Page 14 of Julian

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Julian stepped between them, blocking his view of her. “Jesus Christ, vampire. What the hell are you doing?”

“Speaking of Hell …” Greyson leaned over and smiled at Cassia, revealing a set of fangs. “It seemed like it was about to get hot in here.”

“What is wrong with you?” the Alpha growled.

Her face heated as Julian stepped backwards, and his back brushed her hands. His protective energy washed over her, lulling Cassia’s soul. She bit her lip, and peeked around the Alpha. The domineering vampire towered above her. Though he smiled, she’d known too many bloodsuckers who took pleasure in the chase. Like a cat with a mouse, they played with their prey … slowly weakening them until they grew bored or sank their fangs into them. I am not prey.

“I think that’s to be determined,” he replied.

I am not prey. She repeated in her mind and promptly slammed down her shields. Though taken off guard by his abilities, she’d trained over the years to close off her mind from unwanted intrusions.

“Ha! I knew it!” Greyson clapped.

“What are you going on about?” Julian asked. “No don’t answer. This isn’t the best time.”

“She’s not a human, after all.”

Julian turned his head back at Cassia and shot her a look. As they locked eyes, her stomach twisted in a knot. Damn vampire suspected the truth.

“You’re scaring her,” Julian scolded.

“Seriously?” Greyson gave a hearty laugh. “Big bad wolf, my ass.”

“Vampire. Enough. I’ll be done in a minute,” Julian told him.

“Interesting,” Greyson mused. He leaned sideways to steal a glance at Cassia. “See you soon, pet.”

She glared at him, amazed as he dematerialized into nothing. “I think we should go.”

“What?” Julian shook his head and turned to her.

“I don’t like vampires.”

“Not many people do. It’s an acquired kind of thing.”

“No, I really don’t like vampires,” she insisted.

“Yeah, I know the feeling. Listen …” Julian paused. “I don’t even know your real name.”

“Cassia. Cassia Luna.”

“Cassia, you need to eat. Unless you’re vampire which I know you aren’t, you’ve got to eat something.”

“What? Why?” Her stomach growled. “Maybe. I guess but?—”

“Stay in this room. Do you understand?”

“Like a prisoner?” She put her hands on her hips, annoyed.

“No. Like a friend. Unless you’d like to go face hellhounds, I’d suggest you do as I say. I need to talk with Greyson.”

“The vampire?”

“Yeah, him.” Julian’s gaze painted over her. “I’ll, uh, I’ll get you something to eat. You can shower if you want. You smell like ash.”

“How nice of you to say so.” She gave a tight smile and looked to the bathroom. “I think I’m better off staying fully dressed with a vampire around.”

“I’m not going to hurt you, and neither is the vampire. You have my word. But we are going to have a talk. If we’re going to help each other, you’re going to have to learn how to trust me.”
