sat stock-still while Aubrey continued. “Like, all the color drained from her face. Building security came out and Bodhi got us inside, but she wouldn’t talk to us.”

Jade had what I’d dubbed her “Grim Jade” face on. It was the expression that was somewhere between “Drake House Board President Jade” and “Going To Stab Someone and Then Get Coffee Jade”.

“Where is Cat now, Aubrey?”

I could picture my sister fidgeting at Jade’s tone.

“She checked her phone when we got back home and shut herself in her room for a little while, then she said she was going up to the garden and Bodhi followed her. I—I looked on my phone too, to try to find out what had happened, and there was some kind of tell-all article from that pack. It was brutal.”

I looked between Jade, Theo, and Trevor, but only Jade’s face held no confusion.

“Thank you for letting us know, Aubrey. I’m sure Shae will want to be there for Cat. When she comes back down, please tell Cat we’re on our way home.”


Jade rose to go inside and Theo leaned over my shoulder to speak to Aubrey, his voice contained notes of the bark he still struggled to hold back when he was upset.

“Stay inside until they come back or Daniels gets there.”


Aubrey had quickly filed Theo and Miles into the annoyingly overprotective older brother category. Trevor was more playful with her and was clearly her favorite of my pack. The others might have had hurt feelings about it if we hadn’t all been so amazed by his transformation. Well, I was amazed; the others had explained this was how he’d been before. Poppy Cabot better rot in jail. If not, I had no doubt Jade would pay her a visit that was long overdue. Theo squeezed the back of my neck, and I shook off that train of thought, refocusing on Aubrey.

“I’ll text when we get close, Aubs. But call me if anything changes?”

“Yep, love you.”

“Love you too.”

I ended the call and Theo kissed my temple before going inside with the others, no doubt to finish getting ready to leave. I chewed on the corner of my lip until Trevor tugged it free. He’d scooted next to me, and concern etched his features before he smoothed them over. Reaching behind my back with one arm and to the hip across my body with the other, he used his considerable strength to shift me across his lap until my knees were tucked on the outside of his hips, hands resting on his wide shoulders, and I was looking down at him.

“Want to tell me what you’re thinking about, beautiful?”

I sifted my fingers through the strands of long hair at the back of his head, scratching lightly along his scalp with my blunt nails. He leaned into my hands as his eyes drifted closed and a satisfied groan thrummed in his throat. I swallowed roughly before answering his question.

“Sometimes it feels like we get through one horrible thing only to be slapped in the face by another just when we start to relax.”

His eyes opened and he stared at me. Trevor’s hands moved from where they’d rested on my hips then he removed my own from his hair to press them to his chest as he began to purr. The sound soothed away the lingering anxiety and I had to fight the urge to melt against his chest, because there was more I wanted to say.

“I know that is kind of just how life works but it’s been so much more than a broken-down car or a burst pipe.” I allowed myself to sag against him, pressing my forehead to his collarbone. “It’s going to be months or years more of the fallout from all of this. Worrying each time the phone rings that it will be another shoe dropping.”

Trevor’s long arms wound around me as he pulled me in closer against his chest and my face went to his neck where I took deep breaths of his mahogany and teakwood scent.

“I don’t know the right thing to say, Ethan. I’m still working on it day-to-day, and I feel like I have to fight not to slide backwards.” I held my breath, not wanting to interrupt. “What Miles said earlier is true. No matter what comes for us, we have our pack. We have these bonds, and we have to lean on them, trust in each other. If we do that, we will get through anything.”

I sat back up, keeping my hands against his chest, and met those blue eyes.


He nodded and leaned up at the same time that I ducked my head to press my lips to his.
