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Hard, cold rain fell from the sky. Wasn’t it supposed to be a warm night?

While my skin froze from the fever chills, my insides were boiling alive. The Seed of Heaven was bad news to old gods, and I was a direct descendant. The poison hadn’t killed me, but it was damaging me on a cellular level.

It hurt. Fuck, it hurt so much.

For a moment, I forgot where I was until I found myself bumping on Cami’s shoulder, shrieking in pain, as she tried to cross the bridge as fast as she could, protected in the center of our small group.

The princes and their warriors were fighting our enemies in all directions, cursing profusely. They should just leave me to save themselves. It was me that the Legion of the Brotherhood wanted.

Let them sacrifice me on their heavenly altar. My father had done the same to me and would do it again and again. The future was never supposed to have me in it.

Yet the princes kept fighting, not giving up on me, as did my friends who guarded me.

“You’ll be okay, Barbie,” Bea kept saying like a prayer. “You’ll be okay!”

But she couldn’t know that. I didn’t care about my fate, but I couldn’t bear to lose any of my friends. From upside down over Cami’s shoulders, I helplessly watched our team members go down one by one.

The princes could barely stand. Yet they still defended me. If I let this continue, they’d die here today.

I wouldn’t allow it. Now it was my turn to defend them. I’d give my last breath for them, for my friends, and for my new home.

I wouldn’t let them be doomed.

Today wouldn’t be the end of them!

A war song drummed in my bloodstream, battering my core magic over and over. It’d broken through the runes and spells laid out by my god father and defended me once. I needed it now more than ever. Even if it couldn’t purge the Seed’s death lock on me, it could still aid me one last time.

I was like no other. My power was like no other.

I summoned the dark flame, not reasoning with it but commanding it.

An unnatural sound tore out of my throat. I pulled away from Cami, levitating in midair above the bridge. My friends shouted my name in alarm, but I ignored their calls.

For a breath, the fighting all around the bridge froze, every eye on me.

“What is she?” A fearful murmur rose from an enemy soldier.

“An abomination!” the druid shouted. “Throw all you have at her. Don’t let her manifest!”

I flashed him a sugary smile. “Too late, babe.”

Give them hell, babe! Sy cheered. She’d come around from blackout when a rush of adrenaline pumped into my blood.

Jets of dark flame blasted out of me like an atomic bomb. It was so bright and so dark all at once that everyone shielded their eyes and staggered back. Their shouting increased.

The druid leapt over the railing of the bridge into the river, abandoning his brethren. A trail of smoke rushed away from the waves caused by the shockwaves of my dark flame.

When the flame vanished like the wind, every enemy was vanquished without a trace, just like what had happened to Medea.

“She erased the Legion of the Brotherhood with one blast,” someone said in fear and awe.

“Barbie has magic after all,” said Cade.

“She’s indeed something,” Silas said in satisfaction. “I was never wrong.”

“Really?” Louis retorted. “Didn’t you call her a chihuahua, mocking her ‘low magical grade’?”
