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I gave him the evil eye, as I was offended.

“Take it or leave it,” Prince Killian snapped. “Barbie is in no shape to go on a lengthy date with anyone after what she’s suffered through. She’s so traumatized that she won’t be all right for a long time. Most of the time she trembles in terror, afraid of her own shadow. Do any of you have any sympathy toward her ordeal?”

He was barking up the wrong tree. The princes were known for being heartless and ruthless. And I hoped the chaos prince didn’t overdo it, since the description of Barbie trembling in terror just didn’t fit with our girl. Barbie shrugged off terror and trauma like old clothes and came right up swinging while eating her favorite cupcakes.

The princes were silent for a second, appearing sullen and musing. They’d all seen the evidence of the iron mask that had been forced over her face, a torque infused with foul magic locked on her neck, and her bloody stump.

“It’s my duty to protect vulnerable members of my house.” Prince Killian sighed. “I’m doing you all a favor. I had to conjure her out of her fear to meet you all.”

“Why does she need to fear us?” Prince Louis barked. “We rescued her! Did you put fear of us in her head since you want to keep Barbie all for yourself? Must you always be such a jerk, Killian?”

Prince Killian narrowed his eyes. “Did you come here to insult me in my house while I try to help all of you out?”

“He’s just too bitter as a kept man,” Prince Silas gloated. “So he finds joy in derailing our plans at every turn. That asshole is petty like that.”

“I’m fucking done!” Prince Killian shot to his feet. “This is the best and last offer I’ll give you. Whoever still wants to go on a speed date with Barbie, line up so we have a head count. Make your pitch and get the fuck out, please. Even five minutes with each one of you will wear fragile Barbie out.”

Lol! Fragile Barbie? Our girl was all steel and clawed nails.

“Where is she?” Prince Rowan demanded.

Prince Killian pointed at the door to the inner room. “Inside waiting for each one of you to show up. Just don’t?—”

All four princes shot to their feet from the sofa, elbowed each other out of the way, and dashed toward the inner room, ignoring Prince Killian’s warning.

The chaos house slammed its magic into them, tossing them back to their former seats and pinning them down before any of them could get through the door to meet Barbie.

Prince Killian grinned, and his rivals glared at him, cursing.

Even Prince Cade shook his head. “Asshole! I knew you’d pull this stunt!”

“If Barbie passes out due to the fright, the next date will be canceled,” Prince Killian declared, amusement in his eyes. “So, behave yourselves.”

“What are you, her pimp?” the shifter prince spat.

Prince Killian bared his teeth. “The door out is wide open, Silas.”

“I’ll go! I’m sick and tired of this.” Prince Louis jumped up from his seat and stalked toward the door. “I need to check on Barbie and make sure a vulnerable bride candidate is well taken care of. If not, she’ll be transferred to my house.”

“You can dream, Louis,” Prince Killian said.

Cami moved into position in tight leather pants and high heels, leading the vampire prince toward the inner room. I returned to my supposed position by the door, just in time to see Barbie roll her eyes.

“Prince Louis, please.” Cami pushed the door open.

Prince Louis righted his tie before strutting in like he owned the day.

He’d soon know that it wasn’t his show, even though he’d have five minutes.

It was my show.



Irubbed my eyelids as the vampire prince strolled in, a big smile on his gorgeous face, aiming to disarm and charm me. The door shut automatically behind him to give us some privacy.

I didn’t exactly need the privacy. I didn’t understand why I must participate in this speed dating, but Killian had promised me moons for doing this and said it was the quickest way to get everyone off our backs and send the other heirs on their way.
