Page 101 of Julian

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“A chameleon,” Sayuri finished his thought.

“We need to get the hounds turned as soon as possible.” Charged with the energy of their discovery, Cassia impatiently sat at the table, contemplating their next move. “We need to know the name of the person who’s done this.”

“You should rest tonight. We can do it in the morning,” Sayuri suggested. “I have a special place on my property for rituals. It is surrounded with a moat of sacred pools.”

“The darkness gives them power,” Julian said.

“Over here, people. I know you guys have all the power in the world during the day but us vamps do better at night. Just sayin’.” Greyson shook his head.

“Dusk then.” Julian’s mouth ticked in anger. “We can get a few hours of rest then we must do this.”

Sayuri stood and clapped her hands. An older gentleman rushed to greet her with a bow. “Hayashi. Okyakusama o o heya made go an'nai sa sete itadakimasu. Kyuketsuki-tachi ni dona o tsurete kite kudasai. Saiko no ketsueki ga fukaketsudesu.”

“Hayashi will bring you to your rooms so you may rest. They shall attend to your dinner. Vampire friends … donors are expected within the hour. You are welcome to use the hot springs pool in the back. It is quite beautiful this time of year. Hayashi will arrange for proper clothing, as it’s expected to get cold.”

“Sayuri,” Cassia began, guilt twisting through her. She couldn’t bear seeing yet another person hurt. “My sentiment is in line with my Alpha. I’m appreciative of your ability to fight with us, but there is a chance your brothers aren’t among the hellhounds.”

“If I have even a small chance of seeing my brothers, I would be most appreciative. This world is far too dark … we might bring more lightness.”

“Is Thorn in agreement with your actions?” Julian asked.

“Of course. Thorn seeks to walk among humans, to indulge in earthly pleasures. He’s a child of the sun, the oceans, the mountains. I believe there is a bit of Heaven and Hell in all of us. Perhaps we are born with more or less. Thorn must be released from Hell so he can choose a new path. Unfortunately, he too, struggles with complex problems. Not all things are easily solved but we do not give up. We learn. We persevere. We eventually conquer.”

“I can’t promise we will find your brother tomorrow, but I can promise you we will conquer the demon. I appreciate your hospitality. We all do.” Julian bowed. “Arigato.”

Cassia nodded at Sayuri, who struggled to hide her tears, unable to conceal her pain. It was apparent that even after hundreds of years, her loss crushed her soul as if their disappearance had occurred yesterday.

Cassia watched Rafe, Greyson, Dominique and Xavier walk in front of them, exchanging light banter and joking in the midst of their impending brush with Hell. Cassia smiled at Julian, who reached for her hand.

Family. She’d gone so long without one she’d almost forgotten the warmth inside her chest, the loving feeling of knowing they’d drive you insane but stand by your side. A hearty love that didn’t go away, people who worked together through sunny seas and storms.

Julian had been a gift. Her heart tugged in her chest, the strange feelings swirling inside her like a hurricane. Steady as she goes, she told herself. Hang on tight and get ready because rough seas are coming.

* * *

The cold air brushed Cassia’s face. The temperature lowered as the sky darkened with water-laden clouds. The majestic snowcapped mountain stood ever present, wisps of dark smoke from their fire painting the horizon. The scent of burning wood drifted in the air. Blue waves churned in the distance, rolling toward the island. If she closed her eyes, she could hear them roar as they crashed against the shore.

Hayashi tossed another log onto the huge bonfire while Julian and Greyson deposited a circular trail of black sea salt. Sayuri had promised the sacred pools surrounding their chosen site would help keep them safe, but Cassia worried if it would be enough. A gust of wind, a torrential storm, anything could break the salt circle releasing the hellhounds from their bondage. What if she couldn’t conjure the hellhounds? What if they failed to materialize? It wasn’t enough for them to come to her in dreams … they had to enter the earthly realm.

Hayashi broke her contemplation as he approached and built a makeshift bed using pillows and thick, red silk blankets. “You lie here. Sayuri said you need to focus. Others stand.”

“Arigato.” Cassia nodded and turned to Julian, who’d finished creating the spiritual barrier.

Her heart tightened as he approached. She stared deep into his eyes and smiled as he gazed down upon her. She shivered, and he took care wrapping a scarf around her neck and pulled the lapels of her coat closer together.

“This weather. I don’t like having you out here,” he told her.

“Sayuri said it might snow.”

“I guess it can still happen this time of year. Maybe we’ll get lucky. I want to kiss you in the snow.”

“Are you going to keep me warm?”

“Always, sweetheart, always.” He pressed his lips to the top of her head. “Are you ready to do this?”

“Yes.” Cassia wrapped her arms around him once more, holding on as if she’d never let go. “I’ve got to free them. I want this nightmare to be over. I want you to know … I care about you so much.” I love you.

“When this is all over, Cass, we’re going to get away for a while. No more magick or bullshit demons. Just you. And me. Together.”
