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“With consent.”

I nodded at Trevor’s clarification.

“Exactly. And one of the things that has Trevor’s enthusiastic consent is letting me turn that ass out whenever she thinks he’s earned it.”

Ethan’s eyes rolled back and he dropped his forehead to my collar bone as he unconsciously rocked his hips into mine, seeking release again.

“Fuuuuuck. I need to see that. Can I see that? Am I a voyeur now?”

I hummed against Ethan’s ear and gripped his plump ass, pulling him in tighter to my hips and Trevor began to purr.

“Next time we play, baby, we’ll make sure there’s a spot for you to get a good view.”

He whined and his hips started rolling frantically. I reached between us and gripped his thick, pillowy shaft before tilting my hips and letting him slide into me. Trevor moved away, off to sleep, or get a snack, or something that I couldn’t bring myself to care about at all with my Omega inside me.

I had heard Jade talking to Ethan about his “magic dick” and she wasn’t wrong. He wasn’t as big as Miles, but he wasn’t small either and the way that his shaft differed Alphas or Betas meant that it hit completely differently. He continued to kiss me as he thrust in with slow, measured, but hard strokes. I couldn’t believe how quickly I felt my own orgasm building.

Then again, with the combined scents of the pack, and how I’d denied Ethan’s need calling to me for days plus the all-encompassing relief of giving in, and having him remind me that he loved me? Before I knew it, I was throwing my head back and crying out my release as I felt Ethan’s dick kick inside me, pulsing with his own orgasm. Suddenly, I felt the sting of teeth in my shoulder and a soft growling. Ethan had bitten me.

I smiled at how he’d been overwhelmed. Then I gasped. Any words I could have said got lodged in my throat. I could feel him. Not a full bond but stronger than when I felt him through Jade. A watery laugh wrenched out of me, and I wrapped my legs around his hips, putting one arm behind his back and carefully holding his head to my shoulder with the other as he licked and kissed at the bite, completely lost to his Omega instincts.

Focusing on that thread between us, I tried to send shock and joy and love. I knew it had worked when Ethan startled and raised himself up with his hands on either side of my head. Surprise and awe colored his beautiful face.

“Is that you? Did you? Did I?”

“You claimed me, Omega.”

The tears in my eyes blurred his expression before he dropped back down to kiss me hungrily and flooded our fragile bond with love and elation. There was no way to say if this would last. I’d never heard of an Omega bonding anyone, but I would soak up every minute of this connection while I could. He pulled back with a mischievous gleam in his eyes before a little grin kicked up the side of his mouth. He reached into the blankets above my head and sat back, slipping from my body even though he was still hard. He held the harness with the cock that had the inflatable knot I’d gotten for his first heat and quirked a brow at me.


I jack-knifed up, feeling the burn in my abdominal muscles as I snatched the cock from his hands and took his mouth in a wet and frantic kiss. Breaking the contact between our lips, I began to strap the harness on and leveled a look at him. I grinned as I watched the shiver of anticipation roll through his body.

“Go on, baby. Present.”



Standing at the door to the nest, I pulled the bag I’d filled with electrolyte drinks, water, protein bars and more snacks higher on my good shoulder and focused on keeping my breathing calm. Shae had left our room about twelve hours before and I couldn’t resist the pull to go in any longer.

Not long after they’d left, I was hit with a wave of their arousal, which I’d expected, and I’d done my best to block it out. I used all the tactics I’d employed during Ethan's last heat to dull our bond, but this was different. Shae was my only bonded mate, and I had some awareness of Jade through them, but could sense next to nothing from Trevor or Theo. When Jade bonded with Ethan, a small part of me hoped it would be different, that I’d feel him more than the others, but I hadn’t. Then, as I lain there, trying to not jerk my dick until it was raw from everything I could feel from Shae in the bond, he was just there.

