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“I know, I wouldn’t have expected that either.” He agrees with me, shaking his head, “Honestly, I don’t know what is going through his head sometimes. He can be hot and cold, and just does things his own way without really thinking about anyone else. I keep wondering if it might be a good idea to think about the processes of our relationship but the other part of me can’t be certain either. I hope you understand what I mean.”

“Where is he now though?” I ask him curiously at this point, “Did something happen?”

He looks like he isn’t going to tell me until he sighs, “Honestly, your parents are here, and they are demanding that he gives you back and dissolves the marriage.”

My jaw drops now because I almost don’t want to believe it, “what? Why are they doing that? I married him to protect the kingdom and I know that there is no way we would be able to win! Are they crazy?”

“They might be.” Rowan chuckles, “Because he was not happy when he went to meet them.”

I know I can’t just stand back and do anything at this point, so I rush out of my chambers with Rowan in my tail. I don’t care how I look, seeing the workers looking at me with surprise because I probably reek of Carter. I’m okay with smelling like that though because I know there’s just nothing that I can do about it. I get how they feel about this situation, and I understand that they might worry about Carter hurting me, but they should have come to me. They shouldn’t be here demanding stuff of him.

They don’t know what kind of jerk he can be and how his temper flares. As much as I do like him, I know that he is just not someone to mess with. Although he did make me angry in the beginning, I see what he does for his people and how he has to remain strong for them. If he doesn’t, this would end up screwing everything because other kingdoms would deem him weak and then they would try to attack.

I feel bad for him in that sense because it’s pretty obvious what he has been through. He keeps making it very known how he feels about a situation, and I know I have pushed it a little bit. I know where I stand in this relationship, and I know how he feels about me. I know that this could very well turn around and bite me in the butt, but I don’t even want to think about that either. I know that this could screw everything up, but I am not sure how I even want it to go.

When I reach the throne room, I notice how Carter is seething and looks like he wants to kill my parents. I immediately rush over, ignoring my parents as I latch onto Carter’s arm. He looks down at me with surprise like he didn’t expect me to be there. I just smile at my parents, and I notice them looking at the marks on my neck. I don’t try to hide it because I have to make this very clear to them.

“Hi mom and dad, I wasn’t expecting you to be here.” I murmur softly, holding onto Carter, “I heard that you want to dissolve my marriage to Carter and I’m going to have to politely decline. He has been kind to me, and I know that you might not see it that way, but this is what is best for our kingdom. We need him and I’m not disappointed with him as a mate.”

Mom’s jaw drops as she looks at me like I am crazy, “Honey, you can’t be serious. He is…”

“My husband.” I cut her off, giving her the look that tells her I’m done with this conversation, “And I expect you to respect him as much. He has already agreed to be my mate and I’m not going to be happy if you try to force him to break our bond. It’s not right. So please do the proper thing and not allow this to happen.”

They are staring at me like I am crazy and so is Carter. I know how I feel and I’m going to stand by it because I’m not going to allow anyone to force me out. I know where I stand with Carter, and I know that he probably sees me as nothing short of a pest but I’m going to do everything in my power to prove to him that I’m good enough to be by his side. I won’t allow anything to stand in my way and I will make sure that he knows it as well. I mean, what’s honestly the worst thing that could happen?

I guess there’s only one way to find out.



Penelope did the one thing that I would have never expected her to do and that was to pick me over her family. I mean of course I would have thought she wouldn’t choose me because why should she? I mean after everything that we have been through, it’s become more and more obvious that the things we have done have not been for the right reasons. I know that I haven’t been the nicest person to her, but I do feel like we are growing closer with every passing day.

As time would go on, I found myself drawn to her even more so. I know it might sound a bit cliché, but I find myself looking at her every chance that I get and wondering how she would choose someone like me. I’m not perfect, I have never claimed to be, but I know that I keep asking myself if maybe I’m falling for the wrong person. Maybe I like her too much. Or maybe she might end up hating me if I do the wrong thing.

I have never worried about this before, and I don’t know why I am now. Like now, we’re having dinner together and I am a nervous mess. Something is off, I already know it and I don’t know what to even say about it. I want to ask her what is going on but I’m kind of afraid of what she might end up saying to me. Will she tell me the truth or will I be left high and dry once more. I don’t even think that I want to know, and I know that I keep worrying over nothing, but I hope this doesn’t turn out that way.

“I need to tell you something.” She murmurs softly, looking up at me and I see the softness in her green eyes, “I love you.”

I freeze almost immediately because we have never said that to each other before. I just watch her, wondering if she is pulling my chain right now. I don’t know if she just knows what she is doing or not, but I feel like she is going to keep driving me crazy. Of course, I know that she’s the one kind of person that just continuously knows what she is doing but I also feel like she wants to keep pulling my chain. But I just rise to my feet and move over to her, cupping her face in my hands.

I kiss her, something that I never thought would be possible, and say it, “I love you, too.”

My heart is beating a thousand seconds in my chest because I would have never deemed it possible to fall in love with someone like her. She’s so desperately out of my league and I’m not even going to deny it because it’s the truth. Someone like her deserves more than me, I know it, but I also know that the only thing for me to do right now is to end up asking her the right questions. I want to start a family with her, I want to make her happy. I want to do everything with her by my side so long as she will accept me.

I have no idea what road we’re going to go down but what I do know is that I’m going to have to make sure this is all alright. But when she pulls back and takes my hands in hers, I’m just a little bit confused. That is until she places it on her belly and smiles up at me.

“I’m going to tell you this now, you might want to be careful when we’re making love because your baby might get a little bit jostled.” She tells me softly.

I’m confused for a split second before it dawns on me what she is saying. My jaw drops and I stare at her like she had just grown two heads. I would have never thought her to be pregnant, feeling like my heart is pounding in my chest. I know that the only thing to do now is to tell her how much this means to me but then it starts.

I kneel down on the ground and cry in her lap, holding her close as I nuzzle her belly. She runs her fingers through my hair, and I feel like everything has finally gone right for us. I would have never deemed her to be pregnant, but I suppose I did end up getting my redemption in this moment because I’m never going to let her go.

“My mate and my baby…” I murmur protectively, closing my eyes, “I love you.”

I wish that I could have known how sweet love could actually be.
