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My eyes narrowed on the doctor as he stood, his hands visibly shaking, and inched backwards toward the door. My voice was laced with menace and a hint of the growl I still couldn’t quite hold back.

“I am leaving tonight. You will do whatever paperwork that needs to be done so I can go home. Do you understand?”

The man nodded frantically and he quickly exited the room, not bothering to close the door behind him as Trevor released me with a dark laugh.

“That’s the second time today I’ve watched that man run away from a member of our pack. Maybe this time it will finally shake some sense into him.”

Miles spoke then and I turned to where he was sitting, keeping himself between Shae and the door.

“He better. Based on what Jade said, I’m not willing to give him a third chance.”

Shae leaned into Miles’ side and wrapped their arms around his middle. He absently ran his fingers along their arms as he watched the door. Trevor fussed at me to get back into the bed. I was grateful that I hadn’t still been hooked up to a bag through my IV when I went after the doctor. I huffed at him as he patted the blankets around me, as if he was tucking me in, and smiled like an idiot.

It couldn’t have been more than a few minutes later that the nurse came back in with a huge smile on her face. While we’d been waiting, Trevor had let it slip that she was the one who alerted Jade about the doctor’s scheming. Based on her smile, his colleagues liked him about as much as we did.

“Alright, so this stack of papers just talks about things to watch out for, like high fevers and other symptoms that are indicators you would need to go to the emergency room. The bigger issue for you will be making sure you contact your private physician as soon as possible, so they can continue to monitor your transition. You’re not at risk as much as the women who presented as Omegas, but you should still be cautious. Other than that, just sign here, then I’ll get your IV line out and you’re free to go.”

I stood and reached out for the clipboard, signing what I needed to then handing the packet of directions and warnings off to Trevor. Then I reached out my arm so she could take the needle out. She gently peeled off the tape and got a few strips of gauze ready to cover the small amount of blood that would come from the puncture site. The blackberry blossom scent that swirled around Shae began to sour and Miles wrapped them in his arms, whispering things only they could hear. Even so, the faintest notes still lingered after the nurse had disposed of the needle and put a piece of tape over the gauze. She smiled kindly to Shae, who returned it weakly, before she left us alone again. Trevor looked at me, still in the hospital gown, and grinned.

“Didn’t think they’d be that fast. Let me run down to my car to get you something to wear home. I’ll be quick.”

I swallowed the frustration over not thinking of that sooner as Trevor jogged from the room, knowing how badly I wanted to be back in our home.

“How are you doing over there, kiddo?”

Shae smiled at me, though it was tighter, more restrained than before, and they weren’t participating in our usual back and forth about how their general demeanor made them seem like the youngest in the pack. They stood from Miles' embrace, and I watched him visibly struggle to not reach back out for them as they walked over to where I was still standing and wrapped their arms around me.

“No more scaring us like that, okay, Tough Guy? I’m sorry you’re going through this because of me.”

I hugged them back and clicked my tongue.

“None of that bullshit. I’d do it again, regardless, knowing exactly what would happen. And you don’t get to feel badly about it. Hear me?”

They nodded and stepped back from me only to be tugged into Miles' lap. I snagged my phone from the table by the bed and proceeded to text the pack chat to let Jade and Ethan know I would be home tonight. I couldn’t wait to see them, to know they were safe in our home. Then I’d get Ethan back in his nest to put Trevor’s theory about me and a knot to the test.

By the time our house came into view, it felt like hours had passed. I knew Trevor wasn’t driving slow at all, but it felt like the miles dragged. My knee was bouncing so violently that when we stopped at a light, the whole car shook at the same rhythm, causing Trevor to laugh at me and tell me to chill the fuck out.

We pulled into one of the spaces at the front of the house and I couldn’t get out of there and into our home fast enough. I flung open the front door, leaving it that way because Trevor was right behind me.

I needed to see my Omega right the fuck now.

A few steps into the house, I heard a sharp intake of breath. Ethan ran around the corner of the family room, meeting me in the short hall between the entry way and the back of the house. He was wearing soft flannel pajama pants and one of my Henleys. Something in me cracked seeing the emotion all over his face as we closed the gap between us.

He jumped and crushed his lips to mine as our arms wrapped around each other and his legs locked around my hips. I kissed him with everything I had, just like I’d done with Jade that morning, and tried to make him understand how fucking vital he was to me. I let up on the kiss just enough to sink my teeth into his lower lip. Just a nip, the way he liked and a long, low Omega whine slipped through his parted lips. Holy fuck. My cock had never been so hard. I needed him. There was a perfectly good wall right there, I’d just need to slip my—a throat cleared, obnoxiously, behind us, breaking the moment. I whipped my head toward the noise, teeth bared and a growl on my lips.

Trevor stood with his hands at chest level, palms facing me, his head tilted slightly in submission and his eyes down. The possessive rage that had filled me drained at the sight, my new instincts recognizing that there was no threat.

“You all might want to take that up to the nest, for a little more privacy?”

Ethan’s face pressed into my neck as his arms and legs tightened around me. He groaned a little embarrassed noise that turned into something far sexier when his hold on me ground our hard lengths against one another. I rubbed my cheek along his temple, still holding Trevor’s gaze. Scent marking my Omega settled that territorial rage that had crept up within me. Fuck, this whole Alpha thing was—no, I wouldn’t think about that. I gripped the thick globes of Ethan’s ass before breaking my staring contest with Trevor and moving toward the stairs with my Omega in my arms. I started up the stairs at a clipped pace but was huffing by the time we reached the floor with Jade’s, Trevor’s, and my rooms. Ethan was pressing teasing kisses against my neck and jaw while attempting to keep his body still to make it easier to carry him. A small husky laugh slipped out of him before he spoke.

“I can walk if I’m too heavy for you.”

I stopped moving and he leaned back to look at me with a bratty little smirk on his lips.

“I was basically in a coma, like, twenty-four hours ago and this house has too many fucking stairs.”

“I bet if you asked nicely, Miles would have one of those chairs installed that helps you up and down the stairs.”
