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“She said please.” A light-skinned demon snickered, and the others joined him.

“It takes time to remove our textbooks.” Wyatt gestured at the desk, where a stack of books was piled in front of the geeks. “Be reasonable, man. You can have this desk next time. How’s that?”

“How about we help you remove your stupid books?” a bronze-skinned demon barked, lashing his clawed hands out and sweeping the bundle of textbooks that belonged to Wyatt to the floor.

Wyatt shook in anger, but he froze in place as a third demon got in his face, sneering.

“Leave!” Jinx shot to her feet.

Her friends also stood but passed hesitant glances between them. They weren’t fighters. They couldn’t win if a fight broke out. In this realm, it was the right of the strong to take from the weak.

Hellfire sparked from the demons’ fingertips and horns. Bellona smirked like their bitch, even though she was several inches taller than them as the descendant of a frost giant.

For the first time since I’d been dragged onto the wagon of bride candidates, it wasn’t me who was being targeted. It was kind of nice for a change, but Jinx and Wyatt were my friends. I couldn’t just sit on my ass and watch them be bullied.

Bea looked conflicted. She wanted to help our friends, but she was afraid. Even though her power had upgraded, she didn’t believe that she could take on Bellona and the demons. And we both knew that if we interfered, especially if I helped, Medea would lead her army to attack us. It was her personal mission to see my ruin.

“Make us,” Bellona purred.

“You guys are from a new house in the realm. Know your place!” Drusilla clenched a fist.

Vampires only bowed to their king and prince, and in Shades Academy, they obeyed only Prince Louis.

“How are you going to put us in our place, then, human?” Bellona sneered at Drusilla. “You shouldn’t even be in this school. Now let me show you how to know your place.” She swung her massive arm at Drusilla.

The dhampir ducked, then drove her fist toward Bellona’s jaw. Bellona was equally fast, despite her size. She grabbed Drusilla’s fist to pull the dhampir toward her and headbutted her. Dark blood trickled from Drusilla’s nose.

The demons sniffed, getting more excited at the smell of blood.

Shit, it was going to escalate.

“Screw the one-by-one rule!” Jinx snarled. “Let’s take down the giant bitch!”

The geeks rushed Bellona as one. Jinx had ice magic, and her ice slammed into Bellona to encase her opponent.

Bellona laughed. “Playing ice with me? You’re a joke.”

Ice had no effect on Bellona.

Our geek friends traded determined looks and tossed their wind, vines, and fire at Bellona. The three demons lunged, insanely fast. The light-skinned one grabbed Wyatt and slammed him to the ground. The other two demons had Jinx and a shifter girl by the throats, choking them for fun.

Bea let out a terrible cry. “No!”

I sprang toward Jinx and her group, leaving Bea behind. Students gathered in groups, blocking the aisles, so I had to leap onto a desk. Then I was jumping from one desk to another, ignoring gasps and shouts and keeping going, until I had vaulted over a big crowd that had gathered to watch the fight.

I touched down in a crouch on the desk where the dispute had started, planting one fist on the wood. That was one of my favorite martial arts postures. I slowly raised my head, letting my golden curls bounce a little.

“Hello? Hello!” I smirked at Bellona and the demons. “Why wasn’t I invited to the party while you’re giving my friends a nice massage?”

The demons snapped their attention to me, hunger in their eyes. I managed not to shudder, but I couldn’t maintain my smile any longer. My facial muscles were tired.

“This is Barbie, the bad actress I told you about!” Bellona said loudly.

I frowned at her. “Dude! You just spoiled the surprise. You’re a party pooper, do you know that?”

She snarled.

“Barbie, Prince Killian’s new pet, right?” the biggest demon asked, swaggering and still holding Jinx by the throat while she tried to throw magic at him, to no avail. “He had other pets before you. You should ask His Highness where they ended up.”
