Page 16 of Julian

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As she reached for the doorknob, she glanced into the floor to ceiling rectangular mirror leaning against the wall. Her face had grown pale, her eyes tired and puffy. With her body weakened, she longed to shift. But she suspected that if the Alpha’s wards were strong enough to rebuke hellhounds, it could prevent her from shifting. And she wasn’t quite ready to reveal her beast. She’d consider shifting later … after food.

With each step down the hallway, she looked to the series of paintings that hung on the wall. Inside of the gold embossed frames, the eyes of older days stared back at her, their faces illuminated by dim light.

A loud creak sounded as she padded toward the stairs. She cringed but kept walking. Her arrival wouldn’t be a secret, but there was no way she was planning on spending one more second alone in that bedroom. She paused at the top of the stairs and looked down to her fate. She would not allow the Alpha to intimidate or wield his power over her. Any seedlings of attraction had to be rooted in his Alpha magick and she was strong enough to resist.

Cassia curled her fingers around the cool wooden railing and stepped onto the stairs. She would survive this too. It was going to be fine. It had to be fine. Just fine. I can do this.”

“Of course you can,” a male voice declared behind her.

Shock rocked her, and she spun around, catching sight of the intimidating vampire from earlier. Startled, her foot slipped and she clung to the rail attempting to find her footing.

“Stay away from me, vampire.” Her heart pounded in her chest.

He flashed a toothy smile. “You’re a funny little creature, aren’t you?”

“Stay away.” She stole a glance down the stairs. Julian.

“I’m not going to hurt you now.”

“No. Don’t come near me. I?—”

“What are you doing?” The Alpha’s energy washed over her as his firm hands clasped her waist.

“Julian … I …” She looked up to him, his eyes lit with amusement.

“I’m sorry … the vampire …” she stammered.

“He’s harmless. Mostly anyway.” Julian shot him a look.

Confusion swept through her as she turned to the Alpha. “Wait. How did you get here so fast?”

“I know things. You’re not the only one who can get out of situations…or hospitals. I’ve got a few tricks I can show you.”

Julian’s devious smile tempted Cassia and for a brief second, she imagined those lips tasting her skin. With the thought, she slammed down her shields, mortified that the vampire and possibly even Julian would hear her.

“Come, let’s eat,” he told her.

Cassia’s pulse raced as he released her waist and offered his hand. Her heart pounded in her chest as her palm touched his. She followed the Alpha, not taking her eyes off of him save for but a second to look back, to find the vampire had disappeared.

As they entered the great room, Cassia scanned her surroundings. Black lambswool cushioned seating encircled a black marble table. The flames danced within large black pillar candles lining the kitchen countertop. Reflections of the flickering light emanated from the small fire blazing inside a woodfired brick oven above the stove.

“Have a seat.” Julian gestured to a chair. “Wine?”

“Yeah, sure.” Cassia nervously stroked her fingers over the soft fabric.

“Cabernet? Syrah? Chianti? I’ve got a white if you’d like.”

“Um, Cabernet would be great.” Cassia noted four place settings and swiveled her head to see if they were alone.

“It’s just us,” he assured her.

“Where’s the vampire?”

“Greyson? He’s not here. But he’s not going to hurt you. Well, as long as you don’t hurt us. We don’t know what you are after all.”

Cassia watched in silence as he uncorked the bottle and filled their glasses. He set her wine in front of her and lifted his own into the air. “You aren’t planning on hurting us, are you?”

“Of course not. But vampires … I don’t know. And your friend there … he’s powerful. I can feel it.”
