Page 43 of Embracing the Night

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“Good evening, my lovelies,” Bri said. “Looks like Owen is letting me have some fun.”

Payton’s breathing grew erratic, and he stared at Bri with wide, terrified eyes.

“You,” she snapped, pointing the gun in my direction. “Over there.” She gestured to a chair a few feet beyond the head of the table where Payton lay. “Sit your ass down and watch like a good girl.”

The hungry look in her eyes told me she would shoot me if I disobeyed. Reluctantly, I did as I was told and sat on the chair, staring at her as she walked to the side of Payton’s table.

She leaned on his chest with an elbow and pressed the gun into Payton’s head. “You know, I’m really upset you couldn’t just fall in line. This could have been fun, but oh well.”

She raised up and turned to the table, snatching up a knife with her free hand, then laying in on the table beside Payton’s head. Then to my horror, she reached down and began to stroke Payton’s dick.

“I told Owen I wanted to do more than torture you, I wanted to degrade you, Payton. I want to make you feel like a dirty piece of shit. What better way than to rape you? You told me you’ve never been with a woman, well, tonight is the night, big guy.”

Payton whimpered and cried even harder, but I watched as, despite himself, his cock began to harden and lengthen under Bri’s strokes until it stood rigid and quivering in her hand.

“Will you look at that,” Bri said. “Looks like he’s a little into girls, huh?”

“It’s biological, you stupid cunt,” I hissed. “He doesn’t actually want to fuck you.”

Bri smirked back at me then swung a leg up onto the table. “We’ll see about that.”

She took hold of Payton’s cock, stroking it again to keep it hard then lowered herself onto it, his dick disappearing into her. Bri’s face didn’t reveal any pleasure, only bare toothed delight in the look of horror on Payton’s face. From the angle I sat, I could just make out the appearance of shame, disgust, and shock in his eyes.

Bri, still holding the gun but steadying herself by pressing her free hand onto Payton’s chest, began to grind her hips back and forth, riding and fucking Payton.

“Yeah,” she hissed. “You like it, don’t you, you little fucking whore? Short dicked mother fucker, get in that pussy. Fuck me like a man.” She pressed the gun against his forehead again. “I said fuck me.”

Payton let out a sobbing moan, but his hips began to rise, thrusting himself into Bri, doing her bidding and fucking her. Bri tilted her head back in ecstasy but kept her eyes on me, grinning. I wanted to vomit again.

“Fuck me harder,” Bri commanded, and Payton did as she asked, slamming his cock into her, straining against the binds holding him and grunting with exertion all while still crying.

“Oh god,” Bri moaned. “I think this little faggot is gonna make me come. You better not stop, Payton,” she panted. “Don’t you fucking stop, or I’ll slice your guts out.”

He didn’t stop, instead, it looked as though he was actually trying to hurt Bri. From the look of determination I saw in his eyes, I had the feeling he was imagining that his dick was a knife, plunging into her over and over, eviscerating her and turning her into a bloody mess.

“Shit, shit, shit,” Bri grunted, veins popping out on her neck. She reached up with her free hand, pinched a nipple, and yanked it hard, stretching the nub of flesh until I thought it might tear off her body. Then she bucked and called out, screaming curses as she rode out her orgasm.

Even finished, she didn’t stop grinding on Payton’s cock. If anything, she thrusted her hips forward and back even faster.

“I wanna see something,” Bri said, a thin sheen of sweat coating her breasts and stomach. “I wonder how long it lasts after.”

After what, I wondered.

In one quick motion, she scooped up the knife and plunged it into Payton’s chest. A faint muffled crackle burst from his chest as the blade broke apart ribs before being buried to the hilt. Payton let out a gagging and gurgling scream. Still, Bri thrust her hips on him, grinding the dick into her body even as blood pulsed from the wound. She lifted the knife, removing it with a wet sucking sound, and slammed it down again, then once more. Blood arced up with each stab, spraying Bri’s naked body.

Payton’s face grew slack, and a bubble of blood formed on his lips, expanded and then burst. His eyes gazed out, sightless and dead. Still Bri was fucking him, grinning down in glee at his dead face. Finally, blessedly, she stopped moving, and looked up at me, with a small pout on her lips.

“Hard on only lasts a few seconds. Pity. I was getting ready to come again.”

Chapter 19


The padlock snapped beneath the jaws of the bolt cutter, the sound like a gunshot. Freezing, I glanced around the rest of the storage building. Door upon door, leading off into the distance. The fluorescent lights lining the halls flickered and buzzed fitfully. Thankfully, this late, no one was here. I was alone, and I could search Owen’s unit in peace.

After tossing the bolt cutters aside, I lifted the rolling garage door to reveal the interior of the unit. Small, not one of the larger ones people used for storing furniture or even cars. This was ten feet by ten feet, and filled mostly with boxes and storage cabinets. On the ceiling, a single fluorescent light tube sat, with a small chain switch. I tugged it and the light flooded the space giving me a better view. There was a lot here. Hope surged within me, and I tore into the nearest box.

IDs. A dozen different names. Driver’s licenses, passports, birth certificates, and social security cards, even car insurance cards. Each had Owen’s smirking face along with new false names. David Smith, Ethan Brewster, Marcus Combs, and more. No help there. I tossed the box aside and grabbed another.
