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“Don’t you fucking dare, Miles.” Tears were running down my cheeks as I looked down at him.

Shae crashed to the ground beside me, cursing and ripping Miles' shirt open. I couldn’t pull my gaze from Miles' face as they worked to help him. He looked between Shae and me and smiled, before closing his eyes and losing consciousness.

Once Miles closed his eyes, I lost all sense of what was happening around me. The most primitive side of myself had fully taken over, and the only person that I would allow near him was Shae. They were able to convince me to let another paramedic work on him to insert an IV while they treated the wound in his shoulder. When the time came to load him onto the stretcher and take him to the ambulance, Shae had to hold me back. The paramedics realized there was no separating us, so they allowed Shae and I to ride with him. But when we got to the hospital, I couldn’t release my grip on him.

“Baby, you need to let go. He has to go to surgery. And you need to get checked out, too.”

I whined as Shae spoke. They whispered all the right and reassuring words in my ear, but I couldn’t force my fingers to release him. Then a purr sounded from beside me and, as quickly as I had lost myself to the Omega within, my thoughts cleared. Eucalyptus, bayberry, and teakwood filled my senses, blending with the faint ocean air and wilted blackberry blossoms. Pack.

Slender but strong hands wrapped around my own and golden-brown eyes locked with mine.

“Let go, Omega. The doctors need to work.”

I did as Jade asked and a broken keen slipped from my lips. Strong arms banded around me and I turned to press my face into Theo’s chest. I felt Shae move to lean into my back allowing Jade and Trevor to complete the circle, so we were boxed in by our Alphas.

“Graves is dead. Miles is… he’s?—”

“He’s stable, baby. He needs blood and the surgeon needs to make sure he didn’t do permanent damage to his shoulder, but he’s going to be fine.”

“We’re here, Biscuit. You don’t need to worry anymore.”

I sank into the comfort of my pack, and we stood there, contained in our circle of love and worry, until a throat cleared and drew our attention. An older cop, an Alpha with kind but hard eyes, stood there with his hands in his pockets.

“Sorry to interrupt when your Omega has been through it, again, but I have a few questions.”

I recognized the voice. This was the man that Trevor and I had talked to about Poppy’s involvement. The one who was helping Jade and Theo and had a hand in the investigations surrounding all the shit we seemed to constantly be wading through. I looked up at Theo whose head was turned toward the cop, and his jaw locked. Turning until I could see Jade, I sent a questioning pulse down our bond. She smiled at me and returned a feeling of pride. I was learning how to navigate these connections and she was proud of me. She nodded minutely, telling me it was okay for me to talk to this man, and that I could trust him.

Still, I wasn’t ready to lose the physical connection with all of them. Turning my neck, so I was looking in the direction of the man, Jack Travers, I laid my cheek against Theo’s chest and spoke. Sweat started running down my temples, as I worked my way through a recap of what had happened.

Three growls reverberated around me as I finished explaining and I whined. I knew they weren’t mad at me, but it was instinctual. My perfume spiked, trying to appease the rage that my mates felt, to make it better. Travers coughed and took a few steps back drawing my attention.

“I’m sure there will be more questions regarding the other man that was killed but, as far as Graves goes, the Alphas in your pack had a claim of retribution. Nothing will come of his death.”

“Other man?”

I looked back and forth between Jade and Theo but it was Shae who spoke.

“The driver. His body was next to the car. I don’t know if that was what Miles saw or just the fact that the car was running but empty. Something set off his warning bells and that’s when he told us to run.”

“I’m so sorry, Jade. What about the driver’s family? Did he have a pack?”

I hated that I hadn’t even thought about the way we’d been lured to the garage. Trevor answered me, leaning down to press a kiss to the top of my head as he spoke into my hair.

“He was single, and we’re looking into his next of kin. This type of thing hasn’t happened to Drake House in decades so the Board will be meeting soon.”

“Shae? Jade?”

Miles' mom’s voice was wobbly as she walked into the waiting area with his dads. Jade and Shae broke away from our arms to update them. I bit my lip to stifle the whine that tried to slip free as soon as they weren’t touching me, and Trevor moved to bracket me between him and Theo. They moved with a synchronicity that seemed choreographed but was probably just a product of being around each other their whole lives. They each put a hand on one of my hips and moved to scent mark me at the same time. Theo marked my right temple and Trevor marked my left. A purr kicked to life in my chest and my dick got hard.

Not the fucking time for that, body.

“Beautiful, you’re burning up.”

“Oh, nononooo.”

My eyes were as wide as saucers as I stopped to take stock of my body. I was going into heat.

“I can’t do this now. Miles is in surgery, and they won’t let him come home until they know he’s safe and we need to be here for him?—”
