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“You fucking crashed it!” Rowan decided that he no longer wanted to play nice.

“C’mon, man, I can’t believe you still hold a grudge over that,” I said with an easy smile. “Didn’t everyone have fun? We even had a few glasses of 1666.”

“That fucking cost me!” Rowan ground out. “My rare collection of 1666 was reserved for a big event, not to waste on you.”

“I’ll pretend that my feelings aren’t hurt,” I said. “Well, I just want to know if you still want to proceed and have a speed date with Barbie. You’re the most generous among us, a gentleman, so perhaps you will give your timeslot to someone else, or let Barbie have a break?”

“Fuck off, Killian,” Rowan snapped. “I won’t let you take advantage of my generosity. It’s my fucking turn next!”

“Fine, fine! You’re so intense.” I raised my palms in a gesture of peace. “Have a good speed date with Barbie, then, if it’ll make up for last time. I really thought we had a good time in your picturesque villa.”

Rowan shook his head in disgust, not one little bit appeased. “So now you just pose as a pimp, since you have her in your house?”

“Nope, I’m not a pimp,” I said firmly. “And don’t even think about it. Sex is absolutely off the table.”



The shifter prince walked in as if he owned the chaos house and the air I breathed.

I’d resumed my former pose—my cheek on my palm, an elbow on the table, one foot on the edge of the chair. My green eye was shut, and my sapphire eye peeked at him, not impressed.

He seemed to be more muscular. Maybe he’d been spending all his time in the gym. His chest and ten-pack might burst his expensive shirt open. Perhaps that was his intention—to intimidate his rivals or to seduce chicks. Yep, from that smug look in his amber eyes, he must believe all the hard muscles would get me to run into his arms like one of his bitches.

I didn’t even bother to force open the other eye, let alone rise to greet him, as he’d expected or would demand later. Surprise glinted in his eyes before anger lifted its ugly head. But he suppressed a growl and toned down his alpha stare before it came into full effect.

Well, he’d learned not to train his alpha stare on me again.

The house magic had reset everything in the room. The table enlarged, as the house considered the shifter prince a hostile force. I rolled my eyes and told the house that Silas wasn’t going to jump across the table to get me, and if he did, I could handle him.

But the house magic danced to Killian’s every whim, with my familiar as his enforcer. The trio were mentally linked.

I could counter them and cause a ripple of trouble, but it wasn’t worth the fallout. Silas wasn’t worth the effort. Plus, I wanted to put the princes in their places for their wicked plans for me that Sy had learned through fucking Rowan. I wondered if their plan of taming me and ruining me was still in place after my kidnapping, since they’d all come to rescue me, which was the opposite of ruining me.

“Welcome to the official speed date with Miss Barbie, our new member in the House of Chaos, Prince Silas!” Pucker rushed to greet Silas giddily.

“Beat it!” Silas snapped. “Who needs you here? This is a speed date for two, not for three!”

Wow, he was far more brutal than Louis. I didn’t comment, at least not yet. He might be dead, but he was two hundred years older than me. He could handle himself.

Pucker blinked hard, twice.

Silas reached the other side of the table in no time, his massive wolf peeking out of his amber eyes, giving me his full attention.

“What happened to your other eye, Barbie?” the shifter prince asked, turning the chair around and perching on it.

I’d noticed that he didn’t bring me a gift either, so I didn’t bother asking for it. Nor would I open the other eye for him.

“Does it still hurt?” he asked, concern in his voice as he remembered how I’d looked in that dungeon.

When Killian fought to get me to his house, he hadn’t realized that it only made the other heirs want me more. The rivalry between them was no joke, and Silas always set out to poach what Killian had.

So, no, the shifter prince’s new niceness couldn’t fool me.

“Mmm,” I said.

Earlier, Pucker had tried to persuade me to have both of my eyes open for his show.
