Page 89 of When Swans Dance

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“So, what do you think?” Michael asked when Steven didn’t respond.

The excitement building inside Steven was tempered only by the fear that Michael wouldn’t want to be stuck in a small town. “Would that be enough to entice you to stay, though? I can’t promise we’ll make anywhere near what you would even as an associate in a larger firm.”

“I’m not hurting for money,” Michael said with a sheepish grin. “And I have other reasons for wanting to stick around.”

“Such as?”

The blush that bloomed over Michael’s cheeks confused Steven for a moment, then it clicked.

“Ah, this is about a woman, isn’t it?”

“I may have gone out with Toccara a few times,” Michael admitted.

Steven laughed and raised his hand. “Say no more.”

“There is one thing you should know, though.” With a sigh, Michael leaned forward. “My father wants me to make a name for myself, and he’s one of the main reasons I received the offer that I did.”

“I see,” Steven said. “It sounds like you have a lot to consider.”

Michael nodded. “But I promise to give you an answer soon.”

“There’s no rush. You’d have to pass the bar before we could make anything official, but I’d love to have you come on board as an equal partner.”

“Believe me, if it were up to me, I’d much prefer working in a small-town firm where I might make a difference over slaving away in the big city for corporate cronies who don’t even know my name.”

Steven laughed. “They’re not all bad.” His experience was centered in Baltimore, but he didn’t miss the hustle. He nodded at the folders. “In the meantime, why don’t you bring me up to speed on where you are with things.”

Michael seemed eager to change the subject and launched into a detailed presentation on all he’d been working on. While they spoke, a question nagged at Steven. If Michael turned him down, what was plan B?

Chapter Twenty-Eight

What am I doing here? Rose asked herself for the millionth time as she parked outside of the rehab facility and looked at herself in the rearview mirror.

While she could blame it on the need to discuss canceling vendors or even asking for Steven’s assistance in alerting his side of the family, the truth was Max had asked her to come. He’d called the night before to check on her and had ended the conversation with a simple request that Rose find it in her heart to visit Steven.

“I’m not asking you to forgive him or to take him back,” Max had said. “Only to see for yourself how far he’s come.”

And so she had. She just hadn’t quite mustered up the courage to get out of the car and walk into the building.

“No matter what he says,” she told her reflection, “it doesn’t change anything.”

The doubt in her eyes did nothing to help her resolve. She debated putting the car back in gear and hightailing it out of there, but she’d come that far. She might as well see it through.

Steeling herself for an unhappy reunion, she forced her body from the car and dragged her feet to the rehab entrance. It took more effort than she cared to admit to open the door and step inside.

The receptionist’s face lit up when she saw Rose. “He’ll be thrilled you’re here!”

Did Max tell the whole place I was coming? Ugh, what they must think of her, deserting her fiancé in his condition. She shook her head. You’re overreacting. The more likely explanation was that the woman had recognized her from her visits when Steven was there before.

She followed the receptionist down the hall. When they reached Steven’s room, she moved aside to let Rose pass.

But her feet were frozen to the floor. Her heart pounded in her ears. She’d made a terrible mistake in going there.

Just as she turned to leave, a familiar voice rang out. “Rose? Is that you?”

“Go on,” the receptionist urged. “He’s been expecting you.”

With a sigh, Rose shuffled into the room and closed the door behind her. She held onto the doorknob longer than necessary as she warred with a fight-or-flight reaction. Finally, she peeled her hand away and slowly turned to face him.
