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He wouldn’t have to deal with this shit if he hadn’t shielded me. He could still wash his hands of me by offering me up and letting me be hanged.

Everyone had seen the livestream of the duel before it had been banned and taken down from Spinchat, the supernaturals’ main social media site.

Killian left his entire team to guard me, except for Cassius, the Silent Blade. I’d met him once. Cassius had been Killian’s personal bodyguard since his childhood. He went where Killian went, like his shadow.

Cami had offered to go with her cousin, but Killian needed her to stay as the mistress of the House of Chaos while he was away.

“Anyone comes to take Barbie from our house by force, kill them,” Killian had told Cami and Rock before his departure. “You have my killing order. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

I’d bitten my lip, vowing that it wouldn’t come to that. I wouldn’t let the House of Chaos go to war with the entire realm for my sake. I would flee before the conflict could escalate out of control.

Out of sight, out of mind.

If I took myself out of the equation, no one else would get hurt.

An hour after Killian left, Cami came to knock on my door. When I opened it, she slid in and shut the door behind her. Then she opened a fist, revealing a small pink diamond on her palm.

“Prince Rowan wanted to give you this in person,” she said. “But Killian said clearly that no outsiders are allowed before he returns. Prince Rowan said this would be payment for ten messages and asked you to check his urgent messages in your Spinchat inbox.”

My face stretched into a big smile as I snatched the diamond from her palm. “Tell him it’ll be payment for six text messages.”

Rowan was loaded. Who didn’t like to take advantage of the rich and privileged?

Cami narrowed her eyes. “You forget yourself, Barbie.”

“Pardon me,” I said. My smile didn’t drop. “I’ll remember myself next time, My Lady Cami.”

“Don’t My Lady me,” she said.

Sy peeked out to inspect the diamond. She’d asked me a hundred times if Rowan had messaged me.

I guess he really wants to get laid, I said. I’ll message him in a minute and tell him tonight is on!

Sy beamed at me. You’re the best pimp, Barbie!

You’re welcome. I grinned, my mood improving dramatically. We won’t do it for free anymore. Live and learn!

Live and learn, Sy cheered.

Cami stared at me with open suspicion.

“I’m giving Sir Rowan private lessons via text message, Lady Cami,” I lied.

“About what?” she demanded.

“Uh, well,” I said. If I fended her off, she’d keep coming back or even get Killian involved. Rowan must be really desperate to see Sy to ask Cami to bring me the diamond. Desperation drove people to do stupid things, and I bet Rowan was lovesick. “Everyone knows about my knack of neutralizing spells, and the fae prince wants to study my ability.”

She narrowed her eyes further. “Are you trying to con a prince heir?”

“Shush, Lady Cami!” I said, darting my eyes around wildly, even though it was only her and me, plus Pucker in his ghost form, in the room. “I don’t have a trust fund, unlike you, and a girl has to eat. I don’t have any other gifts except that no spells work on me. If Sir Rowan finds it in his generous heart to offer me a small fortune to study my gift and satisfy his academic curiosity, I’m not going to turn him away.”

“I can smell your lie a mile away.” Cami snorted.

“Fine, I’ll come clean.” I spread my arms. “He pays me to be his pimp, and he has a type.”

“I don’t get what the princes see in you.” She shook her head. “Personally, talking to you is like talking to the wall most of the time.” She gave me a wary look. “Just be careful when it comes to the princes. They’re charming, but they’re top predators.” She paused for a beat. “You can trust only my cousin.”

She’d softened a lot toward me after she saw Killian kiss me and observed that I could withstand his lethal touch just fine.
