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Katy pokes my shoulder with her finger, and when I glance over at her, from this angle and the way her dress is catching on her, she has an incredible amount of cleavage showing, and I hate my stupid dick for being so fucking fascinated by all things Katy that I lose every other train of thought.

“I should warn you about my cousins, but I won’t. You’ll just have to face them and live to tell about it.” She laughs at my expression. “Don’t look so panicked. They want this for me. I mean, minus you, but they’ll adjust. I already called Owen this morning and told him, so he knows.”

“And how did he take it?” Owen seems like someone in her life who could make or break this for me. I’ll admit, I’m curious about their relationship. What the full dynamic is.

“With a lot of concern and questions, but like I said, he’ll adjust. Same with your mom, right? You told me she wants you to have babies.”

“She does, but?—”

“But I think I’ll have an easier job of winning her over, so don’t worry. Moms love me. Zane’s mom called me crying for weeks after I left him, telling me how much she missed me. You’re the one who has to win over like ten thousand people, and half of them are overprotective males.”

“Awesome,” I deadpan. “Because it’s not as if I come off like a dick or anything because I’m quiet and not the most social.” That’s always been who I am. Quiet. Reserved. More so now than I ever was before, and I definitely blame my ex-wife and ex-best friend for that. But I was always more the type of guy who had a few close people instead of a large circle, and Katy is the complete opposite of that.

She smiles, resting her arm on the center console. “You’ve never been a dick. At least not that I’ve seen. I don’t know why that was a rumor about you, but I don’t think it’s true. You can be quiet and reserved as you said, which isn’t a bad thing in my opinion. Vander is very quiet and most definitely comes off as a dick because he sort of is one. Owen is very cautious with people and also a bit of a dick, but warm and sweet once you get to know him. Mason is like his dad—wild, funny, and totally off the walls. They’re the ones I’m closest with, but there are a lot of others you’ll meet. Oh, and then there’s Kenna and Keegan, and Owen’s little sister Wren and Tinsley Monroe as well as Sorel and Selena?—”

“Jesus, Katy,” I interrupt, running a hand through my hair.

“Second thoughts with me?”

My face flips in her direction. “Never,” I tell her. “Not for a second. I mean, it’s a lot and complicated as hell, but I want to have a baby and I think you’ll be great at it. We can figure it all out. And yes, my mother will love you. But she can be a lot sometimes.”

She snorts. “So can I. I’m not just a lot. I’m extra almost all the time. Just wait till I’m pregnant and hormonal, sending you out for melon balls at two a.m.”

“Melon balls?” I question, my brows raised in her direction before I turn back to the road.

“I don’t know. I went for the most obscure thing I could think of on the fly.”

“I emailed my attorney this morning for the name of a good family lawyer who could draw up?—”

“I have a name,” she interjects. “He’s the lawyer who Uncle Cal hired when he was trying to keep me. He’s one of the best in the city.”

I blink, clutching the back of my neck. “Do you think we can meet with him?”

“Absolutely. I think we should. I mean”—she pokes me again—“we could already be pregnant.”

I shake my head. “That’s such a wild thought.”

“But a cool one. And I think we should wait until I’m actually pregnant for me to move in.”

I sigh. I had a feeling she was going to say that. And while part of me should be relieved at that—if for no other reason than keeping my distance and helping me keep myself in better control with her—it’s not what I want. “But the trying?—”

“Could take months.”

We come to a stoplight, and I turn to look at her, holding nothing of myself back. “I don’t care. Katy, I want this. I wanted this before I knew sex was an option, so it’s not about that. If we end up having to do IUI or IVF, I’m good with all of it. I never thought I’d get here. I never thought I’d have this opportunity. I’m not looking to take over or control your life. I just want to be part of everything we’re doing, and right now, if we’re trying to do this naturally, then I think you living with me just makes the most sense.”

“So we can fuck whenever we want,” she clarifies, and I can’t help it, I smile like the devil she’s turning me into.

“Yes,” I tell her, not even trying to hide it. “So I can fuck you whenever we want. First thing in the morning or when we come home late from a shift and are tired and hungry. When we both want a shower or it’s a random Saturday afternoon and you happen to walk into the kitchen looking fucking hot and I have to have you that very second. I don’t want you racing to my doorstep at four in the morning because you realize you’re ovulating.” My hand cups her jaw. “And if I’m on borrowed time with fucking you, then Katy, I want to fuck you as much as I can until we have to stop.”

The light turns green, and I release her, driving down the street and heading for my mom’s place. Katy is silent, chewing on her lip and taking in the city beyond the glass.

“I’m a little worried about that.”

“Which part?”

“The fucking as much as we can until we have to stop.”

My insides plummet, but I force myself to do the right thing and ask, “Would you like to keep it to only around the times you’re ovulating?”