The lust that had been simmering pushed to the background. I knew, without a doubt, that it was Ethan who’d somehow appeared in the web of our bond. Not as clear as Shae but more clearly than the others. I could feel his joy and love; they were this all-encompassing wave that rolled through to me from my connection with Shae. I wanted to know how that had happened. I needed to know. But that desire was overshadowed by the reality that I had accepted—our Omega’s nest, during his heat, was a place that I wouldn’t be comfortable in. My place would be to care for the pack, make sure they were fed and hydrated and do everything I could from the outside.

Wanting Ethan wasn’t a problem anymore. I’d been craving contact with him more frequently. Often thinking of his hugs, holding him, or even kissing him, but we hadn’t taken that step yet. I knew the desire for affection wasn’t some kind of lead up to sex the way some people treated it. The moment that piece of shit had tried to take him from me, I’d lost all reservations that I’d had about how quickly I’d begun to want him. Whether or not it was really my feelings and desires growing or the product of Alpha and Omega biological demands, I’d become aware of some irrefutable truths. He’d pried my fingers from his ankle, told me he loved me, and walked away to sacrifice himself. With each step he’d taken, my body had rebelled, and my mind had begun to separate from the agony of the wound in my shoulder. Nothing else mattered. Not the pain. Not the consequences, even if it meant my death. Him walking away from me, towards danger, could never happen. He was mine. I hadn’t got to talk to him about any of it, really, because he’d gone into heat almost as soon as we’d gotten home, and we needed to have that talk.

Based on everything I knew about Ethan, I hoped he would understand the role I needed to play in his heats. I wanted to believe it wouldn’t be something that hurt him, but Shae wasn’t the only one with insecurities. I’d fought against the stereotype of what I was supposed to be as an Alpha, ever since I emerged. People could never quite seem to grasp that I didn’t crave sex indiscriminately, or that I had never gone into a full rut.

It seemed safe to assume that Ethan’s heat had broken since it had been several hours since I’d felt anything from Shae to indicate otherwise. So, I’d begun bracing myself to join them for whatever aftercare he needed.

I shook my head as if I could dislodge those thoughts and rolled my shoulders back, wincing at the pain that shot through me for a moment. Shae had drilled into me the importance of keeping my shoulder stable, not taking off my sling. I was trying to listen but it was frustrating to only have one arm when my pack needed me. Blowing out one final fortifying breath, I opened the door to the nest and my knees nearly buckled at the scents. It was pack but, more than that, my senses zeroed in on Shae’s blackberry blossoms and Ethan’s cinnamon rolls and the way they blended in a way that screamed sex and mate. They were both mine. Though I’d never felt a rut, the desire to claim Ethan was stronger than it had ever been.

Closing the door behind me, I staggered up the stairs, doing my best to not make any noise in case they were sleeping. When I made it to the top of the stairs, I could see that I’d been right. Three days of fucking with little rest had taken its toll and my pack was passed out in a tangle of limbs, pillows, and blankets. Shae was tucked between Jade and Trevor while Theo was snoring, face down, on Jade’s other side. I double-checked but I couldn’t see Ethan and my gut clenched. My heart began racing as my mind provided me with all the scenarios that could have happened if he’d somehow slipped past me while I was downstairs, no matter how improbable.

A slight creak came from the bathroom followed by the sound of water droplets landing against the tiled shower. My breath rushed out of me, and I set the bag of necessities on the floor by the dresser as I walked toward the slightly ajar bathroom door. The sight that greeted me tugged at my heart, but I forced myself to move slowly so I wouldn’t startle Ethan. He was leaning against the counter, staring into the shower as it warmed and looked close to tears. Dark circles marred the beautifully golden-brown skin around his eyes and his nearly black curls were stuck thickly against his head. Not quite matted but there was no mistaking the toll the days of sex had taken on his body. As I walked into the space, his tired eyes swung to me and began to fill with tears, my name a breathy plea on lips.

“Oh, Sweetheart. How can I help?”
