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“Bellona, my dude friend, how’s going?” I flashed a sharp smile at Bellona, her big bosom, which could suffocate a man to death, rising and falling as anger and frustration seized her.

“How many times must I tell you that I ain’t your friend?” Bellona spat.

“Don’t worry, big dude,” I said. “Your secret is safe with me.”

“You think you’re untouchable because you’re an Echo?” Bellona sneered before she turned to her demon pals. “Amon, would you do the honors and wipe that stupid smile off her face with your hellfire?”

My eyes widened as I spotted hellfire twirling on all three demons’ fingertips. Would hellfire burn me?

We won’t know until we take it, Pucker said expectantly.

It wasn’t him who was going to take it!

The demons smirked evilly at me, their hellfire dancing on the tips of their claws.

“It’s forbidden to use hellfire on students!” Bea shouted. She’d come around and stood with our geek friends.

“Barbie started the fight, and we’re merely defending ourselves,” Amon said.

So, it was true that demons were all liars.

“Let’s talk about this first, dudes,” I said. “We can still solve this conflict without resorting to violence. Violence should be the last resort, don’t you agree?”

They stared at me in distaste. Demons loved violence and always rushed toward it without thinking twice. All three demon students raised their hands, their hellfire at the ready.

I put up a finger. “Wait! I still have a couple of questions.”

“Don’t listen to her!” Bellona called. “She’s stalling. If you give her time to think it through, she’ll trick us!”

“Bellona is speaking from rich personal experience.” I smiled knowingly. “But you aren’t her bitches, are you? You don’t seem to be the type. She says shoot, and you say where? You’re demons, fierce and nasty demons! My question is simple. Is Lucifer your boss? The textbooks say Lucifer took Hell for his domain after he was cast out of Heaven. Does he still hang around, or has he abdicated, so there’s now a new queen in town? Or was the Underworld divided, so Lucifer and your queen split Hell between themselves?”

“Lucifer left a long time ago!” a second demon said. He was a bit shorter and looked younger than the others.

“How come?” I squinted. “What happened? He couldn’t just disappear like that, right? It was irresponsible, since he had people depending on him!”

The second demon opened his mouth to answer, but Amon smacked the back of his head to stop him.

“Do you know that your prince will soon be our queen’s consort?” Amon smirked. “Soon the entire House of Chaos will bow to our queen.”

My heart skipped an icy beat.

“I see you’re a curious little thing, aren’t you?” Amon said. “There are rumors about you. Other houses are warned not to touch Prince Killian’s pet, but we’re from his betrothed’s house, so Prince Killian will be more than happy to share you with our queen however she wants.”

He threw up his palms, eager to shoot a jet of his hellfire at me, and the other two demons followed suit.

“Wait, demons! Wait!” I called urgently.

“Make her bald first!” Bellona hissed. “I hate her full head of golden curls!”

“Stop, demons!” Bea screamed.

From her table, Medea smiled, watching the scene over the brim of her teacup. She hadn’t said a word, but I knew that she had orchestrated this.

I sat down on the desk with my legs crossed, resting my hands on my knees in a lotus posture.

“Now go ahead, demons,” I said. “Shower me with your hellfire. I’m a bit thirsty here.”

“Barbie, get out!” Bea shouted. “Hellfire is the most destructive fire!”
