Page 92 of Julian

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“Snorkel, huh?” Julian placed a kiss to the top of her head.

“I shifted into a dolphin once. I can’t do most fish but I can do mammals.”

Julian laughed. “You’re amazing.”

“I want to run as wolf with you, Julian.” Cassia sensed his desire to see her.

“We will, sweetheart, we will.” The Alpha closed his eyes.

With her ear against his chest, she listened as his heartbeat slowed. Cassia melted into him, emotion bursting inside her. I love you.

* * *

“Are you sure this is it?” Greyson asked.

“This is the address.” Julian stared up the long winding driveway that twisted through the forest of pine trees to the main house. He turned to Cassia. “Does this look familiar at all to you?”

“I don’t know. It was dark when I arrived. But I do remember a driveway like this one. The trees. See there … the evergreens. But honestly, it’s the Pacific Northwest so …”

Greyson looked to Julian. “Should we flash?”

“We should approach slowly.” Dominique kicked a rock up the driveway. “The flashing is too much sometimes. I know you like to show off but come on. What if we land in the wrong spot or someone is up there waiting? We should walk.”

“Dom’s right,” Julian agreed.

“We can learn the lay of the land.” Rafe stripped off his clothes and shoes.

“Woah, what’re you doin’, wolf?” Greyson’s eyes widened. “Fucking hell, you’re always taking your clothes off.”

“Leave him be,” Dominique admonished the vampire. “He can shift again. It brings him joy.”

“Would you mind? I’d really appreciate it.” Rafe gathered his things and held them out to her. “I can’t ask the old man, and that only leaves me with the prince and his mate.”

Dominique’s eyes roamed down to his feet and back up to his face. She accepted his belongings and shot him a devious smile. “Oh darlin’. The pleasure is all mine. Now don’t hurt yourself with that thing. I know you’ve beat death, but you surely are blessed.”

Rafe laughed and gave her a wink. Within a split second, the large brown wolf stood before her. It took off, running circles around Greyson before darting in and out of the woods.

“Jesus, he’s a handful.” Greyson rolled his eyes.

“Yes, I bet he is.” Dominique raised an eyebrow at the ancient vampire, a corner of her lip ticking upward as she walked past him.

“I remember it was a pretty long driveway,” Cassia recalled. “Someone could be living in the house. We should walk. I want to get a feel for the land. Maybe I’ll remember more.”

“Let’s go,” Julian said.

“I’m gonna get a head start. Meet you up there.” Greyson brushed a drifting dandelion seed off his black leather jacket and disappeared.

Cassia laughed. “He’s a character, isn’t he?”

“Greyson? Yeah. You should spend more time with his brother.” Julian shook his head. “I’ve met many people and creatures in my life, but I always have found it amusing to meet ancient vampires. There’s something about them.”

“How’s that?” Cassia smiled as Rafe ran past her, brushing his body against the back of her thigh.

“They were human. As time passes, I often find they’re either yearning for their human life or past loves. They’re cultured, well-traveled. Sometimes a bit grumpy. Grey-man, he’s a bit of everything. In some ways, I get it because I’ve lived a long time, too. But I wasn’t turned. I’m born of the magick. I never lived as a human. I think it’s harder for vampires. They see humans and know they were once human. But there’s no going back.”

“Shifters aren’t as hung up on human conventions.”

“Like last night…that wasn’t exactly conventional.” He shot her a sexy smile.
