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He smirks and then immediately wipes at it as if he didn’t mean to say that and is embarrassed that I caught it.

“You know, if that’s how it ends up.” His grin goes lopsided, and his chin dimple pops. “I’ve always sort of dreamed about twins, but I know that’s my own thing and not reality.”

The man not only dreams about having kids but twins?! Gah. My ovaries are punching my stomach, screaming at me to get with the program and let this man impregnate me.

My heart thrashes in my chest, but it’s the good kind of thrashing. The kind of thrashing that comes with excitement and nerves and knowing you’re about to embark on something that will change your life—hopefully for the better—forever. But it’s also the kind of thrashing that’s telling me to do this.

I’m trusting my gut. I just hope I don’t live to regret it.

I have a million more questions, and we have so much more to discuss, but for the life of me, I can’t think of anything else except, “Bennett, I’m ovulating.”

“What?” he manages as if the words don’t make sense.

“I realized I’m ovulating. It’s thirteen days from my last period, and not only am I on a twenty-six-day cycle, but I always get a twinge in my lower quadrant on the side I’m ovulating on when I’m ovulating, and I felt that twinge earlier today on my left side.”

“A twinge?”

I nod.

His dark eyes give a quick sweep of my body. “You’re ovulating? Right now?”

Another nod.

“And that’s why you’re here at four thirty in the morning?”


“Katy, are you telling me?—”

“We’re doing this. I want to do this.” A smile cracks clear across my face, and that balloon in my chest is so big I could burst with it as I say those words. Holy shit. We really are doing this. And clearly we’re doing this naturally, otherwise why would I be here right now? I’m not only saying yes to having a baby with him, but to sex to make that baby.

Stupid or not, that’s how this is going to go.

He takes a hasty step toward me, only to pull back as if he’s still unsure. “I’m about to maul you right here in my living room unless you tell me to stop. I want to knock you up, Katy. But also, I seriously want to fuck you. You have no idea how beautiful you are right now. Tell me to stop or we’re doing this. If you’re saying yes, we’re going to start trying to make a baby right now.”

I don’t make a sound. I’m searching for the voice that’s telling me not to do this, but I can’t find it anywhere.

He rushes forward, his chest against mine, his hand on my jaw, demanding my full focus. “Tell me to stop, Katy, or I’m going to fuck you. I don’t even care about a contract. We can figure that out after, but you’re here and you’re telling me you’re ovulating, and I want this and you so fucking badly I can hardly breathe or think rationally. You understand if I fuck you, if I knock you up, that baby will be mine, and you will be too.”

My ovaries are legit exploding right now. Possessive caveman types are my total weakness.

“Fuck me, and let’s see how you do with knocking me up.”

“Oh, sweetheart.” He picks me up by my thighs and presses my pussy straight against his hard cock. “You feel that? I’ve been hard since I set eyes on you again. Katy, I’m going to come in you so many times you’ll leak me in the middle of surgery two days from now. I will knock you up. It’s not a matter of if, but when.”

I have no idea why that’s so hot, but it is.

“Do you have any idea the dirty things I want to do to you? You have to tell me if it’s too much or if I’m too rough because the way I’m feeling right now cannot be contained.”

His delicious promise ignites a wildfire of pure, uncontained desire inside me.

My hands get lost in the back of his hair, and I stare into his blue eyes, so dark and riled with lust and determination, but also caution and possibly a touch of an apology, and my empty core clenches. God, I can already tell he’s going to be so good.

My breathing grows erratic, and I slam my lips against his. “I want all your dirty, all your rough, all your unhinged. Fuck me like you need to fuck me, Bennett, and don’t worry about being gentle. I can take anything you can unleash and more. Hell, I’ll likely beg for it.”

He groans. “You’re a fucking dream, Katy. My dream.”

His hands slide up and squeeze my ass as his tongue roves against mine, moving fast like he’s starving for me. Urgently, he walks us around his living room, nearly tripping over a random piece of furniture I don’t care enough about to open my eyes and see. He curses against my lips, but then he has me pinned against the wall. My hands roam his heated skin, sliding over honed muscles and loving how they flex and bulge under my touch.
